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Figure 4
The grid formed by the two-dimensional network in the (101) plane. Isometric series of K+ ions in the [010] direction and heterometallic series of K+ and NiII ions in the [101] direction are connected by two kinds of multi-oxygen-bridging. Note that some atoms have been omitted for clarity. The eight satellite O atoms of a K+ ion are also shown, of which O1, O3, O4 and O5 are from the croconate ligands, while O7 and O8 are from water mol­ecules. [Symmetry codes: (a) 1 − x, 2 − y, 1 − z; (c) 1 + x, y, z; (d) [{1\over 2}] − x, [{1\over 2}] + y, [{3\over 2}] − z; (e) [{3\over 2}] − x, −[{1\over 2}] + y, [{3\over 2}] − z.]

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