Figure 3
MAS NMR spectra of the DI–PM cocrystal, showing (a) a 1H (600 MHz) MAS (60 kHz) one-pulse spectrum (16 transients were co-added for a recycle delay of 15 s), (b) a 2D 1H (700 MHz) DQ MAS (60 kHz) spectrum (the dashed diagonal line indicates the F1 = 2F2 DQ–SQ diagonal) recorded using one rotor period of BABA recoupling (32 transients were co-added for each of 200 t1 FIDs using a recycle delay of 6 s, corresponding to a total experiment time of 12 h) and (c) a 1H (500 MHz)–13C HETCOR MAS (12.5 kHz) spectrum recorded using FSLG 1H homonuclear decoupling in t1 and a short CP transfer duration of 100 µs (104 transients were co-added for each of 128 t1 FIDs using a recycle delay of 6 s, corresponding to a total experimental time of 22 h). The vertical lines in part (a) correspond to calculated (GIPAW) 1H chemical shifts. For the 1H–13C NMR spectrum in part (c), two separate spectral regions are presented corresponding to methyl and aromatic C—H groups; note that this spectrum has been rotated through 90° from its usual representation [the 13C dimension corresponds to direct (t2) acquisition]. The base contour level is at (b) 7% and (c) 20% of the maximum peak height. |