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Figure 2
(a) The unit-cell and mol­ecular packing of Ala–Ala (Fletterick et al., 1970BB4), with the inclusion of symbols for crystallographic symmetry operations. Voids at the fourfold axis, calculated in Mercury (Macrae et al., 2008BB13) using a 1.2 Å probe with 0.5 Å grid spacing, account for approximately 5.8% of the unit-cell volume. (b) Part of the same structure, viewed along the a axis. (c) The crystal packing of Abu–Ala (Görbitz, 2002BB5). The different sizes of the hydro­phobic columns generated by the Abu and Ala side chains have been highlighted. (d) The crystal packing of (I)[link]; the colour coding is as in Fig. 1[link]. Hydrogen bonds between Ser side chains (only component 1 is shown) are highlighted in the circle. In all parts, dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds.

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