Figure 3
C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding in (I), as viewed down [010]. The central chain interacts with four surrounding chains through C8—H8⋯O3 interactions at O3iii, O3iv, C8v and C8vi. The trace of the (04) plane is vertical and only one molecule from each surrounding chain is shown for clarity. H atoms not involved in hydrogen bonding have also been omitted. [Symmetry codes: (i) −x + 2, −y + 1, −z + 1; (ii) −x − 1, −y + 1, −z; (iii) x + , −y + , z + ; (iv) −x+ , y + , −z + ; (v) x − , −y + , z − ; (vi) −x − , y + , −z + .] |