Figure 2
(a) The π–π stacking and dipole–dipole interaction modes in (I) . The DICNQ fragment labelled (1) is at the symmetry position (x, y, z), that labelled (2) is at (1 − x, −y, 1 − z) and that labelled (3) is at ( − x, − y, 1 − z). The predominantly dipole–dipole interactions are indicated by dotted lines, while the π–π stacking is indicated by a double-headed arrow. (b) The intermolecular hydrogen-bonding scheme (dotted lines) in (I) . The DICNQ fragment labelled (1) is at the symmetry position (x, y, z), that labelled (2) is at (2 − x, −y, 1 − z) and that labelled (3) is at ( − x, − y, 1 − z). Zn and Cl atoms are denoted by small spheres. H atoms have been omitted for clarity. Primed atom N23′ is at symmetry position (2) and doubly primed atom N24′′ is at symmetry position (3). |