Figure 3
Simulated XRPD patterns of KAlSiO4 composed of different ratios of substructures a and b: (a) 100% a; (b) 90% a and 10% b; (c) 75% a and 25% b; (d) 50% a and 50% b. The arrows indicate the gradual decrease of the intensity of h0l and hhl reflections with l = 2n + 1, which completely disappear in the fully disordered model. XRPD patterns of substructure mixtures with 100% b, 90% b and 10% a, and 75% b and 25% a have been omitted because they correspond to (a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively. Note that intensities for 2θ > 38° have been multiplied by 5 to emphasize the details. |