research papers
Variants of the X-phase in the Mn–Co–Ge system
aDepartment of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory, Uppsala University, Box 538, 75121 Uppsala, Sweden
*Correspondence e-mail: vitalii.shtender@kemi.uu.se
We report two new variants of the X-phase (orthorhombic, Pnnm) derived from the Mn–Co–Ge system. Two compositionally related crystals were investigated by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6 and Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8 intermetallic compounds are part of the region of the X-phase and adopt the Mn14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 structure type. The composition obtained from of the XRD data is in agreement with the EDS results. In the present study, chemical disorder was only detected on the 8h positions. The ordering is compared with other members of the X-phase family and shows that the degree of disordering depends on the chemical composition. No completely ordered variants of the X-phase have yet been reported.
Keywords: intermetallic compound; crystal structure; X-phase; Mn-Co-Ge system; manganese; cobalt; germanide.
1. Introduction
Topologically close packed (TCP) phases or Frank–Kasper phases as they are also known encompass a large number of intermetallic compounds (Dshemuchadse & Steurer, 2015; Ovchinnikov et al., 2020
). As a result, TCP phases often appear in various widely used alloys such as steels. In single-crystal superalloys they are reported to reduce microstructural stability, promote creep porosities and induce cracking and crack propagation (Tan et al., 2020
). In high-entropy alloys, they often appear in the form of the σ-phase and have been reported to improve strength while providing good ductility (Jo et al., 2018
). Due to this, control of the formation of these phases is desired as they have a large impact on the mechanical properties of materials.
Conventional close packing of atoms of the same size create tetrahedral and octahedral interstitial holes. When atoms of slightly different sizes pack together, TCPs can arise as they achieve a better packing by forming small non-uniform tetrahedral interstices. The non-uniform nature of the tetrahedral interstices allow for coordination numbers of 12, 14, 15 and 16 (Frank & Kasper, 1958; Wang & Mar, 2001
; Ovchinnikov et al., 2020
). The Valence Electron Concentration (VEC) also plays a role in determining the structure and stability of the TCP phase, so much so that maps based on the VEC and divergence from the average atomic size can be used to predict the various phases seen (Seiser et al., 2011
; Hammerschmidt et al., 2013
). Theoretical calculations also indicate that magnetism has a minor effect on the structural stability of certain phases (Hammerschmidt et al., 2013
The X-phase is a rare structure type that has only been reported for two systems. The Mn–Co–Si system, from which the base structure is derived, was discovered in the 1970s by two independent groups (Yarmolyuk et al., 1970; Manor et al., 1972
). This structure has been reported as Mn15.84Co15.87Si5.29 and Mn44.4Co40.0Si15.1, respectively. In general, these phases are assigned to the Mn14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 structure type (Villars & Cenzual, 2016
), where seven independent positions relate to Mn and the other nine positions are mixed Co/Mn or Si/Co/Mn. Investigation of the phase diagram of the ternary Mn–Co–Si system at 800 °C revealed the formation of Mn16.5Co14.8Si5.7 (Kuz'ma & Gladyshevskii, 1964
), while at 1000 °C, the authors reported Mn16.5Co14.8Si5.7, as well as Mn3Co3Si (Y-phase) (Bardos et al., 1966
). A rough approximation for the stoichiometry of the X-phase can be given close to 3–3–1, as also used for the Y-phase (Gupta, 2006
). There has been some discussion as to whether the structure is instead the Y-phase (Manor et al., 1972
; Gupta, 2006
); the similarity of the diffraction patterns indicates that they might be the same phase with a large region. The second system reported in 2001 is composed of Nb–Ni–Sb (Wang & Mar, 2001
) and was reported as the Nb28Ni33.5Sb12.5 [Nb14Ni16.75Sb6.25 or Nb14(Ni0.728Sb0.272)23] ternary compound, which crystalized in the X-phase structure type.
In this article, the syntheses and crystal structures of two new Mn–Co–Ge compounds, representatives of the X-phase, will be discussed.
2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis
This study was initiated based on separate results obtained during the investigation of Mn2Co3Ge, a compound which was selected as a permanent magnet candidate (Vishina et al., 2021). Initial trials revealed the magnetic Heusler phase MnCo2Ge (Buschow et al., 1983
) as being the main competing phase in that region of the phase diagram. The synthesis of the Mn2Co3Ge compound was achieved by arc melting and negligible loses of Mn (1–3 wt%) were detected in most cases. In the event of larger losses, more Mn was added to compensate for the losses and to avoid the formation of MnCo2Ge. It was found that an additional 3 wt% of Mn decreased the amount of MnCo2Ge impurities. Based on this, Mn2Co3Ge alloys with 5, 7 and 10 wt% of excess Mn were prepared. However, while it did reduce the amount of MnCo2Ge, in most cases, it did not result in higher purity of the sought-after phase. The samples of 7 and 10 wt% excess Mn did instead reveal the existence of a new phase, the of which is presented herein.
Samples of Mn2Co3Ge+7%Mn and Mn2Co3Ge+10%Mn were synthesized by arc melting Co (99.9+%, Alfa Aesar), Mn (99.7%, Höganäs) and Ge (99.999%, Kurt J. Lesker) under an argon atmosphere. A titanium getter was used to reduce oxygen contamination and the samples were flipped and remelted three times to promote Samples were placed in Al2O3 crucibles and then sealed in evacuated quartz tubes for annealing. Heat treatment was carried out for 7 d at 800 °C, after which samples were quenched with water.
2.2. Characterization
Crystals were picked up from the Mn–Co–Ge alloys by fragmentation and analyzed. A Bruker D8 single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) upgraded with an Incoatec Microfocus Source (IµS, beam size ∼100 µm at the sample position) and an APEXII CCD area detector (6 × 6 cm) was used to collect single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) intensities at room temperature. The final cycle of was carried out anisotropically for all species converging with low residuals and a flat difference Fourier map. The atomic positions were standardized with the use of the program STRUCTURE TIDY implemented in PLATON (Spek, 2020).
Additional methods, such as 2 and H2O was used. Furthermore, the sample purity was checked by means of powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) on a Bruker D8 X-ray diffractometer with a Lynx-eye position-sensitive detector and Cu Kα radiation on a zero-background single-crystal Si sample holder. Phase analysis of the X-ray data using the was carried out with FULLPROF software (Rodriguez-Carvajal, 2001).
The crystal structures of the new X-phase representatives were solved by single-crystal X-ray diffraction data analysis using the procedures described above. PXRD phase analysis showed that Mn2Co3Ge+7%Mn was a multiphase alloy, while Mn2Co3Ge+10%Mn consisted of a single phase. The elemental composition obtained from of the data was found to be Mn40.2Co41.9Ge17.9 and Mn37.8Co43.9Ge18.3 for the two crystals, respectively, agreeing with EDS results [Mn40.4 (5)Co42.0 (7)Ge17.6 (3) and Mn37.7 (9)Co45.1 (9)Ge17.2 (5)]. Tables 1 and 2
present crystallographic data and experimental details for Mn14.89 (5)Co15.48 (4)Ge6.62 (2) and Mn14Co16.16 (3)Ge6.84 (3). Anisotropic displacement parameters, interatomic distances and angles are provided as supporting information. For simplicity, the limits of composition in the text will be referred to as Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6 and Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8.
3. Results and discussion
Detailed 14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 structure type are presented elsewhere (Yarmolyuk et al., 1970; Manor et al., 1972
; Wang & Mar, 2001
). In this work, two crystals of similar composition were studied with the aim of comparing the ordering/disordering of the atoms in the structure. Two ternary intermetallic compounds with orthorhombic structures (space group Pnnm) and very negligible changes in the unit-cell parameters indicated a small region of the X-phase which was further supported by EDS analysis. The Ge content is mostly stable, while the majority of changes occur along the Mn/Co line. For both compositions, it was established that Mn occupies seven independent 4g positions. Three Co and two Ge atoms also occupy independent 4g positions, with the final Ge atom occupying the position at 2a. This holds true for the Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6 and Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8 compositions.
Differences are present only at the 8h positions which are of higher multiplicity. The studied compounds have a large degree of Co/Ge intermixing on the 8h position of M2 (see Table 2). This is likely due to the nearest neighbours of M2 (Co/Ge) consisting exclusively of Mn and Co and not Ge [in Fig. 1
, the outlined icosahedra (CN = 12) for M2 are Mn7Co3M22]. No clear Ge—Ge bonds that could relate to the sum of atomic radii (rGe = 1.22 Å; Pearson, 1972
) could be discerned in this structure. It can only be realized in the case of M2, for which two other M2 are as close as 2.3826 (4) and 2.4548 (4) Å. One of these distances could be regarded as the Ge—Ge, Co—Ge or Co—Co interatomic distance since atomic radii of Co and Ge are similar (rCo = 1.25 and rGe = 1.22 Å; Pearson, 1972
). It should be noted that for other compounds of the Mn–Co–Ge and Co–Ge systems, it is common to have shorter Ge—Ge, Co—Ge or Co—Co interatomic distances than the sum of the atomic radii (Villars & Cenzual, 2016
![]() | Figure 1 Schematic presentation of the disordering in the 8h positions with respect to the chemical compositions for (a) disordered Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6, (b) partially disordered Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8 and (c) hypothetically ordered `Mn14Co18Ge5'. All projections of the orthorhombic unit cells are presented on the ba plane. Atoms names are as used in Table 2 ![]() |
The last two 8h positions (M1 and M3) are a statistical mixture of Mn and Co for Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6, while for Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8, they are occupied solely by Co. As the latter is Mn-lean this makes sense. The Mn/Co occupational ratio at the M1 site was refined and the remained stable, while the ratio at M3 had to be constrained due to instability of the This procedure was deemed applicable as the Fourier map and R factors improved and the calculated composition corresponded well to results attained from EDS measurements. The unstable Mn/Co occupational ratio at M3 cannot be explained by the smaller volume of the surrounding icosahedron and thus the larger electron density. The volume of the M3-related icosahedron is 45.6 Å3, while for M1 it is only 43.8 Å3. An alternative explanation can be sought by examining the ligands for each central Mx atom. As was mentioned, the M2 site only has Mn and Co atoms surrounding it, while M1 has two atoms of Ge present and M3 has three Ge atoms (M1@Mn6Co2M12Ge2 and M3@Mn6Co1M32Ge3). Polyhedra for M3 are always in pairs (while others alternate), sharing one of the Ge atoms between them. Considering that Ge is the most electronegative atom in the present case [χGe= 2.01, χCo= 1.88 and χMn= 1.55, according to the Pauling scale (Pauling, 1932)] and that the M3—Ge distances [2.3543 (3), 2.3942 (3) and 2.3948 (2) Å] are the shortest in the structure [for comparison, the M2—M2 distance is 2.3826 (4) Å], this might be a reason why the position of M3 becomes unstable with the introduction of Mn (rMn = 1.27 Å; Pearson, 1972
). The Co—Ge distances around M3 are in the range 2.3911 (4)–2.4564 (4) Å, which is similar to what is seen for M2, but the shortest Mn—Ge distance of 2.7233 (5) Å in the same area exhibits a sizeable difference [Mn—M2 = 2.6607 (4) Å]. Also, Ge lacks at least one electron in the p-orbital to be half-filled (4p2), while Co has its excess at d (3d74s2, d-orbital more than half-filled) and Mn is stable in the d-orbital (3d54s2, d-orbital half-filled). By introducing Mn with a larger atomic radius than Co we decrease the distance of the central atom to Ge and remove the unpaired electrons of Co from the area near Ge. For this reason, the statistical mixture of Mn/Co in M3, unlike M1, cannot be stable during To summarize, though many different trials of the refinements were carried out, the presented results were found to be the best statistically that also agreed with EDS results. Nevertheless, the presented arguments are our way of explaining the outlined problem at the M3 site. It is difficult to conclude whether it is instability or chemical/structural instability from the available data. Our results do not allow completely separate Mn and Co since this is not discernible with XRD (difference of only two electrons) and to differentiate between them neutrons are needed.
The studied compounds (Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6 and Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8) are compositionally related to each other and the other members [Mn15.84Co15.87Si5.29 (Yarmolyuk et al., 1970), Mn16.46Co14.80Si5.75 (Manor et al., 1972
) and Nb14Ni16.78Sb6.22 (Wang & Mar, 2001
)] of the X-phase with the Mn14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 structure type. In all cases, the Mn atoms occupied seven independent positions (in the case of Nb14Ni16.78Sb6.22, the Nb atoms occupy the same positions instead). For the first Si-based compound, the other positions were occupied by mixed Mn/Co/Si atoms and the z parameters at the 8h positions were fixed (Yarmolyuk et al., 1970
). The second Si-based compound had a slightly higher degree of ordering, where four positions were shared between Mn/Co/Si and five other positions were only shared between Mn/Co (z at the 8h positions were refined) (Manor et al., 1972
). That intermixing is seen for all elements on so many positions is likely related to the lack of the high-quality data, as the studies were carried out in the 1970s. Contrary to those studies, the most recent publication on Nb14Ni16.78Sb6.22 (Wang & Mar, 2001
) presents a very detailed procedure supported by extended Hückel band structure calculations. In terms of numbers of elements and structural features, Nb14Ni16.78Sb6.22 relates closely to the presented Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8 compound. The intermixing of Ni/Sb on one 8h position is similar to the intermixing of Co/Ge presented here. Minor differences are seen on the 4g positions where Ni/Sb was found to intermix as well, while only Ge was seen to be present here. This could relate to the difference in the regions or the nature of the elements. The same might be applicable for the Si-based compounds, but a detailed analysis of these old compounds would be needed to confirm this. The currently known X-phases are all of the same structure type, with the minor differences of the ordering/disordering at some crystallographic positions being a key differentiator.
Supporting information
contains datablocks Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8, Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6, global. DOI:Structure factors: contains datablock Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229621002370/ef3015Mn14Co16.2Ge6.8sup2.hkl
Structure factors: contains datablock Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229621002370/ef3015Mn14.9Co15.5Ge6.6sup3.hkl
Supporting information file. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229621002370/ef3015sup4.pdf
For both structures, data collection: APEX3 (Bruker, 2015); cell
SAINT (Bruker, 2015); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2015); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXT2014 (Sheldrick, 2015a); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXL2018 (Sheldrick, 2015b); molecular graphics: DIAMOND (Brandenburg and Putz, 2006); software used to prepare material for publication: FULLPROF (Rodriguez-Carvajal, 2001).Mn28Co32.32Ge13.68 | Dx = 7.697 Mg m−3 |
Mr = 4436.02 | Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å |
Orthorhombic, Pnnm | Cell parameters from 38733 reflections |
a = 12.6208 (12) Å | θ = 2.1–46.9° |
b = 15.6878 (15) Å | µ = 32.93 mm−1 |
c = 4.8338 (5) Å | T = 296 K |
V = 957.06 (16) Å3 | Irregular fragment, metallic |
Z = 1 | 0.03 × 0.02 × 0.01 mm |
F(000) = 2010 |
Bruker APEXII CCD diffractometer | 4313 reflections with I > 2σ(I) |
φ and ω scans | Rint = 0.041 |
Absorption correction: empirical (using intensity measurements) (SADABS; Bruker, 2015) | θmax = 46.9°, θmin = 2.1° |
h = −24→25 | |
38733 measured reflections | k = −25→32 |
4648 independent reflections | l = −9→9 |
Refinement on F2 | 0 restraints |
Least-squares matrix: full | w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0301P)2 + 3.3753P] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3 |
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.032 | (Δ/σ)max = 0.001 |
wR(F2) = 0.080 | Δρmax = 2.26 e Å−3 |
S = 1.22 | Δρmin = −1.67 e Å−3 |
4648 reflections | Extinction correction: SHELXL2018 (Sheldrick, 2015b), Fc*=kFc[1+0.001xFc2λ3/sin(2θ)]-1/4 |
106 parameters | Extinction coefficient: 0.00025 (8) |
Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. |
Refinement. Crystals were picked up from the Mn–Co–Ge alloys by fragmentation and analyzed. A Bruker D8 single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) upgraded with an Incoatec Microfocus Source (IµS, beam size ~ 100µm at the sample position) and an APEXII CCD area detector (6 × 6 cm) was used to collect single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) intensities at room temperature. SCXRD data reduction and numerical absorption corrections were performed using the APEX3 software from Bruker (2014). A preliminary ordered model (Mn14Co18Ge5) of the crystal structure was first obtained with the program SHELXT2014 (Sheldrick, 2015a) and refined using the program SHELXL2014 (Sheldrick, 2015b) within the APEX3 software package. The final cycle of refinement was carried out anisotropically for all species converging with low residuals and a flat difference Fourier map. The atomic positions were standardized with the use of the program STRUCTURE TIDY implemented in PLATON (Spek, 2020). Further data, in the form of a CIF file, have been sent to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) (Groom et al., 2016). CIF files are available as supplementary material for the publication. Molecular graphics made in DIAMOND (Brandenburg & Putz, 2005). |
x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | Occ. (<1) | |
Mn1 | 0.02630 (3) | 0.57128 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00617 (6) | |
Mn2 | 0.08564 (3) | 0.73405 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00553 (5) | |
Mn3 | 0.10193 (3) | 0.16150 (3) | 0.000000 | 0.00594 (6) | |
Mn4 | 0.22075 (3) | 0.44428 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00622 (6) | |
Mn5 | 0.28525 (3) | 0.26426 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00566 (6) | |
Mn6 | 0.40142 (3) | 0.54991 (3) | 0.000000 | 0.00543 (6) | |
Mn7 | 0.59952 (3) | 0.02717 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00573 (6) | |
Co1 | 0.10096 (2) | 0.32409 (2) | 0.23463 (5) | 0.00405 (4) | |
Co2 | 0.28931 (2) | 0.10233 (2) | 0.25377 (4) | 0.00490 (5) | 0.540 (7) |
Ge22 | 0.28931 (2) | 0.10233 (2) | 0.25377 (4) | 0.00490 (5) | 0.460 (7) |
Co3 | 0.41258 (2) | 0.39066 (2) | 0.24029 (4) | 0.00417 (4) | |
Co4 | 0.19001 (3) | 0.00128 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00458 (5) | |
Co5 | 0.44448 (3) | 0.13683 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00501 (5) | |
Co6 | 0.69799 (3) | 0.29094 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00482 (5) | |
Ge1 | 0.50782 (2) | 0.28499 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00489 (4) | |
Ge2 | 0.75801 (2) | 0.14630 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00472 (5) | |
Ge3 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00474 (6) |
U11 | U22 | U33 | U12 | U13 | U23 | |
Mn1 | 0.00800 (13) | 0.00413 (12) | 0.00638 (12) | −0.00091 (10) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn2 | 0.00647 (12) | 0.00426 (12) | 0.00587 (12) | −0.00057 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn3 | 0.00725 (13) | 0.00470 (12) | 0.00587 (12) | 0.00014 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn4 | 0.00942 (13) | 0.00443 (12) | 0.00482 (12) | −0.00100 (10) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn5 | 0.00678 (12) | 0.00489 (12) | 0.00532 (12) | −0.00009 (10) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn6 | 0.00678 (12) | 0.00466 (12) | 0.00486 (12) | 0.00001 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn7 | 0.00578 (12) | 0.00354 (12) | 0.00787 (13) | −0.00016 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co1 | 0.00550 (8) | 0.00446 (8) | 0.00218 (7) | −0.00012 (6) | 0.00007 (6) | 0.00049 (5) |
Co2 | 0.00668 (8) | 0.00436 (8) | 0.00367 (8) | −0.00072 (5) | 0.00102 (5) | −0.00110 (5) |
Ge22 | 0.00668 (8) | 0.00436 (8) | 0.00367 (8) | −0.00072 (5) | 0.00102 (5) | −0.00110 (5) |
Co3 | 0.00642 (8) | 0.00375 (8) | 0.00233 (7) | 0.00010 (6) | 0.00082 (6) | −0.00088 (5) |
Co4 | 0.00513 (11) | 0.00262 (10) | 0.00599 (11) | −0.00082 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co5 | 0.00484 (11) | 0.00480 (11) | 0.00539 (11) | −0.00129 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co6 | 0.00573 (11) | 0.00276 (10) | 0.00596 (11) | −0.00068 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge1 | 0.00619 (9) | 0.00331 (9) | 0.00516 (9) | 0.00175 (7) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge2 | 0.00476 (9) | 0.00358 (9) | 0.00582 (9) | 0.00096 (7) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge3 | 0.00497 (12) | 0.00412 (12) | 0.00515 (12) | 0.00154 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn1—Mn1i | 2.3329 (8) | Mn5—Co6vii | 2.7936 (3) |
Mn1—Co1ii | 2.5613 (5) | Mn5—Co3ix | 2.8042 (5) |
Mn1—Co1i | 2.5613 (5) | Mn5—Co3 | 2.8042 (5) |
Mn1—Co5iii | 2.6523 (3) | Mn5—Ge2vii | 2.8157 (3) |
Mn1—Co5iv | 2.6523 (3) | Mn5—Ge2vi | 2.8157 (3) |
Mn1—Co2v | 2.6589 (5) | Mn5—Co2 | 2.8214 (5) |
Mn1—Co2iv | 2.6589 (5) | Mn5—Co2ix | 2.8215 (5) |
Mn1—Mn2 | 2.6611 (6) | Mn6—Co3ix | 2.7587 (5) |
Mn1—Mn7iv | 2.9736 (4) | Mn6—Co3 | 2.7587 (5) |
Mn1—Mn7iii | 2.9736 (4) | Mn6—Co3xi | 2.7800 (5) |
Mn1—Mn7vi | 3.0135 (4) | Mn6—Co3viii | 2.7800 (5) |
Mn1—Mn7vii | 3.0135 (4) | Mn6—Co4iv | 2.7848 (3) |
Mn2—Ge2viii | 2.7233 (5) | Mn6—Co4iii | 2.7848 (3) |
Mn2—Co6viii | 2.7587 (6) | Mn6—Co6viii | 2.7942 (6) |
Mn2—Co3v | 2.7591 (5) | Mn6—Co2iv | 2.8084 (5) |
Mn2—Co3iv | 2.7591 (5) | Mn6—Co2v | 2.8084 (5) |
Mn2—Co1i | 2.7684 (5) | Mn6—Ge3xii | 2.8288 (3) |
Mn2—Co1ii | 2.7684 (5) | Mn6—Ge3xiii | 2.8288 (3) |
Mn2—Ge1iv | 2.8055 (3) | Mn7—Co5 | 2.6054 (5) |
Mn2—Ge1iii | 2.8055 (3) | Mn7—Co5xiv | 2.6320 (6) |
Mn2—Co2iv | 2.8597 (5) | Mn7—Mn7xiv | 2.6529 (8) |
Mn2—Co2v | 2.8597 (5) | Mn7—Co1xii | 2.6628 (5) |
Mn2—Mn3i | 2.8791 (6) | Mn7—Co1xv | 2.6628 (5) |
Mn3—Co4 | 2.7484 (6) | Mn7—Co4xiv | 2.6935 (6) |
Mn3—Co1ix | 2.7916 (5) | Mn7—Ge2 | 2.7374 (5) |
Mn3—Co1 | 2.7916 (5) | Mn7—Co2xiv | 2.7570 (4) |
Mn3—Co6vii | 2.8050 (3) | Mn7—Co2xvi | 2.7570 (4) |
Mn3—Co6vi | 2.8050 (3) | Co1—Co1ix | 2.2683 (5) |
Mn3—Mn5 | 2.8200 (6) | Co1—Ge2vii | 2.4063 (4) |
Mn3—Co3x | 2.8207 (5) | Co1—Co5vii | 2.4334 (4) |
Mn3—Co3vii | 2.8207 (5) | Co1—Ge1vii | 2.4404 (4) |
Mn3—Ge1vi | 2.8209 (3) | Co1—Co6vii | 2.5301 (4) |
Mn3—Ge1vii | 2.8209 (3) | Co1—Co1xvii | 2.5655 (5) |
Mn3—Co2ix | 2.8211 (5) | Co2—Co6vii | 2.3555 (4) |
Mn3—Co2 | 2.8211 (5) | Co2—Co4 | 2.3640 (4) |
Mn4—Co1 | 2.6697 (5) | Co2—Co5 | 2.3733 (4) |
Mn4—Co1ix | 2.6697 (5) | Co2—Co2xvii | 2.3805 (5) |
Mn4—Co2v | 2.7533 (5) | Co2—Co2ix | 2.4533 (5) |
Mn4—Co2iv | 2.7533 (5) | Co3—Co3ix | 2.3230 (5) |
Mn4—Co4iii | 2.8124 (3) | Co3—Ge1 | 2.3541 (4) |
Mn4—Co4iv | 2.8124 (3) | Co3—Ge2vii | 2.3913 (4) |
Mn4—Co3ix | 2.8139 (5) | Co3—Ge3xii | 2.3949 (3) |
Mn4—Co3 | 2.8140 (5) | Co3—Co4iii | 2.5028 (4) |
Mn4—Mn6 | 2.8188 (6) | Co3—Co3xvii | 2.5108 (5) |
Mn4—Ge2vi | 2.8429 (3) | Co4—Ge3 | 2.3982 (4) |
Mn4—Ge2vii | 2.8429 (3) | Co4—Ge2xiv | 2.4063 (5) |
Mn4—Mn7vi | 2.8953 (4) | Co5—Ge1 | 2.4579 (5) |
Mn5—Co1 | 2.7527 (5) | Co6—Ge2 | 2.3922 (5) |
Mn5—Co1ix | 2.7528 (5) | Co6—Ge1 | 2.4020 (5) |
Mn5—Co6vi | 2.7936 (3) | ||
Mn1i—Mn1—Co1ii | 115.84 (2) | Co1xvii—Co1—Mn3 | 113.971 (6) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co1i | 115.84 (2) | Mn7vii—Co1—Mn3 | 175.170 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co1i | 52.568 (14) | Mn4—Co1—Mn3 | 118.049 (13) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co5iii | 114.282 (11) | Mn5—Co1—Mn3 | 61.140 (12) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co5iii | 55.612 (11) | Mn2i—Co1—Mn3 | 62.370 (12) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co5iii | 104.019 (17) | Co6vii—Co2—Co4 | 118.654 (16) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co5iv | 114.282 (11) | Co6vii—Co2—Co5 | 120.187 (15) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co5iv | 104.019 (17) | Co4—Co2—Co5 | 108.793 (13) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co5iv | 55.612 (11) | Co6vii—Co2—Co2xvii | 59.648 (7) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co5iv | 131.36 (2) | Co4—Co2—Co2xvii | 121.257 (7) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co2v | 115.13 (2) | Co5—Co2—Co2xvii | 121.122 (7) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co2v | 103.485 (13) | Co6vii—Co2—Co2ix | 120.352 (7) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co2v | 129.023 (18) | Co4—Co2—Co2ix | 58.742 (7) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co2v | 53.085 (10) | Co5—Co2—Co2ix | 58.880 (7) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Co2v | 102.427 (16) | Co2xvii—Co2—Co2ix | 180.0 |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co2iv | 115.13 (2) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn1xix | 109.407 (13) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co2iv | 129.023 (18) | Co4—Co2—Mn1xix | 124.986 (15) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co2iv | 103.485 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn1xix | 63.317 (11) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co2iv | 102.427 (16) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn1xix | 63.407 (6) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Co2iv | 53.085 (10) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn1xix | 116.594 (7) |
Co2v—Mn1—Co2iv | 53.185 (13) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn4xix | 113.523 (13) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn2 | 179.81 (3) | Co4—Co2—Mn4xix | 66.167 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn2 | 63.992 (14) | Co5—Co2—Mn4xix | 117.828 (15) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn2 | 63.992 (14) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn4xix | 64.386 (6) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.723 (11) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn4xix | 115.613 (6) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.723 (11) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn4xix | 71.448 (13) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.031 (13) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn7xiv | 176.066 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.031 (13) | Co4—Co2—Mn7xiv | 62.915 (13) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7iv | 67.972 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn7xiv | 61.194 (13) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7iv | 100.030 (16) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn7xiv | 116.419 (6) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7iv | 56.928 (12) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn7xiv | 63.582 (6) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7iv | 154.839 (19) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn7xiv | 67.589 (11) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7iv | 54.816 (11) | Mn4xix—Co2—Mn7xiv | 63.395 (11) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7iv | 150.915 (13) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn6xix | 64.825 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7iv | 98.408 (11) | Co4—Co2—Mn6xix | 64.480 (11) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7iv | 111.936 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn6xix | 173.246 (12) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7iii | 67.972 (13) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn6xix | 64.924 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7iii | 56.928 (11) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn6xix | 115.074 (6) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7iii | 100.030 (16) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn6xix | 120.451 (12) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7iii | 54.816 (11) | Mn4xix—Co2—Mn6xix | 60.894 (13) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 154.839 (19) | Mn7xiv—Co2—Mn6xix | 114.139 (14) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7iii | 98.408 (10) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn3 | 64.894 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 150.915 (13) | Co4—Co2—Mn3 | 63.297 (13) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7iii | 111.936 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn3 | 113.076 (13) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 108.741 (19) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn3 | 115.773 (6) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7vi | 66.167 (13) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn3 | 64.226 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 151.155 (14) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn3 | 171.344 (15) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7vi | 99.533 (11) | Mn4xix—Co2—Mn3 | 116.462 (14) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 152.489 (19) | Mn7xiv—Co2—Mn3 | 118.397 (12) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 54.916 (12) | Mn6xix—Co2—Mn3 | 64.032 (12) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7vi | 100.633 (16) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn5 | 64.585 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 57.756 (11) | Co4—Co2—Mn5 | 111.630 (13) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7vi | 113.924 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn5 | 65.478 (12) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 52.600 (14) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn5 | 115.771 (6) |
Mn7iii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 134.139 (15) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn5 | 64.230 (6) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7vii | 66.167 (13) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn5 | 112.053 (14) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 99.533 (11) | Mn4xix—Co2—Mn5 | 176.316 (15) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7vii | 151.155 (14) | Mn7xiv—Co2—Mn5 | 118.640 (12) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 54.916 (12) | Mn6xix—Co2—Mn5 | 115.617 (14) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 152.489 (19) | Mn3—Co2—Mn5 | 59.970 (12) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7vii | 57.756 (10) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn2xix | 63.005 (14) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 100.633 (16) | Co4—Co2—Mn2xix | 173.286 (11) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7vii | 113.924 (13) | Co5—Co2—Mn2xix | 66.106 (11) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 134.139 (15) | Co2xvii—Co2—Mn2xix | 65.404 (6) |
Mn7iii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 52.600 (14) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn2xix | 114.597 (6) |
Mn7vi—Mn1—Mn7vii | 106.649 (18) | Mn1xix—Co2—Mn2xix | 57.522 (13) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge2viii | 149.91 (2) | Mn4xix—Co2—Mn2xix | 119.753 (12) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co6viii | 98.174 (17) | Mn7xiv—Co2—Mn2xix | 115.902 (15) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co6viii | 51.739 (13) | Mn6xix—Co2—Mn2xix | 120.547 (11) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co3v | 148.954 (11) | Mn3—Co2—Mn2xix | 113.947 (14) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co3v | 51.714 (10) | Mn5—Co2—Mn2xix | 62.636 (11) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co3v | 96.807 (14) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge1 | 60.437 (7) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co3iv | 148.954 (11) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge2vii | 121.667 (7) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co3iv | 51.714 (10) | Ge1—Co3—Ge2vii | 120.316 (14) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co3iv | 96.807 (14) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge3xii | 121.615 (6) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co3iv | 54.130 (13) | Ge1—Co3—Ge3xii | 121.858 (14) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co1i | 56.251 (12) | Ge2vii—Co3—Ge3xii | 105.921 (11) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co1i | 147.504 (13) | Co3ix—Co3—Co4iii | 120.106 (7) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co1i | 142.672 (14) | Ge1—Co3—Co4iii | 179.127 (14) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co1i | 119.124 (16) | Ge2vii—Co3—Co4iii | 58.850 (12) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co1i | 96.540 (12) | Ge3xii—Co3—Co4iii | 58.587 (10) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co1ii | 56.251 (12) | Co3ix—Co3—Co3xvii | 180.0 |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co1ii | 147.504 (13) | Ge1—Co3—Co3xvii | 119.564 (7) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co1ii | 142.672 (14) | Ge2vii—Co3—Co3xvii | 58.331 (7) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co1ii | 96.540 (12) | Ge3xii—Co3—Co3xvii | 58.385 (6) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co1ii | 119.124 (16) | Co4iii—Co3—Co3xvii | 59.893 (7) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co1ii | 48.370 (13) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn6 | 65.100 (7) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge1iv | 98.916 (12) | Ge1—Co3—Mn6 | 117.135 (12) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 96.218 (11) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn6 | 113.515 (14) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 117.169 (10) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn6 | 66.147 (10) |
Co3v—Mn2—Ge1iv | 98.151 (14) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn6 | 63.697 (11) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Ge1iv | 50.046 (9) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn6 | 114.899 (7) |
Co1i—Mn2—Ge1iv | 51.924 (9) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn2xix | 117.066 (7) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 95.115 (15) | Ge1—Co3—Mn2xix | 66.001 (11) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge1iii | 98.916 (12) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn2xix | 63.373 (12) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 96.218 (11) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn2xix | 113.298 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 117.169 (10) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn2xix | 113.163 (13) |
Co3v—Mn2—Ge1iii | 50.046 (9) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn2xix | 62.935 (7) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Ge1iii | 98.151 (14) | Mn6—Co3—Mn2xix | 176.744 (13) |
Co1i—Mn2—Ge1iii | 95.115 (15) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn6viii | 65.305 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 51.924 (9) | Ge1—Co3—Mn6viii | 66.354 (13) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Ge1iii | 118.966 (19) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn6viii | 171.704 (12) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co2iv | 57.446 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn6viii | 65.785 (10) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co2iv | 95.632 (15) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn6viii | 114.451 (15) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co2iv | 49.533 (10) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn6viii | 114.696 (7) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co2iv | 145.929 (17) | Mn6—Co3—Mn6viii | 64.120 (15) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co2iv | 116.717 (12) | Mn2xix—Co3—Mn6viii | 118.807 (14) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co2iv | 93.490 (13) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn5 | 65.531 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Co2iv | 113.697 (16) | Ge1—Co3—Mn5 | 65.811 (13) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Co2iv | 94.547 (10) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn5 | 65.067 (10) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Co2iv | 142.787 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn5 | 170.964 (12) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co2v | 57.446 (13) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn5 | 113.676 (16) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co2v | 95.632 (16) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn5 | 114.469 (6) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co2v | 49.533 (10) | Mn6—Co3—Mn5 | 115.895 (13) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co2v | 116.717 (12) | Mn2xix—Co3—Mn5 | 64.117 (11) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co2v | 145.929 (17) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn5 | 123.228 (12) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co2v | 113.697 (16) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn4 | 65.621 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Co2v | 93.490 (13) | Ge1—Co3—Mn4 | 116.495 (12) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Co2v | 142.787 (13) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn4 | 65.622 (11) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Co2v | 94.547 (10) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn4 | 113.493 (12) |
Co2iv—Mn2—Co2v | 49.192 (12) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn4 | 63.555 (11) |
Mn1—Mn2—Mn3i | 108.343 (19) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn4 | 114.378 (6) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Mn3i | 101.744 (18) | Mn6—Co3—Mn4 | 60.763 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Mn3i | 153.483 (19) | Mn2xix—Co3—Mn4 | 117.449 (14) |
Co3v—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.994 (12) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn4 | 116.988 (13) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.994 (12) | Mn5—Co3—Mn4 | 63.085 (14) |
Co1i—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.207 (13) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn3xii | 116.428 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.207 (13) | Ge1—Co3—Mn3xii | 65.340 (11) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.485 (9) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn3xii | 112.779 (12) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.485 (9) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn3xii | 65.429 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 149.889 (11) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn3xii | 114.595 (12) |
Co2v—Mn2—Mn3i | 149.889 (11) | Co3xvii—Co3—Mn3xii | 63.573 (6) |
Co4—Mn3—Co1ix | 146.871 (13) | Mn6—Co3—Mn3xii | 119.562 (14) |
Co4—Mn3—Co1 | 146.871 (13) | Mn2xix—Co3—Mn3xii | 62.115 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co1 | 47.944 (13) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn3xii | 64.396 (12) |
Co4—Mn3—Co6vii | 93.926 (12) | Mn5—Co3—Mn3xii | 117.693 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co6vii | 96.253 (15) | Mn4—Co3—Mn3xii | 177.938 (10) |
Co1—Mn3—Co6vii | 53.755 (10) | Co2ix—Co4—Co2 | 62.515 (14) |
Co4—Mn3—Co6vi | 93.926 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Ge3 | 122.390 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co6vi | 53.755 (10) | Co2—Co4—Ge3 | 122.390 (13) |
Co1—Mn3—Co6vi | 96.252 (15) | Co2ix—Co4—Ge2xiv | 120.047 (15) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co6vi | 119.00 (2) | Co2—Co4—Ge2xiv | 120.047 (15) |
Co4—Mn3—Mn5 | 101.011 (17) | Ge3—Co4—Ge2xiv | 105.342 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Mn5 | 58.751 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Co3xviii | 118.617 (9) |
Co1—Mn3—Mn5 | 58.750 (12) | Co2—Co4—Co3xviii | 178.209 (15) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Mn5 | 59.556 (10) | Ge3—Co4—Co3xviii | 58.458 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Mn5 | 59.556 (10) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Co3xviii | 58.262 (11) |
Co4—Mn3—Co3x | 94.438 (14) | Co2ix—Co4—Co3xx | 178.209 (15) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co3x | 94.616 (12) | Co2—Co4—Co3xx | 118.618 (10) |
Co1—Mn3—Co3x | 116.241 (15) | Ge3—Co4—Co3xx | 58.458 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co3x | 145.774 (13) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Co3xx | 58.262 (11) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co3x | 93.431 (11) | Co3xviii—Co4—Co3xx | 60.213 (14) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co3x | 149.423 (11) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn7xiv | 65.692 (13) |
Co4—Mn3—Co3vii | 94.438 (14) | Co2—Co4—Mn7xiv | 65.691 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co3vii | 116.240 (15) | Ge3—Co4—Mn7xiv | 169.984 (17) |
Co1—Mn3—Co3vii | 94.617 (12) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Mn7xiv | 64.642 (13) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co3vii | 93.431 (11) | Co3xviii—Co4—Mn7xiv | 113.286 (15) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co3vii | 145.774 (13) | Co3xx—Co4—Mn7xiv | 113.286 (15) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co3vii | 149.423 (11) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn3 | 66.490 (13) |
Co3x—Mn3—Co3vii | 52.855 (13) | Co2—Co4—Mn3 | 66.490 (13) |
Co4—Mn3—Ge1vi | 116.264 (10) | Ge3—Co4—Mn3 | 66.620 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Ge1vi | 51.544 (9) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Mn3 | 171.962 (18) |
Co1—Mn3—Ge1vi | 94.261 (14) | Co3xviii—Co4—Mn3 | 115.140 (15) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Ge1vi | 147.255 (18) | Co3xx—Co4—Mn3 | 115.140 (15) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Ge1vi | 50.549 (11) | Mn7xiv—Co4—Mn3 | 123.397 (17) |
Mn5—Mn3—Ge1vi | 100.099 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.517 (11) |
Co3x—Mn3—Ge1vi | 49.326 (9) | Co2—Co4—Mn6xviii | 119.095 (16) |
Co3vii—Mn3—Ge1vi | 96.367 (14) | Ge3—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.665 (10) |
Co4—Mn3—Ge1vii | 116.264 (10) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Mn6xviii | 112.122 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Ge1vii | 94.261 (14) | Co3xviii—Co4—Mn6xviii | 62.629 (12) |
Co1—Mn3—Ge1vii | 51.545 (9) | Co3xx—Co4—Mn6xviii | 114.263 (16) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Ge1vii | 50.549 (11) | Mn7xiv—Co4—Mn6xviii | 117.004 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Ge1vii | 147.255 (18) | Mn3—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.280 (10) |
Mn5—Mn3—Ge1vii | 100.099 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn6xix | 119.095 (16) |
Co3x—Mn3—Ge1vii | 96.367 (15) | Co2—Co4—Mn6xix | 65.518 (11) |
Co3vii—Mn3—Ge1vii | 49.326 (9) | Ge3—Co4—Mn6xix | 65.665 (10) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Ge1vii | 117.917 (18) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Mn6xix | 112.122 (11) |
Co4—Mn3—Co2ix | 50.212 (10) | Co3xviii—Co4—Mn6xix | 114.263 (15) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co2ix | 97.335 (12) | Co3xx—Co4—Mn6xix | 62.629 (12) |
Co1—Mn3—Co2ix | 118.750 (15) | Mn7xiv—Co4—Mn6xix | 117.004 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co2ix | 95.732 (15) | Mn3—Co4—Mn6xix | 65.280 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co2ix | 49.500 (9) | Mn6xviii—Co4—Mn6xix | 120.427 (19) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co2ix | 60.022 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn4xix | 116.542 (16) |
Co3x—Mn3—Co2ix | 114.912 (12) | Co2—Co4—Mn4xix | 63.576 (12) |
Co3vii—Mn3—Co2ix | 143.927 (17) | Ge3—Co4—Mn4xix | 113.441 (11) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Co2ix | 94.494 (9) | Ge2xiv—Co4—Mn4xix | 65.478 (10) |
Ge1vii—Mn3—Co2ix | 145.433 (13) | Co3xviii—Co4—Mn4xix | 114.698 (16) |
Co4—Mn3—Co2 | 50.213 (10) | Co3xx—Co4—Mn4xix | 63.620 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co2 | 118.750 (15) | Mn7xiv—Co4—Mn4xix | 63.409 (11) |
Co1—Mn3—Co2 | 97.334 (12) | Mn3—Co4—Mn4xix | 116.919 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co2 | 49.500 (9) | Mn6xviii—Co4—Mn4xix | 177.315 (17) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co2 | 95.732 (15) | Mn6xix—Co4—Mn4xix | 60.475 (12) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co2 | 60.021 (12) | Co2—Co5—Co2ix | 62.242 (15) |
Co3x—Mn3—Co2 | 143.928 (17) | Co2—Co5—Co1xii | 117.043 (10) |
Co3vii—Mn3—Co2 | 114.913 (12) | Co2ix—Co5—Co1xii | 178.316 (18) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Co2 | 145.433 (13) | Co2—Co5—Co1xv | 178.316 (18) |
Ge1vii—Mn3—Co2 | 94.495 (9) | Co2ix—Co5—Co1xv | 117.043 (10) |
Co2ix—Mn3—Co2 | 51.548 (13) | Co1xii—Co5—Co1xv | 63.625 (15) |
Co1—Mn4—Co1ix | 50.280 (14) | Co2—Co5—Ge1 | 118.946 (14) |
Co1—Mn4—Co2v | 115.231 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Ge1 | 118.946 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co2v | 142.520 (19) | Co1xii—Co5—Ge1 | 59.854 (11) |
Co1—Mn4—Co2iv | 142.521 (19) | Co1xv—Co5—Ge1 | 59.854 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co2iv | 115.231 (13) | Co2—Co5—Mn7 | 117.980 (16) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co2iv | 51.226 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn7 | 117.980 (15) |
Co1—Mn4—Co4iii | 94.947 (10) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn7 | 63.695 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co4iii | 144.729 (13) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn7 | 63.695 (13) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co4iii | 50.256 (9) | Ge1—Co5—Mn7 | 112.341 (18) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co4iii | 95.949 (15) | Co2—Co5—Mn7xiv | 66.610 (12) |
Co1—Mn4—Co4iv | 144.729 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn7xiv | 66.610 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co4iv | 94.948 (10) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn7xiv | 114.678 (15) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co4iv | 95.949 (15) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn7xiv | 114.678 (15) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co4iv | 50.256 (9) | Ge1—Co5—Mn7xiv | 173.201 (19) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co4iv | 118.49 (2) | Mn7—Co5—Mn7xiv | 60.861 (17) |
Co1—Mn4—Co3ix | 116.840 (16) | Co2—Co5—Mn1xviii | 119.820 (16) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co3ix | 95.785 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn1xviii | 63.598 (12) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co3ix | 119.162 (16) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn1xviii | 117.724 (17) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co3ix | 97.493 (12) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn1xviii | 60.298 (12) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co3ix | 96.038 (15) | Ge1—Co5—Mn1xviii | 108.748 (12) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Co3ix | 52.824 (10) | Mn7—Co5—Mn1xviii | 68.876 (11) |
Co1—Mn4—Co3 | 95.785 (13) | Mn7xiv—Co5—Mn1xviii | 69.535 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co3 | 116.840 (16) | Co2—Co5—Mn1xix | 63.598 (12) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co3 | 97.494 (12) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn1xix | 119.820 (16) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co3 | 119.162 (16) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn1xix | 60.298 (12) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co3 | 52.825 (10) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn1xix | 117.724 (17) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Co3 | 96.038 (15) | Ge1—Co5—Mn1xix | 108.748 (12) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Co3 | 48.757 (13) | Mn7—Co5—Mn1xix | 68.876 (11) |
Co1—Mn4—Mn6 | 150.847 (11) | Mn7xiv—Co5—Mn1xix | 69.535 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Mn6 | 150.847 (11) | Mn1xviii—Co5—Mn1xix | 131.36 (2) |
Co2v—Mn4—Mn6 | 60.518 (12) | Co2—Co5—Mn5 | 64.902 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Mn6 | 60.518 (12) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn5 | 64.902 (13) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Mn6 | 59.278 (10) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn5 | 113.431 (15) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Mn6 | 59.278 (10) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn5 | 113.431 (15) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Mn6 | 58.649 (13) | Ge1—Co5—Mn5 | 64.128 (15) |
Co3—Mn4—Mn6 | 58.649 (13) | Mn7—Co5—Mn5 | 176.469 (18) |
Co1—Mn4—Ge2vi | 95.845 (14) | Mn7xiv—Co5—Mn5 | 122.671 (18) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Ge2vi | 51.646 (9) | Mn1xviii—Co5—Mn5 | 111.838 (11) |
Co2v—Mn4—Ge2vi | 145.618 (12) | Mn1xix—Co5—Mn5 | 111.838 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Ge2vi | 95.178 (10) | Co2—Co5—Mn2xix | 65.075 (11) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Ge2vi | 145.415 (19) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn2xix | 116.430 (16) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Ge2vi | 50.361 (10) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn2xix | 62.083 (11) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Ge2vi | 50.010 (9) | Co1xv—Co5—Mn2xix | 114.558 (15) |
Co3—Mn4—Ge2vi | 93.393 (14) | Ge1—Co5—Mn2xix | 62.781 (10) |
Mn6—Mn4—Ge2vi | 99.209 (12) | Mn7—Co5—Mn2xix | 116.636 (11) |
Co1—Mn4—Ge2vii | 51.646 (9) | Mn7xiv—Co5—Mn2xix | 119.295 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Ge2vii | 95.845 (14) | Mn1xviii—Co5—Mn2xix | 170.869 (17) |
Co2v—Mn4—Ge2vii | 95.178 (10) | Mn1xix—Co5—Mn2xix | 57.285 (12) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Ge2vii | 145.618 (12) | Mn5—Co5—Mn2xix | 62.188 (10) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Ge2vii | 50.361 (10) | Co2xii—Co6—Co2xv | 60.705 (15) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Ge2vii | 145.415 (19) | Co2xii—Co6—Ge2 | 121.286 (15) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Ge2vii | 93.393 (14) | Co2xv—Co6—Ge2 | 121.286 (15) |
Co3—Mn4—Ge2vii | 50.010 (9) | Co2xii—Co6—Ge1 | 121.102 (15) |
Mn6—Mn4—Ge2vii | 99.209 (12) | Co2xv—Co6—Ge1 | 121.102 (15) |
Ge2vi—Mn4—Ge2vii | 116.460 (18) | Ge2—Co6—Ge1 | 106.231 (16) |
Co1—Mn4—Mn7vi | 99.475 (16) | Co2xii—Co6—Co1xv | 179.656 (18) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Mn7vi | 56.999 (12) | Co2xv—Co6—Co1xv | 119.185 (10) |
Co2v—Mn4—Mn7vi | 101.374 (15) | Ge2—Co6—Co1xv | 58.449 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Mn7vi | 58.365 (11) | Ge1—Co6—Co1xv | 59.242 (11) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Mn7vi | 151.623 (19) | Co2xii—Co6—Co1xii | 119.185 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Mn7vi | 56.293 (11) | Co2xv—Co6—Co1xii | 179.656 (18) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Mn7vi | 98.993 (11) | Ge2—Co6—Co1xii | 58.449 (11) |
Co3—Mn4—Mn7vi | 147.720 (13) | Ge1—Co6—Co1xii | 59.242 (11) |
Mn6—Mn4—Mn7vi | 109.666 (13) | Co1xv—Co6—Co1xii | 60.924 (15) |
Ge2vi—Mn4—Mn7vi | 56.978 (10) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn2viii | 67.463 (13) |
Ge2vii—Mn4—Mn7vi | 150.976 (18) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn2viii | 67.463 (13) |
Co1—Mn5—Co1ix | 48.663 (13) | Ge2—Co6—Mn2viii | 63.368 (13) |
Co1—Mn5—Co6vi | 97.414 (15) | Ge1—Co6—Mn2viii | 169.598 (18) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co6vi | 54.276 (10) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn2viii | 112.193 (14) |
Co1—Mn5—Co6vii | 54.276 (10) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn2viii | 112.193 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co6vii | 97.413 (15) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn5xii | 65.815 (12) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co6vii | 119.80 (2) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn5xii | 117.688 (16) |
Co1—Mn5—Co3ix | 114.443 (16) | Ge2—Co6—Mn5xii | 65.234 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co3ix | 94.156 (13) | Ge1—Co6—Mn5xii | 112.450 (11) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co3ix | 94.978 (10) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn5xii | 114.098 (16) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co3ix | 143.463 (13) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn5xii | 62.037 (11) |
Co1—Mn5—Co3 | 94.156 (13) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn5xii | 64.259 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co3 | 114.444 (16) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn5xiii | 117.688 (16) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co3 | 143.463 (13) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn5xiii | 65.815 (11) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co3 | 94.979 (10) | Ge2—Co6—Mn5xiii | 65.234 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co3 | 48.938 (13) | Ge1—Co6—Mn5xiii | 112.450 (11) |
Co1—Mn5—Ge2vii | 51.190 (9) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn5xiii | 62.037 (12) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Ge2vii | 94.622 (14) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn5xiii | 114.098 (16) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Ge2vii | 148.097 (18) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn5xiii | 64.259 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Ge2vii | 50.484 (10) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn5xiii | 119.80 (2) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Ge2vii | 94.195 (14) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.454 (13) |
Co3—Mn5—Ge2vii | 50.364 (9) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.454 (13) |
Co1—Mn5—Ge2vi | 94.622 (14) | Ge2—Co6—Mn6viii | 171.779 (18) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Ge2vi | 51.190 (9) | Ge1—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.548 (14) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Ge2vi | 50.484 (10) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn6viii | 114.831 (15) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Ge2vi | 148.097 (18) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn6viii | 114.831 (15) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Ge2vi | 50.363 (9) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn6viii | 124.853 (17) |
Co3—Mn5—Ge2vi | 94.195 (14) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn6viii | 117.003 (10) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Ge2vi | 118.267 (18) | Mn5xiii—Co6—Mn6viii | 117.003 (10) |
Co1—Mn5—Mn3 | 60.110 (13) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 117.246 (16) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Mn3 | 60.109 (13) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn3xiii | 65.606 (12) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Mn3 | 59.955 (10) | Ge2—Co6—Mn3xiii | 112.902 (11) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Mn3 | 59.955 (10) | Ge1—Co6—Mn3xiii | 65.069 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Mn3 | 150.980 (11) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn3xiii | 62.850 (11) |
Co3—Mn5—Mn3 | 150.980 (11) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 114.667 (16) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Mn3 | 100.643 (12) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 117.750 (11) |
Ge2vi—Mn5—Mn3 | 100.643 (12) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 176.662 (18) |
Co1—Mn5—Co2 | 98.232 (12) | Mn5xiii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 60.488 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co2 | 120.095 (16) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn3xiii | 64.422 (11) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co2 | 95.980 (14) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 65.606 (12) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co2 | 49.602 (9) | Co2xv—Co6—Mn3xii | 117.246 (16) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co2 | 143.742 (17) | Ge2—Co6—Mn3xii | 112.902 (11) |
Co3—Mn5—Co2 | 116.500 (12) | Ge1—Co6—Mn3xii | 65.069 (11) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Co2 | 94.455 (9) | Co1xv—Co6—Mn3xii | 114.667 (16) |
Ge2vi—Mn5—Co2 | 145.492 (12) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 62.850 (12) |
Mn3—Mn5—Co2 | 60.009 (12) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn3xii | 117.750 (10) |
Co1—Mn5—Co2ix | 120.095 (16) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 60.488 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co2ix | 98.231 (12) | Mn5xiii—Co6—Mn3xii | 176.662 (18) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co2ix | 49.602 (9) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn3xii | 64.422 (11) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co2ix | 95.980 (15) | Mn3xiii—Co6—Mn3xii | 119.01 (2) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co2ix | 116.500 (12) | Co3—Ge1—Co3ix | 59.126 (14) |
Co3—Mn5—Co2ix | 143.742 (17) | Co3—Ge1—Co6 | 118.866 (14) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Co2ix | 145.492 (12) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co6 | 118.866 (14) |
Ge2vi—Mn5—Co2ix | 94.455 (10) | Co3—Ge1—Co1xv | 177.514 (12) |
Mn3—Mn5—Co2ix | 60.008 (12) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co1xv | 118.710 (10) |
Co2—Mn5—Co2ix | 51.540 (12) | Co6—Ge1—Co1xv | 62.997 (11) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3 | 49.800 (13) | Co3—Ge1—Co1xii | 118.710 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3xi | 115.880 (15) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co1xii | 177.514 (12) |
Co3—Mn6—Co3xi | 94.856 (13) | Co6—Ge1—Co1xii | 62.997 (11) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3viii | 94.857 (13) | Co1xv—Ge1—Co1xii | 63.422 (14) |
Co3—Mn6—Co3viii | 115.879 (15) | Co3—Ge1—Co5 | 119.993 (14) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co3viii | 49.392 (13) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co5 | 119.992 (14) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co4iv | 53.674 (10) | Co6—Ge1—Co5 | 111.209 (16) |
Co3—Mn6—Co4iv | 97.957 (15) | Co1xv—Ge1—Co5 | 59.574 (11) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co4iv | 143.550 (13) | Co1xii—Ge1—Co5 | 59.574 (11) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co4iv | 94.541 (10) | Co3—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 114.265 (15) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co4iii | 97.957 (15) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 63.952 (11) |
Co3—Mn6—Co4iii | 53.674 (10) | Co6—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 115.542 (10) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co4iii | 94.541 (11) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 63.255 (11) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co4iii | 143.550 (13) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 117.105 (14) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co4iii | 120.43 (2) | Co5—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 66.043 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co6viii | 146.315 (13) | Co3—Ge1—Mn2xix | 63.952 (11) |
Co3—Mn6—Co6viii | 146.316 (13) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn2xix | 114.265 (14) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co6viii | 94.561 (15) | Co6—Ge1—Mn2xix | 115.542 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co6viii | 94.561 (15) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn2xix | 117.105 (14) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co6viii | 93.369 (12) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn2xix | 63.255 (11) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co6viii | 93.369 (12) | Co5—Ge1—Mn2xix | 66.043 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co2iv | 97.499 (12) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn2xix | 118.966 (19) |
Co3—Mn6—Co2iv | 119.169 (16) | Co3—Ge1—Mn3xii | 65.334 (12) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co2iv | 143.380 (17) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn3xii | 115.349 (14) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co2iv | 116.646 (12) | Co6—Ge1—Mn3xii | 64.382 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co2iv | 50.003 (9) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn3xii | 117.143 (14) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co2iv | 95.330 (15) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 63.608 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Co2iv | 49.721 (10) | Co5—Ge1—Mn3xii | 114.733 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co2v | 119.168 (15) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 179.217 (15) |
Co3—Mn6—Co2v | 97.499 (12) | Mn2xix—Ge1—Mn3xii | 61.555 (11) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Co2v | 116.646 (12) | Co3—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 115.349 (14) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co2v | 143.380 (17) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 65.335 (12) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co2v | 95.330 (15) | Co6—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 64.382 (10) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co2v | 50.003 (9) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 63.608 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Co2v | 49.721 (10) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 117.143 (14) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Co2v | 50.150 (12) | Co5—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 114.733 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.587 (13) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 61.555 (12) |
Co3—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.588 (13) | Mn2xix—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 179.217 (15) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Mn4 | 151.666 (11) | Mn3xii—Ge1—Mn3xiii | 117.917 (18) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Mn4 | 151.666 (11) | Co3—Ge1—Mn5 | 64.774 (12) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.246 (10) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn5 | 64.773 (12) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.246 (10) | Co6—Ge1—Mn5 | 175.628 (16) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Mn4 | 99.327 (18) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn5 | 113.445 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Mn4 | 58.587 (13) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn5 | 113.445 (13) |
Co2v—Mn6—Mn4 | 58.587 (13) | Co5—Ge1—Mn5 | 64.419 (13) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Ge3xii | 94.968 (13) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn5 | 63.233 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Ge3xii | 50.739 (7) | Mn2xix—Ge1—Mn5 | 63.233 (10) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Ge3xii | 50.543 (7) | Mn3xii—Ge1—Mn5 | 116.906 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Ge3xii | 94.498 (13) | Mn3xiii—Ge1—Mn5 | 116.906 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Ge3xii | 147.984 (17) | Co3—Ge1—Mn6viii | 64.053 (12) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Ge3xii | 50.573 (9) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn6viii | 64.054 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Ge3xii | 116.411 (9) | Co6—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.912 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Ge3xii | 145.095 (11) | Co1xv—Ge1—Mn6viii | 116.517 (14) |
Co2v—Mn6—Ge3xii | 95.504 (8) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 116.517 (14) |
Mn4—Mn6—Ge3xii | 101.131 (11) | Co5—Ge1—Mn6viii | 175.121 (16) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 50.740 (7) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 115.500 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 94.968 (13) | Mn2xix—Ge1—Mn6viii | 115.500 (10) |
Co3xi—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 94.498 (13) | Mn3xii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.736 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 50.543 (7) | Mn3xiii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.736 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 50.573 (9) | Mn5—Ge1—Mn6viii | 120.460 (15) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 147.984 (17) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co3xv | 63.336 (15) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 116.411 (9) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co6 | 119.232 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 95.504 (8) | Co3xv—Ge2—Co6 | 119.232 (13) |
Co2v—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 145.095 (11) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co4xiv | 62.888 (11) |
Mn4—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 101.131 (11) | Co3xv—Ge2—Co4xiv | 62.888 (11) |
Ge3xii—Mn6—Ge3xiii | 117.382 (15) | Co6—Ge2—Co4xiv | 177.361 (17) |
Co5—Mn7—Co5xiv | 119.139 (17) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co1xv | 177.093 (15) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn7xiv | 60.067 (17) | Co3xv—Ge2—Co1xv | 116.039 (11) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Mn7xiv | 59.072 (16) | Co6—Ge2—Co1xv | 63.644 (11) |
Co5—Mn7—Co1xii | 55.005 (11) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Co1xv | 114.225 (13) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Co1xii | 149.093 (10) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co1xii | 116.039 (11) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Co1xii | 106.741 (19) | Co3xv—Ge2—Co1xii | 177.093 (15) |
Co5—Mn7—Co1xv | 55.005 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Co1xii | 63.644 (11) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Co1xv | 149.093 (9) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Co1xii | 114.225 (13) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Co1xv | 106.741 (19) | Co1xv—Ge2—Co1xii | 64.426 (15) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co1xv | 57.596 (14) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 64.913 (12) |
Co5—Mn7—Co4xiv | 148.216 (19) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn2viii | 64.913 (12) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Co4xiv | 92.644 (16) | Co6—Ge2—Mn2viii | 64.893 (15) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Co4xiv | 151.72 (3) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.746 (17) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co4xiv | 97.961 (14) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.633 (13) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Co4xiv | 97.961 (14) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.633 (13) |
Co5—Mn7—Ge2 | 95.625 (17) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn7 | 115.504 (14) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Ge2 | 145.236 (18) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn7 | 115.504 (14) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Ge2 | 155.69 (3) | Co6—Ge2—Mn7 | 114.595 (16) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Ge2 | 52.900 (11) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn7 | 62.766 (14) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Ge2 | 52.900 (11) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn7 | 61.958 (12) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Ge2 | 52.592 (12) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn7 | 61.958 (12) |
Co5—Mn7—Co2xiv | 150.316 (10) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn7 | 179.488 (16) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Co2xiv | 52.198 (11) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.568 (11) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Co2xiv | 104.19 (2) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn5xii | 118.154 (14) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co2xiv | 148.941 (17) | Co6—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.280 (10) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Co2xiv | 115.339 (11) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn5xii | 116.494 (10) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Co2xiv | 51.393 (10) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn5xii | 117.515 (14) |
Ge2—Mn7—Co2xiv | 97.541 (15) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 63.053 (11) |
Co5—Mn7—Co2xvi | 150.316 (10) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.411 (10) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Co2xvi | 52.198 (11) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn5xii | 115.430 (10) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Co2xvi | 104.19 (2) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 118.154 (14) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co2xvi | 115.339 (11) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 64.568 (11) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Co2xvi | 148.941 (17) | Co6—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 64.280 (10) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Co2xvi | 51.393 (10) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 116.494 (10) |
Ge2—Mn7—Co2xvi | 97.541 (15) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 63.053 (11) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Co2xvi | 52.838 (13) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 117.515 (14) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn4xii | 107.142 (13) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 64.411 (10) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 105.230 (13) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 115.430 (10) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 123.375 (10) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn5xiii | 118.268 (18) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn4xii | 57.231 (11) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 117.392 (14) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 105.248 (16) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 64.367 (12) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 60.297 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 114.946 (10) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn4xii | 60.546 (10) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 64.162 (10) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 102.502 (15) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 60.464 (11) |
Co2xvi—Mn7—Mn4xii | 58.240 (11) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 114.421 (15) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 107.142 (13) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 117.669 (10) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 105.230 (13) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 62.476 (10) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 123.375 (10) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 177.474 (16) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 105.248 (16) | Mn5xiii—Ge2—Mn4xiii | 62.582 (12) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 57.231 (11) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 64.367 (12) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 60.297 (11) | Co3xv—Ge2—Mn4xii | 117.392 (14) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 60.546 (10) | Co6—Ge2—Mn4xii | 114.946 (10) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 58.240 (11) | Co4xiv—Ge2—Mn4xii | 64.162 (10) |
Co2xvi—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 102.502 (15) | Co1xv—Ge2—Mn4xii | 114.421 (15) |
Mn4xii—Mn7—Mn4xiii | 113.18 (2) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 60.464 (11) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 56.307 (10) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 117.669 (10) |
Co5xiv—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 96.591 (13) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn4xii | 62.476 (10) |
Mn7xiv—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 64.473 (12) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 62.582 (12) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 101.025 (15) | Mn5xiii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 177.474 (16) |
Co1xv—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 53.712 (11) | Mn4xiii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 116.459 (18) |
Co4xiv—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 124.418 (10) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Co3vii | 180.000 (13) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 103.377 (13) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Co3x | 116.771 (13) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 94.683 (11) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co3x | 63.229 (13) |
Co2xvi—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 143.602 (15) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Co3xx | 63.229 (13) |
Mn4xii—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 157.625 (19) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co3xx | 116.771 (13) |
Mn4xiii—Mn7—Mn1xviii | 64.388 (12) | Co3x—Ge3—Co3xx | 180.000 (13) |
Co1ix—Co1—Ge2vii | 122.215 (7) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Co4xxi | 117.046 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co5vii | 121.811 (8) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co4xxi | 62.954 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co5vii | 109.809 (13) | Co3x—Ge3—Co4xxi | 62.954 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Ge1vii | 121.709 (7) | Co3xx—Ge3—Co4xxi | 117.046 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Ge1vii | 104.593 (12) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Co4 | 62.955 (9) |
Co5vii—Co1—Ge1vii | 60.572 (12) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co4 | 117.045 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co6vii | 120.463 (7) | Co3x—Ge3—Co4 | 117.045 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co6vii | 57.907 (12) | Co3xx—Ge3—Co4 | 62.955 (9) |
Co5vii—Co1—Co6vii | 107.775 (13) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Co4 | 180.0 |
Ge1vii—Co1—Co6vii | 57.762 (12) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn6vi | 63.673 (11) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn1i | 63.716 (7) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6vi | 116.327 (11) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn1i | 128.970 (15) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn6vi | 63.113 (11) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn1i | 64.089 (11) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6vi | 116.887 (11) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn1i | 112.336 (15) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6vi | 63.762 (8) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn1i | 170.093 (15) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6vi | 116.238 (8) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co1xvii | 180.0 | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn6xix | 116.327 (11) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co1xvii | 57.787 (7) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6xix | 63.673 (11) |
Co5vii—Co1—Co1xvii | 58.187 (8) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn6xix | 116.887 (11) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Co1xvii | 58.289 (7) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6xix | 63.113 (11) |
Co6vii—Co1—Co1xvii | 59.537 (7) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6xix | 116.238 (8) |
Mn1i—Co1—Co1xvii | 116.283 (7) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6xix | 63.762 (8) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn7vii | 118.800 (7) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6xix | 180.000 (14) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 65.142 (12) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 116.887 (11) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 61.299 (13) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 63.113 (11) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 110.976 (13) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn6vii | 116.327 (11) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 112.585 (13) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6vii | 63.673 (11) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn7vii | 69.360 (12) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6vii | 63.762 (8) |
Co1xvii—Co1—Mn7vii | 61.202 (7) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6vii | 116.238 (8) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn4 | 64.861 (7) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6vii | 117.381 (15) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn4 | 67.892 (11) | Mn6xix—Ge3—Mn6vii | 62.619 (15) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn4 | 120.371 (16) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 63.113 (11) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn4 | 172.449 (13) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 116.887 (11) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn4 | 116.423 (16) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 63.673 (11) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn4 | 73.406 (15) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 116.327 (11) |
Co1xvii—Co1—Mn4 | 115.141 (7) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 116.238 (8) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn4 | 65.771 (12) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 63.762 (8) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn5 | 65.669 (7) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 62.619 (15) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn5 | 65.758 (11) | Mn6xix—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 117.381 (15) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn5 | 171.438 (13) | Mn6vii—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 180.00 (2) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn5 | 112.613 (14) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn3 | 115.470 (10) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn5 | 63.686 (10) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn3 | 64.530 (10) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn5 | 124.467 (12) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn3 | 64.530 (10) |
Co1xvii—Co1—Mn5 | 114.332 (7) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn3 | 115.470 (10) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn5 | 120.198 (14) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn3 | 117.398 (12) |
Mn4—Co1—Mn5 | 65.622 (14) | Co4—Ge3—Mn3 | 62.602 (12) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn2i | 65.814 (6) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn3 | 116.482 (8) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn2i | 169.331 (13) | Mn6xix—Ge3—Mn3 | 63.518 (8) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn2i | 66.959 (12) | Mn6vii—Ge3—Mn3 | 116.482 (8) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn2i | 64.820 (10) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn3 | 63.518 (8) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn2i | 112.608 (15) | Co3xviii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 64.531 (10) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn2i | 59.755 (14) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 115.469 (10) |
Co1xvii—Co1—Mn2i | 114.183 (6) | Co3x—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 115.469 (10) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn2i | 118.706 (14) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 64.531 (10) |
Mn4—Co1—Mn2i | 122.711 (12) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 62.602 (12) |
Mn5—Co1—Mn2i | 115.954 (13) | Co4—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 117.399 (12) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn3 | 66.028 (7) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 63.517 (8) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn3 | 112.912 (13) | Mn6xix—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 116.483 (8) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn3 | 116.614 (14) | Mn6vii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 63.518 (8) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn3 | 64.847 (10) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 116.482 (8) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn3 | 63.393 (11) | Mn3—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 180.0 |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn3 | 114.106 (13) |
Symmetry codes: (i) −x, −y+1, −z; (ii) −x, −y+1, z; (iii) −x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1/2; (iv) −x+1/2, y+1/2, z−1/2; (v) −x+1/2, y+1/2, −z+1/2; (vi) x−1/2, −y+1/2, −z−1/2; (vii) x−1/2, −y+1/2, −z+1/2; (viii) −x+1, −y+1, −z; (ix) x, y, −z; (x) x−1/2, −y+1/2, z−1/2; (xi) −x+1, −y+1, z; (xii) x+1/2, −y+1/2, −z+1/2; (xiii) x+1/2, −y+1/2, −z−1/2; (xiv) −x+1, −y, −z; (xv) x+1/2, −y+1/2, z−1/2; (xvi) −x+1, −y, z; (xvii) x, y, −z+1; (xviii) −x+1/2, y−1/2, z−1/2; (xix) −x+1/2, y−1/2, z+1/2; (xx) −x+1/2, y−1/2, −z+1/2; (xxi) −x, −y, −z. |
Mn29.79Co30.97Ge13.25 | Dx = 7.662 Mg m−3 |
Mr = 4422.90 | Mo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å |
Orthorhombic, Pnnm | Cell parameters from 22326 reflections |
a = 12.6427 (10) Å | θ = 2.1–42.4° |
b = 15.6725 (12) Å | µ = 32.54 mm−1 |
c = 4.8374 (4) Å | T = 296 K |
V = 958.50 (13) Å3 | Irregular fragment, metallic |
Z = 1 | 0.03 × 0.02 × 0.01 mm |
F(000) = 2005 |
Bruker APEXII CCD diffractometer | 3277 reflections with I > 2σ(I) |
φ and ω scans | Rint = 0.030 |
Absorption correction: empirical (using intensity measurements) (SADABS; Bruker, 2015) | θmax = 42.4°, θmin = 2.1° |
h = −23→23 | |
22326 measured reflections | k = −29→29 |
3686 independent reflections | l = −9→9 |
Refinement on F2 | 106 parameters |
Least-squares matrix: full | 0 restraints |
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.022 | w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0166P)2 + 1.7225P] where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3 |
wR(F2) = 0.052 | (Δ/σ)max = 0.002 |
S = 1.10 | Δρmax = 1.24 e Å−3 |
3686 reflections | Δρmin = −0.92 e Å−3 |
Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes. |
Refinement. Crystals were picked up from the Mn–Co–Ge alloys by fragmentation and analyzed. A Bruker D8 single-crystal X-ray diffractometer with Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.71073 Å) upgraded with an Incoatec Microfocus Source (IµS, beam size ~ 100µm at the sample position) and an APEXII CCD area detector (6 × 6 cm) was used to collect single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD) intensities at room temperature. SCXRD data reduction and numerical absorption corrections were performed using the APEX3 software from Bruker (2014). A preliminary ordered model (Mn14Co18Ge5) of the crystal structure was first obtained with the program SHELXT2014 (Sheldrick, 2015a) and refined using the program SHELXL2014 (Sheldrick, 2015b) within the APEX3 software package. The final cycle of refinement was carried out anisotropically for all species converging with low residuals and a flat difference Fourier map. The atomic positions were standardized with the use of the program STRUCTURE TIDY implemented in PLATON (Spek, 2020). Further data, in the form of a CIF file, have been sent to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) (Groom et al., 2016). CIF files are available as supplementary material for the publication. Molecular graphics made in DIAMOND (Brandenburg & Putz, 2005). |
x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | Occ. (<1) | |
Mn1 | 0.02665 (3) | 0.57115 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00762 (5) | |
Mn2 | 0.08586 (3) | 0.73416 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00681 (5) | |
Mn3 | 0.10176 (3) | 0.16147 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00729 (5) | |
Mn4 | 0.22070 (3) | 0.44440 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00763 (5) | |
Mn5 | 0.28518 (3) | 0.26433 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00710 (5) | |
Mn6 | 0.40147 (3) | 0.54997 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00673 (5) | |
Mn7 | 0.59950 (3) | 0.02711 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00717 (5) | |
Co1 | 0.10076 (2) | 0.32411 (2) | 0.23460 (4) | 0.00519 (4) | 0.876 (12) |
Mn11 | 0.10076 (2) | 0.32411 (2) | 0.23460 (4) | 0.00519 (4) | 0.124 (12) |
Co2 | 0.28921 (2) | 0.10244 (2) | 0.25373 (4) | 0.00601 (5) | 0.594 (5) |
Ge22 | 0.28921 (2) | 0.10244 (2) | 0.25373 (4) | 0.00601 (5) | 0.406 (5) |
Co3 | 0.41242 (2) | 0.39078 (2) | 0.24024 (4) | 0.00525 (4) | 0.9 |
Mn33 | 0.41242 (2) | 0.39078 (2) | 0.24024 (4) | 0.00525 (4) | 0.1 |
Co4 | 0.19010 (2) | 0.00139 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00605 (5) | |
Co5 | 0.44439 (2) | 0.13693 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00660 (5) | |
Co6 | 0.69785 (2) | 0.29091 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00626 (5) | |
Ge1 | 0.50766 (2) | 0.28512 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00626 (4) | |
Ge2 | 0.75789 (2) | 0.14623 (2) | 0.000000 | 0.00624 (4) | |
Ge3 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 0.00616 (5) |
U11 | U22 | U33 | U12 | U13 | U23 | |
Mn1 | 0.00776 (12) | 0.00632 (11) | 0.00877 (12) | −0.00090 (10) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn2 | 0.00568 (11) | 0.00643 (11) | 0.00831 (12) | −0.00049 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn3 | 0.00671 (12) | 0.00690 (12) | 0.00826 (11) | 0.00025 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn4 | 0.00888 (13) | 0.00681 (11) | 0.00721 (12) | −0.00104 (10) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn5 | 0.00615 (12) | 0.00746 (11) | 0.00771 (12) | 0.00006 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn6 | 0.00600 (11) | 0.00692 (12) | 0.00728 (11) | 0.00017 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn7 | 0.00517 (11) | 0.00606 (12) | 0.01029 (12) | −0.00008 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co1 | 0.00467 (8) | 0.00666 (8) | 0.00424 (7) | −0.00006 (6) | 0.00005 (6) | 0.00053 (5) |
Mn11 | 0.00467 (8) | 0.00666 (8) | 0.00424 (7) | −0.00006 (6) | 0.00005 (6) | 0.00053 (5) |
Co2 | 0.00573 (8) | 0.00671 (8) | 0.00560 (7) | −0.00075 (5) | 0.00089 (5) | −0.00113 (5) |
Ge22 | 0.00573 (8) | 0.00671 (8) | 0.00560 (7) | −0.00075 (5) | 0.00089 (5) | −0.00113 (5) |
Co3 | 0.00542 (7) | 0.00591 (8) | 0.00442 (7) | 0.00017 (6) | 0.00076 (5) | −0.00078 (5) |
Mn33 | 0.00542 (7) | 0.00591 (8) | 0.00442 (7) | 0.00017 (6) | 0.00076 (5) | −0.00078 (5) |
Co4 | 0.00450 (10) | 0.00521 (10) | 0.00844 (11) | −0.00084 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co5 | 0.00448 (10) | 0.00723 (11) | 0.00807 (11) | −0.00127 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Co6 | 0.00516 (10) | 0.00540 (10) | 0.00824 (11) | −0.00066 (8) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge1 | 0.00568 (8) | 0.00574 (8) | 0.00735 (8) | 0.00174 (6) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge2 | 0.00424 (8) | 0.00610 (8) | 0.00838 (8) | 0.00089 (6) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Ge3 | 0.00428 (11) | 0.00669 (12) | 0.00750 (11) | 0.00157 (9) | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Mn1—Mn1i | 2.3298 (7) | Mn5—Co3ix | 2.8046 (4) |
Mn1—Co1ii | 2.5646 (4) | Mn5—Co3 | 2.8046 (4) |
Mn1—Co1i | 2.5646 (4) | Mn5—Ge2vii | 2.8167 (3) |
Mn1—Co5iii | 2.6546 (3) | Mn5—Ge2vi | 2.8167 (3) |
Mn1—Co5iv | 2.6546 (3) | Mn5—Co2ix | 2.8190 (4) |
Mn1—Co2v | 2.6607 (4) | Mn5—Co2 | 2.8190 (4) |
Mn1—Co2iv | 2.6607 (4) | Mn6—Co3ix | 2.7556 (4) |
Mn1—Mn2 | 2.6621 (5) | Mn6—Co3 | 2.7556 (4) |
Mn1—Mn7iv | 2.9783 (3) | Mn6—Co3x | 2.7837 (4) |
Mn1—Mn7iii | 2.9783 (3) | Mn6—Co3viii | 2.7837 (4) |
Mn1—Mn7vi | 3.0117 (3) | Mn6—Co4iv | 2.7875 (3) |
Mn1—Mn7vii | 3.0117 (3) | Mn6—Co4iii | 2.7875 (3) |
Mn2—Ge2viii | 2.7233 (4) | Mn6—Co6viii | 2.7922 (5) |
Mn2—Co3v | 2.7577 (4) | Mn6—Co2iv | 2.8120 (4) |
Mn2—Co3iv | 2.7577 (4) | Mn6—Co2v | 2.8120 (4) |
Mn2—Co6viii | 2.7626 (5) | Mn6—Ge1viii | 2.8284 (5) |
Mn2—Co1i | 2.7728 (4) | Mn7—Co5 | 2.6091 (5) |
Mn2—Co1ii | 2.7728 (4) | Mn7—Co5xi | 2.6301 (5) |
Mn2—Ge1iv | 2.8082 (3) | Mn7—Mn7xi | 2.6556 (7) |
Mn2—Ge1iii | 2.8082 (3) | Mn7—Co1xii | 2.6618 (4) |
Mn2—Co2iv | 2.8593 (4) | Mn7—Co1xiii | 2.6618 (4) |
Mn2—Co2v | 2.8593 (4) | Mn7—Co4xi | 2.6973 (5) |
Mn2—Mn3i | 2.8813 (5) | Mn7—Ge2 | 2.7377 (4) |
Mn3—Co4 | 2.7461 (5) | Mn7—Co2xi | 2.7584 (4) |
Mn3—Co1 | 2.7903 (4) | Mn7—Co2xiv | 2.7584 (4) |
Mn3—Co1ix | 2.7903 (4) | Co1—Co1ix | 2.2697 (4) |
Mn3—Co6vii | 2.8077 (3) | Co1—Ge2vii | 2.4105 (3) |
Mn3—Co6vi | 2.8077 (3) | Co1—Co5vii | 2.4350 (3) |
Mn3—Ge1vi | 2.8224 (3) | Co1—Ge1vii | 2.4422 (3) |
Mn3—Ge1vii | 2.8224 (3) | Co1—Co6vii | 2.5307 (3) |
Mn3—Mn5 | 2.8243 (5) | Co1—Co1xv | 2.5677 (4) |
Mn3—Co2ix | 2.8247 (4) | Co2—Co6vii | 2.3552 (3) |
Mn3—Co2 | 2.8247 (4) | Co2—Co4 | 2.3632 (3) |
Mn4—Co1ix | 2.6723 (4) | Co2—Co5 | 2.3765 (3) |
Mn4—Co1 | 2.6723 (4) | Co2—Co2xv | 2.3826 (4) |
Mn4—Co2v | 2.7514 (4) | Co2—Co2ix | 2.4548 (4) |
Mn4—Co2iv | 2.7514 (4) | Co3—Co3ix | 2.3242 (4) |
Mn4—Co4iii | 2.8142 (3) | Co3—Ge1 | 2.3543 (3) |
Mn4—Co4iv | 2.8142 (3) | Co3—Ge2vii | 2.3942 (3) |
Mn4—Co3ix | 2.8162 (4) | Co3—Ge3xii | 2.3948 (2) |
Mn4—Co3 | 2.8163 (4) | Co3—Co4iii | 2.5028 (3) |
Mn4—Mn6 | 2.8215 (5) | Co3—Co3xv | 2.5132 (4) |
Mn4—Ge2vi | 2.8441 (3) | Co4—Ge3 | 2.4035 (4) |
Mn5—Co1ix | 2.7571 (4) | Co4—Ge2xi | 2.4053 (4) |
Mn5—Co1 | 2.7571 (4) | Co5—Ge1 | 2.4564 (4) |
Mn5—Co6vi | 2.7962 (3) | Co6—Ge2 | 2.3911 (4) |
Mn5—Co6vii | 2.7962 (3) | Co6—Ge1 | 2.4063 (4) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co1ii | 115.53 (2) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn7xi | 176.035 (10) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co1i | 115.53 (2) | Co4—Co2—Mn7xi | 63.003 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co1i | 52.528 (12) | Co5—Co2—Mn7xi | 61.087 (11) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co5iii | 114.306 (10) | Co2xv—Co2—Mn7xi | 116.422 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co5iii | 55.589 (9) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn7xi | 63.579 (5) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co5iii | 103.961 (14) | Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn7xi | 67.497 (10) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co5iv | 114.306 (10) | Mn4xviii—Co2—Mn7xi | 63.463 (9) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co5iv | 103.961 (14) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn6xviii | 64.713 (11) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co5iv | 55.589 (10) | Co4—Co2—Mn6xviii | 64.499 (9) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co5iv | 131.329 (19) | Co5—Co2—Mn6xviii | 173.252 (10) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co2v | 115.43 (2) | Co2xv—Co2—Mn6xviii | 64.934 (5) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co2v | 103.503 (11) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn6xviii | 115.065 (5) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co2v | 129.031 (15) | Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn6xviii | 120.433 (11) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co2v | 53.118 (9) | Mn4xviii—Co2—Mn6xviii | 60.936 (11) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Co2v | 102.459 (14) | Mn7xi—Co2—Mn6xviii | 114.237 (12) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Co2iv | 115.43 (2) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn5 | 64.697 (9) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Co2iv | 129.031 (15) | Co4—Co2—Mn5 | 111.558 (11) |
Co1i—Mn1—Co2iv | 103.503 (11) | Co5—Co2—Mn5 | 65.503 (11) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Co2iv | 102.459 (14) | Co2xv—Co2—Mn5 | 115.811 (5) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Co2iv | 53.118 (9) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn5 | 64.189 (5) |
Co2v—Mn1—Co2iv | 53.197 (11) | Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn5 | 112.126 (12) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn2 | 179.52 (3) | Mn4xviii—Co2—Mn5 | 176.351 (13) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn2 | 64.048 (12) | Mn7xi—Co2—Mn5 | 118.556 (10) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn2 | 64.048 (12) | Mn6xviii—Co2—Mn5 | 115.607 (12) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.706 (10) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn3 | 64.907 (9) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn2 | 65.706 (10) | Co4—Co2—Mn3 | 63.187 (12) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn2 | 64.983 (11) | Co5—Co2—Mn3 | 113.187 (11) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn2 | 64.983 (11) | Co2xv—Co2—Mn3 | 115.754 (5) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7iv | 67.870 (11) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn3 | 64.244 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7iv | 99.865 (14) | Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn3 | 171.499 (13) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7iv | 56.811 (10) | Mn4xviii—Co2—Mn3 | 116.408 (12) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7iv | 154.660 (16) | Mn7xi—Co2—Mn3 | 118.403 (10) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7iv | 54.822 (10) | Mn6xviii—Co2—Mn3 | 63.933 (10) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7iv | 151.030 (11) | Mn5—Co2—Mn3 | 60.058 (10) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7iv | 98.491 (9) | Co6vii—Co2—Mn2xviii | 63.112 (12) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7iv | 111.899 (11) | Co4—Co2—Mn2xviii | 173.281 (9) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7iii | 67.870 (11) | Co5—Co2—Mn2xviii | 66.106 (9) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7iii | 56.811 (10) | Co2xv—Co2—Mn2xviii | 65.378 (5) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7iii | 99.865 (14) | Co2ix—Co2—Mn2xviii | 114.623 (5) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7iii | 54.822 (10) | Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn2xviii | 57.534 (11) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 154.660 (16) | Mn4xviii—Co2—Mn2xviii | 119.653 (11) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7iii | 98.491 (9) | Mn7xi—Co2—Mn2xviii | 115.791 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 151.030 (11) | Mn6xviii—Co2—Mn2xviii | 120.545 (10) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7iii | 111.899 (11) | Mn5—Co2—Mn2xviii | 62.713 (9) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7iii | 108.605 (16) | Mn3—Co2—Mn2xviii | 114.082 (12) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7vi | 66.355 (11) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge1 | 60.422 (6) |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 151.018 (12) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge2vii | 121.656 (6) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7vi | 99.440 (9) | Ge1—Co3—Ge2vii | 120.393 (12) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 152.641 (16) | Co3ix—Co3—Ge3xii | 121.650 (6) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 54.876 (10) | Ge1—Co3—Ge3xii | 121.689 (12) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7vi | 100.733 (13) | Ge2vii—Co3—Ge3xii | 105.968 (10) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 57.797 (9) | Co3ix—Co3—Co4iii | 120.136 (6) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7vi | 113.875 (11) | Ge1—Co3—Co4iii | 179.133 (12) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7vi | 52.632 (12) | Ge2vii—Co3—Co4iii | 58.786 (10) |
Mn7iii—Mn1—Mn7vi | 134.225 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Co4iii | 58.730 (9) |
Mn1i—Mn1—Mn7vii | 66.355 (12) | Co3ix—Co3—Co3xv | 180.0 |
Co1ii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 99.440 (9) | Ge1—Co3—Co3xv | 119.578 (6) |
Co1i—Mn1—Mn7vii | 151.018 (12) | Ge2vii—Co3—Co3xv | 58.342 (6) |
Co5iii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 54.876 (10) | Ge3xii—Co3—Co3xv | 58.351 (5) |
Co5iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 152.641 (16) | Co4iii—Co3—Co3xv | 59.863 (6) |
Co2v—Mn1—Mn7vii | 57.797 (9) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn6 | 65.056 (6) |
Co2iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 100.733 (13) | Ge1—Co3—Mn6 | 117.022 (11) |
Mn2—Mn1—Mn7vii | 113.875 (11) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn6 | 113.562 (12) |
Mn7iv—Mn1—Mn7vii | 134.225 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn6 | 66.260 (8) |
Mn7iii—Mn1—Mn7vii | 52.632 (12) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn6 | 63.811 (9) |
Mn7vi—Mn1—Mn7vii | 106.855 (16) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn6 | 114.944 (6) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge2viii | 149.830 (17) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn2xviii | 117.108 (6) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co3v | 148.918 (10) | Ge1—Co3—Mn2xviii | 66.094 (9) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co3v | 51.797 (9) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn2xviii | 63.359 (10) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co3iv | 148.918 (10) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn2xviii | 113.171 (10) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co3iv | 51.797 (9) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn2xviii | 113.070 (11) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co3iv | 54.215 (12) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn2xviii | 62.893 (6) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co6viii | 98.155 (15) | Mn6—Co3—Mn2xviii | 176.772 (11) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co6viii | 51.675 (11) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn6viii | 65.326 (6) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co6viii | 96.820 (12) | Ge1—Co3—Mn6viii | 66.190 (11) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co6viii | 96.820 (12) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn6viii | 171.747 (11) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co1i | 56.266 (10) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn6viii | 65.783 (8) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co1i | 147.559 (11) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn6viii | 114.599 (13) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co1i | 119.104 (14) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn6viii | 114.676 (5) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co1i | 96.513 (10) | Mn6—Co3—Mn6viii | 64.175 (13) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co1i | 142.693 (13) | Mn2xviii—Co3—Mn6viii | 118.717 (12) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co1ii | 56.266 (10) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn5 | 65.520 (6) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co1ii | 147.559 (11) | Ge1—Co3—Mn5 | 65.905 (11) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co1ii | 96.513 (10) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn5 | 65.053 (9) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co1ii | 119.104 (14) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn5 | 171.003 (10) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co1ii | 142.693 (12) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn5 | 113.606 (13) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co1ii | 48.318 (11) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn5 | 114.479 (5) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge1iv | 98.890 (10) | Mn6—Co3—Mn5 | 115.861 (11) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 96.295 (10) | Mn2xviii—Co3—Mn5 | 64.174 (10) |
Co3v—Mn2—Ge1iv | 98.201 (12) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn5 | 123.198 (10) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Ge1iv | 50.038 (7) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn4 | 65.628 (6) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 117.206 (9) | Ge1—Co3—Mn4 | 116.509 (10) |
Co1i—Mn2—Ge1iv | 51.896 (8) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn4 | 65.581 (9) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Ge1iv | 95.045 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn4 | 113.654 (10) |
Mn1—Mn2—Ge1iii | 98.890 (10) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn4 | 63.566 (9) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 96.295 (10) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn4 | 114.370 (6) |
Co3v—Mn2—Ge1iii | 50.038 (8) | Mn6—Co3—Mn4 | 60.834 (11) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Ge1iii | 98.201 (12) | Mn2xviii—Co3—Mn4 | 117.412 (12) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 117.206 (8) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn4 | 117.108 (11) |
Co1i—Mn2—Ge1iii | 95.045 (12) | Mn5—Co3—Mn4 | 63.012 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Ge1iii | 51.896 (8) | Co3ix—Co3—Mn3xii | 116.414 (6) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Ge1iii | 118.928 (16) | Ge1—Co3—Mn3xii | 65.309 (9) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co2iv | 57.485 (11) | Ge2vii—Co3—Mn3xii | 112.814 (11) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co2iv | 95.523 (13) | Ge3xii—Co3—Mn3xii | 65.291 (9) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co2iv | 145.906 (15) | Co4iii—Co3—Mn3xii | 114.601 (11) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co2iv | 116.643 (10) | Co3xv—Co3—Mn3xii | 63.588 (6) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co2iv | 49.498 (9) | Mn6—Co3—Mn3xii | 119.512 (12) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co2iv | 93.539 (11) | Mn2xviii—Co3—Mn3xii | 62.132 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Co2iv | 113.751 (14) | Mn6viii—Co3—Mn3xii | 64.289 (10) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Co2iv | 94.534 (8) | Mn5—Co3—Mn3xii | 117.743 (12) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Co2iv | 142.822 (11) | Mn4—Co3—Mn3xii | 177.948 (9) |
Mn1—Mn2—Co2v | 57.485 (11) | Co2ix—Co4—Co2 | 62.582 (12) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Co2v | 95.523 (13) | Co2ix—Co4—Ge3 | 122.431 (12) |
Co3v—Mn2—Co2v | 116.643 (10) | Co2—Co4—Ge3 | 122.432 (12) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Co2v | 145.906 (15) | Co2ix—Co4—Ge2xi | 119.978 (13) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Co2v | 49.498 (9) | Co2—Co4—Ge2xi | 119.977 (13) |
Co1i—Mn2—Co2v | 113.751 (14) | Ge3—Co4—Ge2xi | 105.345 (12) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Co2v | 93.539 (11) | Co2ix—Co4—Co3xvii | 118.553 (8) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Co2v | 142.822 (11) | Co2—Co4—Co3xvii | 178.226 (13) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Co2v | 94.534 (8) | Ge3—Co4—Co3xvii | 58.391 (8) |
Co2iv—Mn2—Co2v | 49.245 (10) | Ge2xi—Co4—Co3xvii | 58.353 (10) |
Mn1—Mn2—Mn3i | 108.261 (16) | Co2ix—Co4—Co3xix | 178.226 (13) |
Ge2viii—Mn2—Mn3i | 101.909 (15) | Co2—Co4—Co3xix | 118.553 (8) |
Co3v—Mn2—Mn3i | 60.078 (10) | Ge3—Co4—Co3xix | 58.391 (8) |
Co3iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 60.078 (10) | Ge2xi—Co4—Co3xix | 58.353 (10) |
Co6viii—Mn2—Mn3i | 153.584 (17) | Co3xvii—Co4—Co3xix | 60.276 (12) |
Co1i—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.104 (11) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn7xi | 65.676 (11) |
Co1ii—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.104 (11) | Co2—Co4—Mn7xi | 65.676 (11) |
Ge1iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.466 (8) | Ge3—Co4—Mn7xi | 169.945 (15) |
Ge1iii—Mn2—Mn3i | 59.466 (8) | Ge2xi—Co4—Mn7xi | 64.599 (12) |
Co2iv—Mn2—Mn3i | 149.842 (10) | Co3xvii—Co4—Mn7xi | 113.326 (13) |
Co2v—Mn2—Mn3i | 149.842 (10) | Co3xix—Co4—Mn7xi | 113.326 (13) |
Co4—Mn3—Co1 | 146.763 (12) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn3 | 66.636 (11) |
Co4—Mn3—Co1ix | 146.763 (12) | Co2—Co4—Mn3 | 66.637 (11) |
Co1—Mn3—Co1ix | 47.997 (11) | Ge3—Co4—Mn3 | 66.522 (10) |
Co4—Mn3—Co6vii | 93.834 (11) | Ge2xi—Co4—Mn3 | 171.867 (16) |
Co1—Mn3—Co6vii | 53.753 (9) | Co3xvii—Co4—Mn3 | 114.970 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co6vii | 96.284 (13) | Co3xix—Co4—Mn3 | 114.970 (13) |
Co4—Mn3—Co6vi | 93.834 (11) | Mn7xi—Co4—Mn3 | 123.533 (15) |
Co1—Mn3—Co6vi | 96.284 (13) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn6xvii | 65.577 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co6vi | 53.753 (9) | Co2—Co4—Mn6xvii | 119.202 (14) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co6vi | 118.959 (17) | Ge3—Co4—Mn6xvii | 65.617 (9) |
Co4—Mn3—Ge1vi | 116.257 (9) | Ge2xi—Co4—Mn6xvii | 112.101 (10) |
Co1—Mn3—Ge1vi | 94.339 (12) | Co3xvii—Co4—Mn6xvii | 62.511 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Ge1vi | 51.582 (8) | Co3xix—Co4—Mn6xvii | 114.188 (14) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Ge1vi | 147.326 (16) | Mn7xi—Co4—Mn6xvii | 117.054 (9) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Ge1vi | 50.603 (9) | Mn3—Co4—Mn6xvii | 65.266 (9) |
Co4—Mn3—Ge1vii | 116.257 (8) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn6xviii | 119.201 (14) |
Co1—Mn3—Ge1vii | 51.581 (8) | Co2—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.577 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Ge1vii | 94.339 (12) | Ge3—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.617 (9) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Ge1vii | 50.603 (9) | Ge2xi—Co4—Mn6xviii | 112.101 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Ge1vii | 147.326 (16) | Co3xvii—Co4—Mn6xviii | 114.188 (13) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Ge1vii | 117.952 (15) | Co3xix—Co4—Mn6xviii | 62.511 (10) |
Co4—Mn3—Mn5 | 100.809 (15) | Mn7xi—Co4—Mn6xviii | 117.054 (9) |
Co1—Mn3—Mn5 | 58.817 (10) | Mn3—Co4—Mn6xviii | 65.266 (9) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Mn5 | 58.817 (10) | Mn6xvii—Co4—Mn6xviii | 120.387 (17) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Mn5 | 59.534 (9) | Co2ix—Co4—Mn4xviii | 116.529 (14) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Mn5 | 59.534 (8) | Co2—Co4—Mn4xviii | 63.503 (10) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Mn5 | 100.181 (10) | Ge3—Co4—Mn4xviii | 113.442 (9) |
Ge1vii—Mn3—Mn5 | 100.181 (11) | Ge2xi—Co4—Mn4xviii | 65.489 (9) |
Co4—Mn3—Co2ix | 50.176 (9) | Co3xvii—Co4—Mn4xviii | 114.783 (13) |
Co1—Mn3—Co2ix | 118.666 (13) | Co3xix—Co4—Mn4xviii | 63.649 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co2ix | 97.253 (10) | Mn7xi—Co4—Mn4xviii | 63.400 (9) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co2ix | 95.644 (13) | Mn3—Co4—Mn4xviii | 116.933 (9) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co2ix | 49.435 (8) | Mn6xvii—Co4—Mn4xviii | 177.285 (15) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Co2ix | 94.497 (8) | Mn6xviii—Co4—Mn4xviii | 60.485 (10) |
Ge1vii—Mn3—Co2ix | 145.401 (11) | Co2—Co5—Co2ix | 62.191 (13) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co2ix | 59.872 (11) | Co2—Co5—Co1xii | 117.062 (9) |
Co4—Mn3—Co2 | 50.176 (9) | Co2ix—Co5—Co1xii | 178.331 (15) |
Co1—Mn3—Co2 | 97.253 (10) | Co2—Co5—Co1xiii | 178.332 (15) |
Co1ix—Mn3—Co2 | 118.665 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Co1xiii | 117.063 (9) |
Co6vii—Mn3—Co2 | 49.435 (8) | Co1xii—Co5—Co1xiii | 63.639 (13) |
Co6vi—Mn3—Co2 | 95.644 (13) | Co2—Co5—Ge1 | 118.937 (12) |
Ge1vi—Mn3—Co2 | 145.400 (11) | Co2ix—Co5—Ge1 | 118.937 (12) |
Ge1vii—Mn3—Co2 | 94.497 (8) | Co1xii—Co5—Ge1 | 59.904 (9) |
Mn5—Mn3—Co2 | 59.872 (11) | Co1xiii—Co5—Ge1 | 59.904 (9) |
Co2ix—Mn3—Co2 | 51.510 (11) | Co2—Co5—Mn7 | 118.064 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co1 | 50.260 (12) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn7 | 118.064 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co2v | 142.479 (16) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn7 | 63.591 (11) |
Co1—Mn4—Co2v | 115.174 (11) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn7 | 63.591 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co2iv | 115.174 (11) | Ge1—Co5—Mn7 | 112.269 (15) |
Co1—Mn4—Co2iv | 142.478 (16) | Co2—Co5—Mn7xi | 66.640 (10) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co2iv | 51.314 (11) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn7xi | 66.640 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co4iii | 144.716 (12) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn7xi | 114.609 (13) |
Co1—Mn4—Co4iii | 94.953 (8) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn7xi | 114.609 (13) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co4iii | 50.234 (8) | Ge1—Co5—Mn7xi | 173.179 (16) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co4iii | 96.005 (13) | Mn7—Co5—Mn7xi | 60.909 (15) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co4iv | 94.952 (9) | Co2—Co5—Mn1xvii | 119.743 (14) |
Co1—Mn4—Co4iv | 144.716 (11) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn1xvii | 63.575 (10) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co4iv | 96.005 (13) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn1xvii | 117.763 (14) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co4iv | 50.234 (8) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn1xvii | 60.331 (10) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co4iv | 118.511 (17) | Ge1—Co5—Mn1xvii | 108.800 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co3ix | 95.892 (11) | Mn7—Co5—Mn1xvii | 68.911 (10) |
Co1—Mn4—Co3ix | 116.945 (14) | Mn7xi—Co5—Mn1xvii | 69.483 (10) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co3ix | 119.107 (14) | Co2—Co5—Mn1xviii | 63.574 (10) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co3ix | 97.418 (10) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn1xviii | 119.743 (14) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co3ix | 95.997 (13) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn1xviii | 60.331 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Co3ix | 52.784 (9) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn1xviii | 117.763 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Co3 | 116.945 (14) | Ge1—Co5—Mn1xviii | 108.800 (10) |
Co1—Mn4—Co3 | 95.893 (11) | Mn7—Co5—Mn1xviii | 68.911 (10) |
Co2v—Mn4—Co3 | 97.418 (10) | Mn7xi—Co5—Mn1xviii | 69.483 (10) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Co3 | 119.107 (14) | Mn1xvii—Co5—Mn1xviii | 131.327 (19) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Co3 | 52.784 (9) | Co2—Co5—Mn5 | 64.791 (11) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Co3 | 95.997 (13) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn5 | 64.791 (11) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Co3 | 48.742 (11) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn5 | 113.564 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Mn6 | 150.846 (10) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn5 | 113.564 (13) |
Co1—Mn4—Mn6 | 150.847 (10) | Ge1—Co5—Mn5 | 64.232 (12) |
Co2v—Mn4—Mn6 | 60.592 (11) | Mn7—Co5—Mn5 | 176.502 (16) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Mn6 | 60.592 (10) | Mn7xi—Co5—Mn5 | 122.589 (16) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Mn6 | 59.288 (8) | Mn1xvii—Co5—Mn5 | 111.802 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Mn6 | 59.288 (8) | Mn1xviii—Co5—Mn5 | 111.802 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Mn6 | 58.521 (11) | Co2—Co5—Mn2xviii | 65.012 (10) |
Co3—Mn4—Mn6 | 58.521 (11) | Co2ix—Co5—Mn2xviii | 116.346 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn4—Ge2vi | 51.708 (8) | Co1xii—Co5—Mn2xviii | 62.162 (10) |
Co1—Mn4—Ge2vi | 95.891 (12) | Co1xiii—Co5—Mn2xviii | 114.666 (13) |
Co2v—Mn4—Ge2vi | 145.625 (11) | Ge1—Co5—Mn2xviii | 62.846 (9) |
Co2iv—Mn4—Ge2vi | 95.101 (8) | Mn7—Co5—Mn2xviii | 116.628 (9) |
Co4iii—Mn4—Ge2vi | 145.407 (16) | Mn7xi—Co5—Mn2xviii | 119.241 (9) |
Co4iv—Mn4—Ge2vi | 50.310 (8) | Mn1xvii—Co5—Mn2xviii | 170.950 (14) |
Co3ix—Mn4—Ge2vi | 50.043 (8) | Mn1xviii—Co5—Mn2xviii | 57.275 (10) |
Co3—Mn4—Ge2vi | 93.420 (12) | Mn5—Co5—Mn2xviii | 62.209 (9) |
Mn6—Mn4—Ge2vi | 99.146 (10) | Co2xii—Co6—Co2xiii | 60.771 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co1 | 48.611 (11) | Co2xii—Co6—Ge2 | 121.153 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co6vi | 54.217 (9) | Co2xiii—Co6—Ge2 | 121.153 (13) |
Co1—Mn5—Co6vi | 97.317 (13) | Co2xii—Co6—Ge1 | 121.118 (13) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co6vii | 97.317 (13) | Co2xiii—Co6—Ge1 | 121.118 (13) |
Co1—Mn5—Co6vii | 54.217 (9) | Ge2—Co6—Ge1 | 106.347 (14) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co6vii | 119.766 (17) | Co2xii—Co6—Co1xiii | 179.649 (16) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co3ix | 94.265 (11) | Co2xiii—Co6—Co1xiii | 119.129 (8) |
Co1—Mn5—Co3ix | 114.550 (14) | Ge2—Co6—Co1xiii | 58.568 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co3ix | 94.982 (9) | Ge1—Co6—Co1xiii | 59.232 (9) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co3ix | 143.484 (12) | Co2xii—Co6—Co1xii | 119.129 (8) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co3 | 114.550 (14) | Co2xiii—Co6—Co1xii | 179.649 (16) |
Co1—Mn5—Co3 | 94.266 (11) | Ge2—Co6—Co1xii | 58.568 (10) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co3 | 143.484 (11) | Ge1—Co6—Co1xii | 59.232 (9) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co3 | 94.982 (9) | Co1xiii—Co6—Co1xii | 60.970 (12) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co3 | 48.958 (11) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn2viii | 67.390 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Ge2vii | 94.633 (12) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn2viii | 67.390 (11) |
Co1—Mn5—Ge2vii | 51.236 (8) | Ge2—Co6—Mn2viii | 63.315 (11) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Ge2vii | 148.049 (16) | Ge1—Co6—Mn2viii | 169.662 (16) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Ge2vii | 50.427 (9) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn2viii | 112.260 (13) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Ge2vii | 94.269 (12) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn2viii | 112.260 (13) |
Co3—Mn5—Ge2vii | 50.417 (8) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.585 (11) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Ge2vi | 51.235 (8) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.585 (11) |
Co1—Mn5—Ge2vi | 94.633 (12) | Ge2—Co6—Mn6viii | 171.782 (16) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Ge2vi | 50.427 (9) | Ge1—Co6—Mn6viii | 65.435 (12) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Ge2vi | 148.049 (16) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn6viii | 114.712 (13) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Ge2vi | 50.417 (8) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn6viii | 114.712 (13) |
Co3—Mn5—Ge2vi | 94.269 (12) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn6viii | 124.903 (15) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Ge2vi | 118.343 (15) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn5xii | 65.707 (10) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co2ix | 98.158 (10) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn5xii | 117.623 (14) |
Co1—Mn5—Co2ix | 120.021 (14) | Ge2—Co6—Mn5xii | 65.231 (9) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co2ix | 49.596 (8) | Ge1—Co6—Mn5xii | 112.512 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co2ix | 96.031 (13) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn5xii | 114.191 (14) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co2ix | 116.438 (10) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn5xii | 62.104 (10) |
Co3—Mn5—Co2ix | 143.712 (15) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn5xii | 64.224 (9) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Co2ix | 145.485 (11) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn5xii | 117.008 (9) |
Ge2vi—Mn5—Co2ix | 94.371 (8) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 117.623 (14) |
Co1ix—Mn5—Co2 | 120.022 (14) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 65.707 (10) |
Co1—Mn5—Co2 | 98.158 (10) | Ge2—Co6—Mn5xvi | 65.231 (9) |
Co6vi—Mn5—Co2 | 96.031 (13) | Ge1—Co6—Mn5xvi | 112.512 (10) |
Co6vii—Mn5—Co2 | 49.596 (8) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 62.104 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn5—Co2 | 143.712 (15) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 114.191 (14) |
Co3—Mn5—Co2 | 116.437 (10) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 64.224 (9) |
Ge2vii—Mn5—Co2 | 94.372 (8) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 117.008 (9) |
Ge2vi—Mn5—Co2 | 145.485 (11) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn5xvi | 119.767 (17) |
Co2ix—Mn5—Co2 | 51.621 (11) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 117.340 (14) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3 | 49.887 (11) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 65.657 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3x | 115.825 (13) | Ge2—Co6—Mn3xvi | 112.920 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Co3x | 94.790 (11) | Ge1—Co6—Mn3xvi | 65.014 (9) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co3viii | 94.791 (11) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 62.771 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Co3viii | 115.825 (13) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 114.613 (14) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co3viii | 49.349 (11) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 117.784 (9) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co4iv | 53.679 (8) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 64.403 (9) |
Co3—Mn6—Co4iv | 98.022 (13) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn3xvi | 176.675 (16) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co4iv | 143.553 (11) | Mn5xvi—Co6—Mn3xvi | 60.529 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co4iv | 94.585 (9) | Co2xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 65.657 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co4iii | 98.022 (13) | Co2xiii—Co6—Mn3xii | 117.340 (14) |
Co3—Mn6—Co4iii | 53.679 (8) | Ge2—Co6—Mn3xii | 112.920 (10) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co4iii | 94.585 (9) | Ge1—Co6—Mn3xii | 65.014 (9) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co4iii | 143.553 (11) | Co1xiii—Co6—Mn3xii | 114.613 (14) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co4iii | 120.386 (17) | Co1xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 62.771 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co6viii | 146.220 (11) | Mn2viii—Co6—Mn3xii | 117.784 (9) |
Co3—Mn6—Co6viii | 146.221 (11) | Mn6viii—Co6—Mn3xii | 64.403 (9) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co6viii | 94.715 (13) | Mn5xii—Co6—Mn3xii | 60.529 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co6viii | 94.715 (13) | Mn5xvi—Co6—Mn3xii | 176.675 (16) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co6viii | 93.274 (11) | Mn3xvi—Co6—Mn3xii | 118.958 (17) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co6viii | 93.274 (11) | Co3—Ge1—Co3ix | 59.156 (12) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co2iv | 97.420 (10) | Co3—Ge1—Co6 | 118.982 (12) |
Co3—Mn6—Co2iv | 119.110 (13) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co6 | 118.983 (12) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co2iv | 143.508 (15) | Co3—Ge1—Co1xiii | 177.501 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co2iv | 116.758 (10) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co1xiii | 118.691 (8) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co2iv | 49.922 (8) | Co6—Ge1—Co1xiii | 62.922 (9) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co2iv | 95.244 (13) | Co3—Ge1—Co1xii | 118.690 (8) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Co2iv | 49.700 (9) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co1xii | 177.500 (10) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Co2v | 119.109 (13) | Co6—Ge1—Co1xii | 62.922 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Co2v | 97.421 (10) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Co1xii | 63.430 (12) |
Co3x—Mn6—Co2v | 116.758 (10) | Co3—Ge1—Co5 | 119.905 (12) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Co2v | 143.508 (15) | Co3ix—Ge1—Co5 | 119.904 (12) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Co2v | 95.243 (13) | Co6—Ge1—Co5 | 111.164 (13) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Co2v | 49.922 (8) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Co5 | 59.614 (10) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Co2v | 49.700 (9) | Co1xii—Ge1—Co5 | 59.614 (10) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Co2v | 50.131 (11) | Co3—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 114.197 (12) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.644 (11) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 63.868 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.645 (11) | Co6—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 115.560 (9) |
Co3x—Mn6—Mn4 | 151.676 (9) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 63.308 (10) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Mn4 | 151.676 (9) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 117.153 (12) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.226 (8) | Co5—Ge1—Mn2xvii | 66.048 (8) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Mn4 | 60.226 (9) | Co3—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 63.868 (10) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Mn4 | 99.175 (15) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 114.196 (13) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Mn4 | 58.470 (11) | Co6—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 115.560 (9) |
Co2v—Mn6—Mn4 | 58.470 (11) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 117.153 (12) |
Co3ix—Mn6—Ge1viii | 143.795 (12) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 63.308 (10) |
Co3—Mn6—Ge1viii | 143.795 (12) | Co5—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 66.048 (9) |
Co3x—Mn6—Ge1viii | 49.600 (8) | Mn2xvii—Ge1—Mn2xviii | 118.929 (16) |
Co3viii—Mn6—Ge1viii | 49.600 (8) | Co3—Ge1—Mn3xii | 65.413 (10) |
Co4iv—Mn6—Ge1viii | 114.724 (9) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn3xii | 115.463 (12) |
Co4iii—Mn6—Ge1viii | 114.724 (9) | Co6—Ge1—Mn3xii | 64.381 (8) |
Co6viii—Mn6—Ge1viii | 50.690 (11) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 117.081 (12) |
Co2iv—Mn6—Ge1viii | 94.643 (12) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 63.529 (10) |
Co2v—Mn6—Ge1viii | 94.643 (12) | Co5—Ge1—Mn3xii | 114.688 (9) |
Mn4—Mn6—Ge1viii | 149.866 (16) | Mn2xvii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 179.256 (13) |
Co5—Mn7—Co5xi | 119.090 (15) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn3xii | 61.556 (10) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn7xi | 59.937 (15) | Co3—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 115.463 (13) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Mn7xi | 59.153 (14) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 65.414 (10) |
Co5—Mn7—Co1xii | 55.019 (10) | Co6—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 64.381 (9) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Co1xii | 149.038 (8) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 63.529 (10) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Co1xii | 106.620 (16) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 117.081 (12) |
Co5—Mn7—Co1xiii | 55.018 (10) | Co5—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 114.688 (9) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Co1xiii | 149.038 (8) | Mn2xvii—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 61.556 (10) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Co1xiii | 106.620 (16) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 179.256 (13) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co1xiii | 57.676 (12) | Mn3xii—Ge1—Mn3xvi | 117.953 (16) |
Co5—Mn7—Co4xi | 148.264 (17) | Co3—Ge1—Mn6viii | 64.211 (10) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Co4xi | 92.646 (14) | Co3ix—Ge1—Mn6viii | 64.212 (10) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Co4xi | 151.80 (2) | Co6—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.874 (12) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co4xi | 98.002 (12) | Co1xiii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 116.408 (12) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Co4xi | 98.002 (12) | Co1xii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 116.408 (12) |
Co5—Mn7—Ge2 | 95.736 (15) | Co5—Ge1—Mn6viii | 175.038 (14) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Ge2 | 145.174 (16) | Mn2xvii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 115.523 (8) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Ge2 | 155.67 (2) | Mn2xviii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 115.523 (9) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Ge2 | 53.008 (9) | Mn3xii—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.754 (8) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Ge2 | 53.008 (9) | Mn3xvi—Ge1—Mn6viii | 63.754 (8) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Ge2 | 52.528 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Co3xii | 119.262 (11) |
Co5—Mn7—Co2xi | 150.333 (9) | Co6—Ge2—Co3xiii | 119.262 (11) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Co2xi | 52.274 (10) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co3xiii | 63.317 (13) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Co2xi | 104.340 (17) | Co6—Ge2—Co4xi | 177.355 (15) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co2xi | 148.909 (15) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co4xi | 62.862 (9) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Co2xi | 115.285 (9) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Co4xi | 62.862 (9) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Co2xi | 51.319 (9) | Co6—Ge2—Co1xiii | 63.612 (9) |
Ge2—Mn7—Co2xi | 97.402 (13) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co1xiii | 177.092 (13) |
Co5—Mn7—Co2xiv | 150.333 (9) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Co1xiii | 116.081 (9) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Co2xiv | 52.274 (10) | Co4xi—Ge2—Co1xiii | 114.252 (11) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Co2xiv | 104.340 (17) | Co6—Ge2—Co1xii | 63.612 (9) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Co2xiv | 115.285 (10) | Co3xii—Ge2—Co1xii | 116.081 (9) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Co2xiv | 148.909 (15) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Co1xii | 177.092 (13) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Co2xiv | 51.319 (9) | Co4xi—Ge2—Co1xii | 114.252 (11) |
Ge2—Mn7—Co2xiv | 97.402 (13) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Co1xii | 64.363 (13) |
Co2xi—Mn7—Co2xiv | 52.842 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Mn2viii | 65.009 (13) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn4xii | 107.205 (11) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 64.843 (11) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Mn4xii | 105.200 (11) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 64.843 (10) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Mn4xii | 123.386 (9) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.636 (14) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn4xii | 57.268 (9) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.714 (12) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Mn4xii | 105.334 (13) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn2viii | 117.714 (12) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Mn4xii | 60.267 (9) | Co6—Ge2—Mn7 | 114.484 (14) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn4xii | 60.538 (9) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn7 | 115.570 (12) |
Co2xi—Mn7—Mn4xii | 102.420 (13) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn7 | 115.570 (12) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn4xii | 58.150 (10) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn7 | 62.872 (12) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 107.205 (11) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn7 | 61.881 (10) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 105.200 (11) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn7 | 61.881 (10) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 123.386 (9) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn7 | 179.493 (13) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 105.334 (13) | Co6—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.342 (8) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 57.268 (9) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.529 (9) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 60.267 (9) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 118.121 (13) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 60.538 (9) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn5xii | 116.436 (8) |
Co2xi—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 58.150 (9) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 117.538 (12) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 102.420 (13) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 63.105 (10) |
Mn4xii—Mn7—Mn4xvi | 113.160 (17) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn5xii | 64.445 (8) |
Co5—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 56.266 (8) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn5xii | 115.399 (9) |
Co5xi—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 96.518 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 64.342 (8) |
Mn7xi—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 64.331 (10) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 118.121 (12) |
Co1xii—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 101.065 (13) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 64.529 (9) |
Co1xiii—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 53.737 (9) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 116.436 (9) |
Co4xi—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 124.506 (8) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 63.105 (10) |
Ge2—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 103.513 (11) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 117.538 (12) |
Co2xi—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 94.725 (9) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 64.445 (9) |
Co2xiv—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 143.619 (13) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 115.399 (9) |
Mn4xii—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 157.713 (16) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn5xvi | 118.342 (15) |
Mn4xvi—Mn7—Mn1xvii | 64.509 (10) | Co6—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 114.905 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Ge2vii | 122.180 (6) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 117.402 (12) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co5vii | 121.821 (7) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 64.375 (10) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co5vii | 109.870 (11) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 64.201 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Ge1vii | 121.716 (6) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 60.469 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Ge1vii | 104.617 (10) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 114.394 (13) |
Co5vii—Co1—Ge1vii | 60.484 (11) | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 117.625 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co6vii | 120.484 (6) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 62.518 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co6vii | 57.820 (10) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 177.498 (13) |
Co5vii—Co1—Co6vii | 107.755 (11) | Mn5xvi—Ge2—Mn4xvi | 62.516 (10) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Co6vii | 57.844 (11) | Co6—Ge2—Mn4xii | 114.905 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn1i | 63.736 (6) | Co3xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 64.375 (10) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn1i | 129.042 (13) | Co3xiii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 117.402 (12) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn1i | 64.080 (9) | Co4xi—Ge2—Mn4xii | 64.201 (8) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn1i | 112.246 (13) | Co1xiii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 114.394 (13) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn1i | 170.084 (13) | Co1xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 60.469 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Co1xv | 180.0 | Mn2viii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 117.625 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Co1xv | 57.818 (6) | Mn7—Ge2—Mn4xii | 62.518 (8) |
Co5vii—Co1—Co1xv | 58.180 (7) | Mn5xii—Ge2—Mn4xii | 62.516 (10) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Co1xv | 58.285 (6) | Mn5xvi—Ge2—Mn4xii | 177.498 (13) |
Co6vii—Co1—Co1xv | 59.515 (6) | Mn4xvi—Ge2—Mn4xii | 116.520 (15) |
Mn1i—Co1—Co1xv | 116.265 (6) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Co3vii | 180.000 (11) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn7vii | 118.837 (6) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Co3xx | 116.701 (11) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 65.110 (10) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co3xx | 63.299 (11) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 61.391 (11) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Co3xix | 63.299 (11) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 110.953 (11) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co3xix | 116.701 (11) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn7vii | 112.468 (11) | Co3xx—Ge3—Co3xix | 180.000 (11) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn7vii | 69.452 (10) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Co4 | 62.879 (8) |
Co1xv—Co1—Mn7vii | 61.162 (6) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co4 | 117.121 (8) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn4 | 64.869 (6) | Co3xx—Ge3—Co4 | 117.121 (8) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn4 | 67.822 (9) | Co3xix—Ge3—Co4 | 62.879 (8) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn4 | 120.509 (13) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Co4xxi | 117.120 (8) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn4 | 172.407 (11) | Co3vii—Ge3—Co4xxi | 62.880 (8) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn4 | 116.276 (13) | Co3xx—Ge3—Co4xxi | 62.880 (8) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn4 | 73.558 (13) | Co3xix—Ge3—Co4xxi | 117.120 (8) |
Co1xv—Co1—Mn4 | 115.129 (6) | Co4—Ge3—Co4xxi | 180.0 |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn4 | 65.811 (10) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn6vi | 63.733 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn5 | 65.694 (6) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6vi | 116.267 (9) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn5 | 65.659 (9) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6vi | 62.997 (9) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn5 | 171.409 (11) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn6vi | 117.003 (9) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn5 | 112.691 (12) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6vi | 116.262 (7) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn5 | 63.679 (9) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6vi | 63.737 (7) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn5 | 124.506 (11) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 116.267 (9) |
Co1xv—Co1—Mn5 | 114.305 (6) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 63.733 (9) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn5 | 120.081 (12) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 117.003 (9) |
Mn4—Co1—Mn5 | 65.484 (12) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 62.997 (9) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn2i | 65.842 (6) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 63.738 (7) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn2i | 169.331 (11) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 116.263 (7) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn2i | 66.896 (11) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6xviii | 180.000 (18) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn2i | 64.798 (9) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 62.997 (9) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn2i | 112.689 (13) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 117.003 (9) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn2i | 59.687 (12) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 63.733 (9) |
Co1xv—Co1—Mn2i | 114.160 (5) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 116.267 (9) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn2i | 118.741 (12) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 63.738 (7) |
Mn4—Co1—Mn2i | 122.778 (11) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 116.263 (7) |
Mn5—Co1—Mn2i | 116.052 (11) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 62.626 (13) |
Co1ix—Co1—Mn3 | 66.002 (5) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn6xvii | 117.374 (13) |
Ge2vii—Co1—Mn3 | 112.894 (11) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 117.003 (9) |
Co5vii—Co1—Mn3 | 116.565 (13) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 62.997 (9) |
Ge1vii—Co1—Mn3 | 64.889 (9) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn6vii | 116.267 (9) |
Co6vii—Co1—Mn3 | 63.475 (9) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn6vii | 63.733 (9) |
Mn1i—Co1—Mn3 | 114.054 (11) | Co4—Ge3—Mn6vii | 116.262 (7) |
Co1xv—Co1—Mn3 | 113.999 (5) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn6vii | 63.737 (7) |
Mn7vii—Co1—Mn3 | 175.160 (9) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn6vii | 117.374 (13) |
Mn4—Co1—Mn3 | 117.981 (11) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 62.626 (13) |
Mn5—Co1—Mn3 | 61.207 (11) | Mn6xvii—Ge3—Mn6vii | 180.000 (18) |
Mn2i—Co1—Mn3 | 62.387 (11) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn3 | 115.316 (9) |
Co6vii—Co2—Co4 | 118.573 (14) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn3 | 64.684 (9) |
Co6vii—Co2—Co5 | 120.310 (13) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn3 | 64.684 (9) |
Co4—Co2—Co5 | 108.778 (11) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn3 | 115.316 (9) |
Co6vii—Co2—Co2xv | 59.614 (6) | Co4—Ge3—Mn3 | 62.532 (10) |
Co4—Co2—Co2xv | 121.291 (6) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn3 | 117.469 (10) |
Co5—Co2—Co2xv | 121.096 (6) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn3 | 116.485 (7) |
Co6vii—Co2—Co2ix | 120.385 (7) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn3 | 63.515 (7) |
Co4—Co2—Co2ix | 58.708 (6) | Mn6xvii—Ge3—Mn3 | 63.515 (7) |
Co5—Co2—Co2ix | 58.905 (6) | Mn6vii—Ge3—Mn3 | 116.485 (7) |
Co2xv—Co2—Co2ix | 179.999 (17) | Co3xvii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 64.683 (9) |
Co6vii—Co2—Mn1xviii | 109.476 (11) | Co3vii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 115.317 (9) |
Co4—Co2—Mn1xviii | 124.958 (13) | Co3xx—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 115.316 (9) |
Co5—Co2—Mn1xviii | 63.309 (10) | Co3xix—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 64.684 (9) |
Co2xv—Co2—Mn1xviii | 63.402 (6) | Co4—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 117.467 (10) |
Co2ix—Co2—Mn1xviii | 116.599 (6) | Co4xxi—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 62.532 (10) |
Co6vii—Co2—Mn4xviii | 113.425 (11) | Mn6vi—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 63.516 (7) |
Co4—Co2—Mn4xviii | 66.261 (9) | Mn6xviii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 116.484 (7) |
Co5—Co2—Mn4xviii | 117.773 (12) | Mn6xvii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 116.484 (7) |
Co2xv—Co2—Mn4xviii | 64.343 (5) | Mn6vii—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 63.516 (7) |
Co2ix—Co2—Mn4xviii | 115.657 (6) | Mn3—Ge3—Mn3xxi | 180.0 |
Mn1xviii—Co2—Mn4xviii | 71.342 (11) |
Symmetry codes: (i) −x, −y+1, −z; (ii) −x, −y+1, z; (iii) −x+1/2, y+1/2, z+1/2; (iv) −x+1/2, y+1/2, z−1/2; (v) −x+1/2, y+1/2, −z+1/2; (vi) x−1/2, −y+1/2, −z−1/2; (vii) x−1/2, −y+1/2, −z+1/2; (viii) −x+1, −y+1, −z; (ix) x, y, −z; (x) −x+1, −y+1, z; (xi) −x+1, −y, −z; (xii) x+1/2, −y+1/2, −z+1/2; (xiii) x+1/2, −y+1/2, z−1/2; (xiv) −x+1, −y, z; (xv) x, y, −z+1; (xvi) x+1/2, −y+1/2, −z−1/2; (xvii) −x+1/2, y−1/2, z−1/2; (xviii) −x+1/2, y−1/2, z+1/2; (xix) −x+1/2, y−1/2, −z+1/2; (xx) x−1/2, −y+1/2, z−1/2; (xxi) −x, −y, −z. |
Ueq is defined as one-third of the trace of the orthogonalized Uij tensor. For Mn14.89 (5)Co15.48 (4)Ge6.62 (2), M1 and M3 are 0.876 (12)Co + 0.124 (12)Mn and 0.90Co + 0.10Mn, respectively, and M2 = 0.594 (5)Co + 0.406 (5)Ge. For Mn14Co16.16 (3)Ge6.84 (3), M2 = 0.540 (7)Co + 0.460 (7)Ge. |
Atom | Site | x | y | z | Ueq (Å2) | Atom | Site | x | y | z | Ueq (Å2) |
Mn14.89 (5)Co15.48 (4)Ge6.62 (2) | Mn14Co16.16 (3)Ge6.84 (3) | ||||||||||
Mn1 | 4g | 0.02666 (3) | 0.57115 (2) | 0 | 0.00762 (5) | Mn1 | 4g | 0.02630 (3) | 0.57128 (2) | 0 | 0.00617 (6) |
Mn2 | 4g | 0.08586 (3) | 0.73416 (2) | 0 | 0.00681 (5) | Mn2 | 4g | 0.08564 (3) | 0.73405 (2) | 0 | 0.00553 (5) |
Mn3 | 4g | 0.10176 (3) | 0.16147 (2) | 0 | 0.00729 (5) | Mn3 | 4g | 0.10193 (3) | 0.16150 (3) | 0 | 0.00594 (6) |
Mn4 | 4g | 0.22070 (3) | 0.44440 (2) | 0 | 0.00763 (5) | Mn4 | 4g | 0.22075 (3) | 0.44428 (2) | 0 | 0.00622 (6) |
Mn5 | 4g | 0.28518 (3) | 0.26433 (2) | 0 | 0.00710 (5) | Mn5 | 4g | 0.28525 (3) | 0.26426 (2) | 0 | 0.00566 (6) |
Mn6 | 4g | 0.40147 (3) | 0.54997 (2) | 0 | 0.00673 (5) | Mn6 | 4g | 0.40142 (3) | 0.54991 (3) | 0 | 0.00543 (6) |
Mn7 | 4g | 0.59950 (3) | 0.02711 (2) | 0 | 0.00717 (5) | Mn7 | 4g | 0.59952 (3) | 0.02717 (2) | 0 | 0.00573 (6) |
M1 | 8h | 0.10076 (2) | 0.32411 (2) | 0.23460 (4) | 0.00519 (4) | Co1 | 8h | 0.10096 (2) | 0.32409 (2) | 0.23463 (5) | 0.00405 (4) |
M2 | 8h | 0.28921 (2) | 0.10244 (2) | 0.25373 (4) | 0.00601 (5) | M2 | 8h | 0.28931 (2) | 0.10233 (2) | 0.25377 (4) | 0.00490 (5) |
M3 | 8h | 0.41242 (2) | 0.39078 (2) | 0.24024 (4) | 0.00525 (4) | Co3 | 8h | 0.41258 (2) | 0.39066 (2) | 0.24029 (4) | 0.00417 (4) |
Co4 | 4g | 0.19010 (2) | 0.00139 (2) | 0 | 0.00605 (5) | Co4 | 4g | 0.19001 (3) | 0.00128 (2) | 0 | 0.00458 (5) |
Co5 | 4g | 0.44439 (3) | 0.13693 (2) | 0 | 0.00660 (5) | Co5 | 4g | 0.44448 (3) | 0.13683 (2) | 0 | 0.00501 (5) |
Co6 | 4g | 0.69785 (3) | 0.29091 (2) | 0 | 0.00626 (5) | Co6 | 4g | 0.69799 (3) | 0.29094 (2) | 0 | 0.00482 (5) |
Ge1 | 4g | 0.50766 (2) | 0.28512 (2) | 0 | 0.00626 (4) | Ge1 | 4g | 0.50782 (2) | 0.28499 (2) | 0 | 0.00489 (4) |
Ge2 | 4g | 0.75789 (2) | 0.14623 (2) | 0 | 0.00624 (4) | Ge2 | 4g | 0.75801 (2) | 0.14630 (2) | 0 | 0.00472 (5) |
Ge3 | 2a | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00616 (5) | Ge3 | 2a | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.00474 (6) |
Compound | Mn14.89 (5)Co15.48 (4)Ge6.62 (2) | Mn14Co16.16 (3)Ge6.84 (3) |
Summary formula | Mn29.79 (10)Co30.97 (8)Ge13.25 (4) | Mn28Co32.32 (6)Ge13.68 (6) |
Empirical formula | Mn14Co12Ge5(Mn0.04Co0.15Ge0.07)23 | Mn14Co14Ge5(Co0.096Ge0.08)23 |
Sample code | 10 | 7 |
Calculated composition | Mn40.2Co41.9Ge17.9 | Mn37.8Co43.9Ge18.3 |
EDS composition | Mn40.4 (5)Co42.0 (7)Ge17.6 (3) | Mn37.7 (9)Co45.1 (9)Ge17.2 (5) |
CSD | 2057512 | 2057511 |
Structure type relation | Mn14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 | Mn14(Mn0.11Co0.64Si0.25)23 |
Formula weight, Mr (g mol-1) | 4422.90 | 4436.02 |
Space group (No.) | Pnnm (58) | Pnnm (58) |
Pearson symbol, Z | oP74, 1 | oP74, 1 |
Unit-cell dimensions: | ||
a (Å) | 12.6427 (10) | 12.6208 (12) |
b (Å) | 15.6725 (12) | 15.6878 (15) |
c (Å) | 4.8374 (4) | 4.8338 (5) |
V (Å3) | 958.50 (13) | 957.06 (16) |
Calculated density, ρ (g cm-3) | 7.66 | 7.70 |
Absorption coefficient, µ (mm-1) | 32.54 | 32.93 |
Theta range for data collection (°) | 2.070–42.410 | 2.071–46.877 |
F(000) | 2005 | 2010 |
Range in h k l | -23 ≤ h ≤ 23 | -24 ≤ h ≤ 25 |
-29 ≤ k ≤ 29 | -25 ≤ k ≤ 32 | |
-9 ≤ l ≤ 9 | -9 ≤ l ≤ 9 | |
Total No. of reflections | 22326 | 38733 |
Rint/Rσ | 0.0299/0.0217 | 0.0411/0.0255 |
No. of independent reflections | 3686 | 4648 |
No. of reflections with I > 2σ(I) | 3277 | 4313 |
Data/parameters | 3686/106 | 4648/106 |
Goodness-of-fit on F2 | 1.103 | 1.219 |
Final R indices [I > 2σ(I)] | R1 = 0.0219 | R1 = 0.0323 |
wR2 = 0.0502 | wR2 = 0.0779 | |
R indices (all data) | R1 = 0.0265 | R1 = 0.0359 |
wR2 = 0.0515 | wR2 = 0.0795 | |
Largest diff. peak and hole (e Å-3) | 1.241 and -0.919 | 2.257 and -1.675 |
This work was supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, which is gratefully acknowledged. This work was funded through SweGRIDS, by the Swedish Energy Agency and Höganäs AB.
Funding information
Funding for this research was provided by: Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (project `SSF Magnetic materials for green energy technology'; EM16-0039).
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