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ISSN: 2053-2296

α-D-2′-De­­oxy­adenosine, an irradiation product of canonical DNA and a com­ponent of anomeric nucleic acids: crystal structure, packing and Hirshfeld surface analysis

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aLaboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Center for Nanotechnology, Heisenbergstrasse 11, 48149 Münster, Germany, bOrganisch-Chemisches Institut, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 40, 48149 Münster, Germany, and cLaboratorium für Organische und Bioorganische Chemie, Institut für Chemie, Universität Osnabrück, Barbarastrasse 7, Osnabrück 49069, Germany
*Correspondence e-mail:

Edited by A. G. Oliver, University of Notre Dame, USA (Received 4 December 2023; accepted 11 January 2024; online 22 January 2024)

α-D-2′-De­oxy­ribonucleosides are products of the γ-irradiation of DNA under oxygen-free conditions and are constituents of anomeric DNA. They are not found as natural building blocks of canonical DNA. Reports on their conformational properties are limited. Herein, the single-crystal X-ray structure of α-D-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (α-dA), C10H13N5O3, and its conformational parameters were determined. In the crystalline state, α-dA forms two conformers in the asymmetric unit which are connected by hydro­gen bonds. The sugar moiety of each conformer is arranged in a `clamp'-like fashion with respect to the other conformer, forming hydro­gen bonds to its nucleobase and sugar residue. For both conformers, a syn conformation of the nucleobase with respect to the sugar moiety was found. This is contrary to the anti conformation usually preferred by α-nucleosides. The sugar conformation of both conformers is C2′-endo, and the 5′-hydroxyl groups are in a +sc orientation, probably due to the hydro­gen bonds formed by the conformers. The formation of the supra­molecular assembly of α-dA is controlled by hydro­gen bonding and stacking inter­actions, which was verified by a Hirshfeld and curvedness surface analysis. Chains of hydro­gen-bonded nucleobases extend parallel to the b direction and are linked to equivalent chains by hydro­gen bonds involving the sugar moieties to form a sheet. A com­parison of the solid-state structures of the anomeric 2′-de­oxy­adenosines revealed significant differences of their conformational parameters.

1. Introduction

In canonical double-stranded DNA, all four canonical nucleosides display a β-D configuration; α-anomeric nucleosides are not found in native DNA. However, γ-irradiation of DNA under oxygen-free (anoxic) conditions can cause lesions that yield α-D nucleosides as single or multiple mutations (Amato & Wang, 2014[Amato, N. J. & Wang, Y. (2014). Chem. Res. Toxicol. 27, 470-479.]). This is explained by the formation of C1′ radicals at the 2′-de­oxy­ribose moiety formed during irradiation and the nonstereospecific recombination resulting in a mixture of anomers (β and α). Lesiak & Wheeler (1990[Lesiak, K. B. & Wheeler, K. T. (1990). Radiat. Res. 121, 328-337.]) reported the formation of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (α-dA) (Fig. 1[link]) as a major lesion product upon γ-irradiation of poly-dA–poly-dT duplexes and salmon testis DNA under a nitro­gen atmosphere. These α-dA mutations can have a significant impact on DNA stability, which strongly depends on the nearest neighbours (Ide et al., 1995[Ide, H., Shimizu, H., Kimura, Y., Sakamoto, S., Makino, K., Glackin, M., Wallace, S. S., Nakamuta, H., Sasaki, M. & Sugimoto, N. (1995). Biochemistry, 34, 6947-6955.]; Johnson et al., 2012[Johnson, C. N., Spring, A. M., Desai, S., Cunningham, R. P. & Germann, M. W. (2012). J. Mol. Biol. 416, 425-437.]). The NMR solution structure of a DNA duplex con­taining an α-dA modification revealed local helical changes at the modification site depending on the sequence context (Aramini et al., 2004[Aramini, J. M., Cleaver, S. H., Pon, R. T., Cunningham, R. P. & Germann, M. W. (2004). J. Mol. Biol. 338, 77-91.]). However, com­pared to other types of damage, this type of DNA damage perturbs the DNA helix only to a minor extent and, as a consequence, recognition by repair enzymes is very challenging (Johnson et al., 2012[Johnson, C. N., Spring, A. M., Desai, S., Cunningham, R. P. & Germann, M. W. (2012). J. Mol. Biol. 416, 425-437.]). The enzymatic repair machinery for α-anomeric lesions is conserved in mammalian cells which shows the biological significance (Johnson et al., 2012[Johnson, C. N., Spring, A. M., Desai, S., Cunningham, R. P. & Germann, M. W. (2012). J. Mol. Biol. 416, 425-437.]).

[Figure 1]
Figure 1
Structures of anomeric 2′-de­oxy­adenosines.

Our laboratory and others constructed oligonucleotides con­taining exclusively α-nucleosides (Morvan et al., 1987a[Morvan, F., Rayner, B., Imbach, J.-L., Chang, D.-K. & Lown, J. W. (1987a). Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 4241-4255.],b[Morvan, F., Rayner, B., Imbach, J.-L., Lee, M., Hartley, J. A., Chang, D.-K. & Lown, J. W. (1987b). Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 7027-7044.]; Paoletti et al., 1989[Paoletti, J., Bazile, D., Morvan, F., Imbach, J.-L. & Paoletti, C. (1989). Nucleic Acids Res. 17, 2693-2704.]; Chai et al., 2020[Chai, Y., Guo, X., Leonard, P. & Seela, F. (2020). Chem. Eur. J. 26, 13973-13989.]; Zhang et al., 2022a[Zhang, A., Leonard, P. & Seela, F. (2022a). Chem. Eur. J. 28, e202103872.]). They were hybridized with com­plementary strands with all the nucleoside residues in a β-D conformation. These duplexes are as stable as those of canonical DNA with both strands in a β-D configuration. However, strands are in a parallel and not an anti­parallel orientation as in natural DNA. Moreover, α-oligonucleotides were used as invader strands in DNA displacement reactions (Zhang et al., 2022b[Zhang, A., Kondhare, D., Leonard, P. & Seela, F. (2022b). Chem. Eur. J. 28, e202201294.]) or implemented in the construction of α/β-heterochiral DNA duplexes con­taining silver-mediated base pairs (Chai et al., 2020[Chai, Y., Guo, X., Leonard, P. & Seela, F. (2020). Chem. Eur. J. 26, 13973-13989.]).

The chemical synthesis of nucleosides often produces α-D anomers as by-products during glycosyl­ation. The outcome of the glycosyl­ation reaction (α/β ratio) can be influenced by the structures of the starting materials and the experimental conditions. Various methods were established to synthesize α-D nucleosides by anomerization of β-D anomers or by stereoselective synthesis (Ni et al., 2019[Ni, G., Du, Y., Tang, F., Liu, J., Zhao, H. & Chen, Q. (2019). RSC Adv. 9, 14302-14320.]). Thus, a number of α-D nucleosides were prepared, including those with a modified nucleobase or sugar moiety. Due to the difference in the configuration at C1′, monomeric α-D nucleosides show altered properties com­pared to their β-anomers (Ciuffreda et al., 2007[Ciuffreda, P., Casati, S. & Manzocchi, A. (2007). Magn. Reson. Chem. 45, 781-784.]). According to the work of Sundaralingam (1971[Sundaralingam, M. (1971). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 6644-6647.]) and Latha & Yathindra (1992[Latha, Y. S. & Yathindra, N. (1992). Biopolymers, 32, 249-269.]) on the solid-state conformations of α-nucleosides, the flexibility of the glycosylic bond, connecting the nucleobase and the sugar moiety, as well as the sugar conformation, seems to be more restricted com­pared to β-nucleosides. However, examples of α-nucleosides with properties outside the proposed favoured conformational range were reported recently (Seela et al., 2002[Seela, F., Rosemeyer, H., Melenewski, A., Heithoff, E.-M., Eickmeier, H. & Reuter, H. (2002). Acta Cryst. C58, o142-o144.]; Budow-Busse et al., 2021[Budow-Busse, S., Chai, Y., Müller, S. L., Daniliuc, C. & Seela, F. (2021). Acta Cryst. C77, 202-208.]).

A number of X-ray studies were performed to elucidate the solid-state structure of α-nucleosides, but to our surprise, from the four α-D-2′-de­oxy­ribonucleosides with canonical nucleobases, only X-ray studies of the pyrimidine nucleosides α-2′-de­oxy­thymidine (α-dT) (Görbitz et al., 2005[Görbitz, C. H., Nelson, W. H. & Sagstuen, E. (2005). Acta Cryst. E61, o1207-o1209.]) and α-2′-de­oxy­cytidine (α-dC) (Budow-Busse, et al., 2021[Budow-Busse, S., Chai, Y., Müller, S. L., Daniliuc, C. & Seela, F. (2021). Acta Cryst. C77, 202-208.]) have been re­ported. The crystal structure of the anomeric purine nucleoside α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (α-dA, 1) (Fig. 1[link]) is still unknown. Only a preliminary X-ray analysis of a com­plex of human endonucleoase 1 (APE1) with an oligonucleotide con­taining α-dA, 1, was published by Retailleau et al. (2010[Retailleau, P., Ishchenko, A. A., Kuznetsov, N. A., Saparbaev, M. & Moréra, S. (2010). Acta Cryst. F66, 798-800.]).

To obtain more knowledge of crystal structures of α-D-2′-de­oxy­ribonucleosides with a canonical nucleobase, we per­formed a single-crystal X-ray analysis of α-D-2′-de­oxy­ade­nosine (1). α-D-2′-De­oxy­adenosine (1) had been synthesized previously by Ness and Fletcher in 1960 (Ness & Fletcher, 1960[Ness, R. K. & Fletcher, H. G. Jr (1960). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 82, 3434-3436.]), and improved synthetic methods were reported by Robins (Robins & Robins, 1965[Robins, M. J. & Robins, R. K. (1965). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 87, 4934-4940.]) and Shinozuka (Shinozuka et al., 1992[Shinozuka, K., Hirota, Y., Morita, T. & Sawai, H. (1992). Heterocycles, 34, 2117-2121.]).

The work described herein is the first study of the crystal structure of an α-anomeric canonical purine 2′-de­oxy­ribonucleoside. The crystal structure of α-dA (1) revealed an unexpected syn conformation of the nucleobase. The solid-state conformational properties of 1 were studied in detail and com­pared to those of the corresponding β-D nucleoside (β-dA, 2) (Fig. 1[link]) (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]). The inter­actions of the mol­ecules within the crystalline network were analysed. Hirshfeld surface analyses were performed for both anomers (α-dA, 1, and β-dA, 2) to support the X-ray data.

2. Experimental

2.1. Synthesis and crystallization of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1)

α-2′-De­oxy­adenosine (1) was synthesized following the glycosyl­ation protocol reported by Ness (1968[Ness, R. K. (1968). In Synthetic Procedures in Nucleic Acid Chemistry, edited by W. W. Zorbach & R. S. Tipson, pp. 183-187. New York: Interscience Publishers.]). N-Benzoyl­adenine and Hoffer's chloro­sugar (Hoffer, 1960[Hoffer, M. (1960). Chem. Ber. 93, 2777-2781.]) were used as starting materials and, in our hands, a 1:1 anomeric mixture of the protected α-dA and β-dA was obtained. Deprotection in 0.2 M NaOMe (room temperature, overnight) afforded α-dA (1).

For crystallization, com­pound 1 was dissolved in methanol and was obtained as colourless plates by slow evaporation of the solvent (room temperature, 8 d). A plate-like specimen of 1 was used for the X-ray crystallographic analysis.

2.2. X-ray diffraction and refinement

Crystal data, data collection and structure refinement details are summarized in Table 1[link]. All carbon-bound H atoms were placed in idealized positions and refined using a riding model, with C—H = 0.95 Å for aromatic CH groups, 0.99 Å for secondary CH2 groups and 1.00 Å for tertiary CH groups, using Uiso(H) = 1.2Ueq(C). The positions of the H atoms at N6A, N6B, O3′A, O3′B, O5′A and O5′B were located in a difference map and were refined freely.

Table 1
Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formula C10H13N5O3
Mr 251.25
Crystal system, space group Triclinic, P1
Temperature (K) 100
a, b, c (Å) 5.2027 (2), 8.9738 (3), 12.3715 (4)
α, β, γ (°) 78.249 (1), 83.171 (1), 76.338 (1)
V3) 547.97 (3)
Z 2
Radiation type Cu Kα
μ (mm−1) 0.98
Crystal size (mm) 0.19 × 0.08 × 0.05
Data collection
Diffractometer Bruker D8 Venture Photon III
Absorption correction Multi-scan (SADABS; Krause et al., 2015[Krause, L., Herbst-Irmer, R., Sheldrick, G. M. & Stalke, D. (2015). J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 3-10.])
Tmin, Tmax 0.84, 0.95
No. of measured, independent and observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections 17188, 3858, 3752
Rint 0.041
(sin θ/λ)max−1) 0.603
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.027, 0.065, 1.08
No. of reflections 3858
No. of parameters 357
No. of restraints 3
H-atom treatment H atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å−3) 0.18, −0.17
Absolute structure Flack x determined using 1744 quotients [(I+) − (I)]/[(I+) + (I)] (Parsons et al., 2013[Parsons, S., Flack, H. D. & Wagner, T. (2013). Acta Cryst. B69, 249-259.])
Absolute structure parameter −0.01 (8)
Computer programs: APEX4 (Bruker, 2021[Bruker (2021). APEX4. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]), SAINT (Bruker, 2019[Bruker (2019). SAINT. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]), SHELXT2018 (Sheldrick, 2015a[Sheldrick, G. M. (2015a). Acta Cryst. A71, 3-8.]), SHELXL2018 (Sheldrick, 2015b[Sheldrick, G. M. (2015b). Acta Cryst. C71, 3-8.]) and DIAMOND (Putz & Brandenburg, 2022[Putz, H. & Brandenburg, K. (2022). DIAMOND. Crystal Impact GbR, Bonn, Germany.]).

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Mol­ecular geometry and conformation of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1)

The crystals of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1) are triclinic with the space group P1 (Table 1[link]). There are two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit, denoted as conformer α-1a and conformer α-1b, which are connected via hydro­gen bonds. The three-dimensional (3D) structures of α-1a and α-1b are shown in Fig. 2[link] and indicate an α-orientation of the nucleobases. The anomeric centre at C1′ shows an S-configuration, confirming the α-D anomeric structure of 1 which, in addition, is sup­ported by the Flack parameter. Throughout the article, purine numbering is used instead of systematic numbering for the mol­ecules. Selected geometric parameters are summarized in Table 2[link].

Table 2
Selected geometric parameters of the anomeric 2′-de­oxy­adenosines α-1a, α-1b and β-dA (2)

  Conformer α-1a Conformer α-1b β-dA (2) (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.])
Glycosylic bond length (N9—C1′) (Å) 1.473 (3) 1.474 (3) 1.474 (2)
Torsion angle χ (O4′—C1′—N9—C4) (°) 78.0 (3) 72.7 (3) −165.0 (7)
Relative sugar/base orientation syn syn anti
Pseudorotational phase angle P (°) 135.67 143.35 13.28
Maximum amplitude τm (°) 30.51 31.68 36.34
Sugar pucker S-type, C2′-endo, 1T2 S-type, C2′-endo, 1T2 N-type, C3′-endo, 3T2
Torsion angle γ (O5′—C5′—C4′—C3′) (°) 50.2 (3) 46.8 (3) 175.5 (1)
Relative orientation of exocyclic 5′-OH +synclinal (gauche) +synclinal (gauche) +antiperiplanar (trans)
[Figure 2]
Figure 2
Perspective view and atomic numbering scheme of the two conformers of α-dA (α-1a and α-1b), being connected to each other by two hydro­gen bonds (dashed lines). Displacement ellipsoids are drawn at the 50% probability level and H atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary size.

The crystal structure of β-2′-de­oxy­adenosine monohydrate was reported in 1965 by Watson and co-workers (Watson et al., 1965[Watson, D. G., Sutor, D. J. & Tollin, P. (1965). Acta Cryst. 19, 111-124.]), while the crystal structure of anhydrous β-dA (2) was published 20 years later (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]). The geometric parameters of β-dA (2) (Table 2[link]) (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]) were used as a com­parison for the two conformers of α-dA (1) (α-1a and α-1b). For the remodelled 3D structure of β-dA (2), see Fig. S1 in the supporting information. Remodelling was carried out using the original structure data (CIF file) of 2 (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]) downloaded from the Cambridge Structural Database (CCDC deposition code 1124124; Groom et al., 2016[Groom, C. R., Bruno, I. J., Lightfoot, M. P. & Ward, S. C. (2016). Acta Cryst. B72, 171-179.]).

The shape of nucleosides is characterized by four conformational parameters (Saenger, 1984[Saenger, W. (1984). In Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, edited by C. R. Cantor. New York: Springer-Verlag.]): (i) the glycosylic torsion angle, (ii) the puckering of the furan­ose ring, (iii) the degree of deviation from planarity of the furan­ose ring and (iv) the orientation of the 5′-hydroxyl group. The geometric parameters (i)–(iv) of conformers α-1a and α-1b are discussed in the following.

(i) The positioning of the nucleobase with respect to the sugar moiety (syn/anti) is defined by the torsion angle χ (O4′—C1′—N9—C4) (IUPAC–IUB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, 1983[IUPAC-IUB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (1983). Eur. J. Biochem. 131, 9-15.]). In the anti conformation (180 to ±90°) of purine nucleosides, the six-membered pyrimidine ring is pointing away from the sugar moiety, and there is no particular hindrance of the nucleobase and the sugar residue. On the contrary, in the syn conformation (0 to ±90°), the pyrimidine ring is located above the sugar ring, giving rise to close inter­atomic contacts. A C2′-endo conformation of the sugar ring reduces the intra­molecular strain, wherein the nucleobase and the C5′ atom are in an equatorial orientation and at a maximum distance (Saenger, 1984[Saenger, W. (1984). In Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, edited by C. R. Cantor. New York: Springer-Verlag.]). Purine β-nucleosides are rather flexible and adopt anti, high-anti and even syn conformations, whereas α-nucleosides seem to prefer a rather narrow range of anti conformations (Sundaralingam, 1971[Sundaralingam, M. (1971). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 6644-6647.]; Latha & Yathindra, 1992[Latha, Y. S. & Yathindra, N. (1992). Biopolymers, 32, 249-269.]). Therefore, we were very surprised to find χ torsion angles of 78.0 (3) and 72.7 (3)° for α-1a and α-1b, respectively, which are in the range of the syn conformation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on α-nucleosides with the nucleobase in a syn conformation.

(ii) The five-membered 2′-de­oxy­ribo­furanosyl moiety is nonplanar, with one or two atoms twisted out of plane, referred to as sugar puckering and defined by the phase angle of pseudorotation P (Altona & Sundaralingam, 1972[Altona, C. & Sundaralingam, M. (1972). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 94, 8205-8212.]). In general, nucleosides prefer either of the two principal sugar puckering modes, named C3′-endo (N) or C2′-endo (S) (Fig. 3[link]). They correspond to the major displacement of C3′ or C2′ from the median C1′/O4′/C4′ plane and place the more electronegative substituents of C2′ and C3′ in a preferred axial orientation (Saenger, 1984[Saenger, W. (1984). In Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, edited by C. R. Cantor. New York: Springer-Verlag.]). β-2′-De­oxy­ribonucleosides favour C2′-endo conformations, while α-nucleosides show a preference for C2′-exo, C3′-exo and C4′-endo conformations (Sundaralingam, 1971[Sundaralingam, M. (1971). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 6644-6647.]; Latha & Yathindra, 1992[Latha, Y. S. & Yathindra, N. (1992). Biopolymers, 32, 249-269.]). However, in the cases of α-1a and α-1b, phase angles of pseudorotation of P = 135.7° for α-1a and P = 143.4° for α-1b were found. They correspond to C2′-endo conformations (Table 2[link]) and lie clearly outside the preferred conformational range. This is in line with studies on α-2′-de­oxy­cytosine (Budow-Busse et al., 2021[Budow-Busse, S., Chai, Y., Müller, S. L., Daniliuc, C. & Seela, F. (2021). Acta Cryst. C77, 202-208.]), α-5-acetyl-2′-de­oxy­uridine (Hamor et al., 1977[Hamor, T. A., O'Leary, M. K. & Walker, R. T. (1977). Acta Cryst. B33, 1218-1223.]) and α-5-aza-7-de­aza-2′-de­oxy­guanosine (Seela et al., 2002[Seela, F., Rosemeyer, H., Melenewski, A., Heithoff, E.-M., Eickmeier, H. & Reuter, H. (2002). Acta Cryst. C58, o142-o144.]), also reporting C2′-endo conformations.

[Figure 3]
Figure 3
N and S conformations of α-D and β-D-2′-de­oxy­ribonucleosides in solution. `A' corresponds to adenine, `ax 'is axial and `eq' is equatorial.

(iii) The second parameter used to characterize the geometry of the furan­ose ring is the maximum out-of-plane puckering amplitude τm. The puckering amplitude τm indicates the degree of deviation from planarity of the furan­ose ring and generally shows an average value of 39° for β-nucleosides, ranging from about 35 to 45° (Altona & Sundaralingam, 1972[Altona, C. & Sundaralingam, M. (1972). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 94, 8205-8212.]). The particular environment of the sugar moiety, e.g. hydro­gen-bonding and stacking inter­actions, has an effect on the degree of sugar puckering (small or large τm) and, as a result, the puckering amplitude τm and the phase angle of pseudorotation P are independent parameters. For α-nucleosides, the range of τm is significantly broadened (28–50°), though the average τm value remains around 39°. The two conformers α-1a and α-1b support this finding and adopt τm values of 30.5 and 31.7°, respectively. These values correspond to a flattening of the 2′-de­oxy­ribose moiety, probably a consequence of hydro­gen-bonding and stacking inter­actions (see next section).

(iv) The conformation around the exocyclic C4′—C5′ bond relative to the sugar ring is determined by the torsion angle γ (O5′—C5′—C4′—C3′) (Saenger, 1984[Saenger, W. (1984). In Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, edited by C. R. Cantor. New York: Springer-Verlag.]). The distribution of conformers around the C4′—C5′ bond depends on the nature of the nucleobase and the sugar pucker. However, the difference between the conformational preference about the C4′—C5′ bond of β- and α-nucleosides (Sundaralingam, 1971[Sundaralingam, M. (1971). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 93, 6644-6647.]) seems to be neglectable. For conformers α-1a and α-1b, γ torsion angles of 50.2 (3) and 46.8 (3)° are found (Table 2[link]), corresponding to a +synclinal (+sc) conformation. In β-nucleosides, a +synclinal conformation around the exocyclic C4′—C5′ bond, in combination with a syn orientation of the nucleobase, positions the nucleobase and atom O5′ above the ribosyl moiety (Saenger, 1984[Saenger, W. (1984). In Principles of Nucleic Acid Structure, edited by C. R. Cantor. New York: Springer-Verlag.]). For these β-nucleosides, inter­actions between atom O5′ and the nucleobase might pull the torsion angles γ in the +sc range. On the contrary, due to the α-anomeric orientation of the nucleobase, this combination (+sc and syn) leads to an arrangement in α-nucleoside 1 in which atom O5′ is located `above' the sugar residue, while the nucleobase is positioned on the other (`below') side of the sugar moiety. As can be clearly seen from Fig. 2[link], possible inter­actions between the 5′-hydroxyl group and the nucleobase as in β-nucleosides can be ruled out. Instead, the hydro­gen bonds formed between conformers α-1a and α-1b might account for the +sc orientation of the 5′-hydroxyl groups.

Taken together, both conformers (α-1a and α-1b) show a high correlation in their overall structural shape (see geometric parameters given in Table 2[link]). Moreover, it is surprising that although the α-anomeric conformers α-1a and α-1b, and the canonical β-dA (2) differ only in their configuration (α versus β), significant differences of the solid-state structures are apparent from their conformational parameters (Table 2[link]) (for a perspective view of 2, see Fig. S1 in the supporting information). This is particularly true for the torsion angle χ, the pseudorotational phase angle P, the maximum amplitude τm and the torsion angle γ.

3.2. Crystal packing and hydro­gen bonding

The asymmetric unit of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1) con­tains two mol­ecules (α-1a and α-1b) which show different conformational properties. Both mol­ecules are connected via hydro­gen bonds in an unsymmetrical fashion. From the representation of the extended crystalline network shown in Fig. 4[link](a), it is evident that the sugar moiety of each conformer is arranged in such a way that this moiety functions as a `clamp' with respect to the other conformer, forming hydro­gen bonds to its nucleobase and sugar residue. In detail, the exocyclic 5′-hydroxyl group forms a hydro­gen bond to atom N3 of the nucleobase (O5′B—H5′B⋯N3A and O5′A—H5′A⋯N3Bv; for symmetry codes, see Table 3[link]). The sugar-to-sugar contact is observed between the O3′-hydroxyl group as hydro­gen donor and O5′ as hydro­gen acceptor (O3′A—H3′A⋯O5′Bv and O3′B—H3′B⋯O5′A). In addition, bifurcated hydro­gen bonds are formed by the amino groups, connecting two neighbouring mol­ecules via N1 (N6A—H01A⋯N1Biii and N6B—H01B⋯N1Ai) and N7 (N6A—H02B⋯N7Biv and N6B—H02B⋯N7Aii) of the nucleobase. Despite the fact that conformational differences exist for conformers α-1a and α-1b, both mol­ecules form hydro­gen bonds with an identical donor–acceptor pattern.

Table 3
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)

N6B—H01B⋯N1Ai 0.89 (4) 2.36 (4) 3.239 (3) 170 (1)
N6B—H02B⋯N7Aii 0.86 (4) 2.14 (4) 2.998 (3) 173 (1)
O5′B—H5′B⋯N3A 0.90 (4) 1.91 (4) 2.787 (3) 163 (1)
O3′B—H3′B⋯O5′A 0.90 (4) 1.78 (4) 2.680 (3) 171 (1)
N6A—H01A⋯N1Biii 0.92 (3) 2.33 (3) 3.243 (3) 172 (1)
N6A—H02A⋯N7Biv 0.94 (4) 2.12 (4) 3.056 (3) 178 (1)
O5′A—H5′A⋯N3Bv 0.95 (5) 1.85 (5) 2.758 (3) 159 (1)
O3′A—H3′A⋯O5′Bv 0.92 (4) 1.80 (4) 2.691 (2) 163 (1)
Symmetry codes: (i) [x-2, y, z+1]; (ii) [x-2, y-1, z+1]; (iii) [x+2, y+1, z-1]; (iv) [x+2, y, z-1]; (v) [x, y+1, z].
[Figure 4]
Figure 4
Detailed view of the hydro­gen-bonding schemes (dashed lines) of (a) α-dA (1) (viewed in the bc plane) and (b) β-dA (2) (viewed in the ab plane).

As it was of inter­est to figure out the differences between the anomers of 2′-de­oxy­adenosine in the solid state, images of the crystalline network of β-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (2) were generated, using the original CIF file of Sato (1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]). As indicated by Fig. 4[link](b), the arrangement of the individual mol­ecules of β-dA (2) is com­pletely different com­pared to that of the α-anomer (1), resulting in another hydro­gen-bonding scheme. In β-dA (2), the amino group is in a `clamp'-like position with respect to the neighbouring mol­ecule, forming a bifurcated hydro­gen bond to N7 of the nucleobase and O5′ of the sugar moiety as acceptors. Nucleobase-to-sugar contacts use N1 and N3 as hydro­gen acceptors and the exocyclic O3′- and O5′-hydroxyl groups as hydro­gen donors. Contrary to the crystal structure of α-dA (1), sugar-to-sugar contacts do not exist in β-dA (2).

Another typical feature of the crystal structures of nucleosides are stacking inter­actions. Due to the aromatic nature of the heterocyclic nucleobase, this moiety is prone to form stacking inter­actions. Fig. 5[link] shows that also in the case of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1) the nucleobases of the two conformers (α-1a and α-1b) are stacked. Always one type of conformer forms piles of stacked mol­ecules (see inset of Fig. 5[link]). Moreover, the nucleobases of α-1a and α-1b are facing each other, forming a rather flat entity. Accordingly, the sugar moieties of α-1a and α-1b are also sited opposite each other. The pattern of alternating conformers is continued and the above and below pairs of neighbouring nucleobases are identically positioned (non-alternating), but shifted in such a way that the nucleobases of identical conformers form a staircase-like arrangement. As a result, the two conformers (α-1a and α-1b) form a highly-ordered packing arrangement.

[Figure 5]
Figure 5
Staircase-like arrangement of conformers α-1a and α-1b within the extended crystalline network (viewed in the ca plane). Inset: stacking inter­actions of the conformers.

In the earlier crystal study on β-dA (2) of Sato (1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]), no relevant stacking inter­actions were reported. We inspected thoroughly the crystal data of 2 and performed a Hirshfeld surface analysis (for details, see the next section) and found large flat areas in the curvedness plots of 2 which indicate stacking inter­actions. Indeed, remodelling of the extended crystalline network of β-dA (2) proves the occurrence of stacking inter­actions of the aromatic nucleobases (see Figs. S3 and S4 in the supporting information).

3.3. Hirshfeld surface analyses of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1) and β-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (2)

To obtain additional information on the role of crystal packing forces and to visualize the relative strengths of the inter­molecular inter­actions, a Hirshfeld surface analysis of α-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (1) was carried out. For this purpose, the program CrystalExplorer (Version 17; Spackman & Jayatilaka, 2009[Spackman, M. A. & Jayatilaka, D. (2009). CrystEngComm, 11, 19-32.]; Turner et al., 2017[Turner, M. J., McKinnon, J. J., Wolff, S. K., Grimwood, D. J., Spackman, P. R., Jayatilaka, D. & Spackman, M. A. (2017). CrystalExplorer17. University of Western Australia.]) was used. The Hirshfeld surfaces of the two conformers of α-dA (1) mapped over a dnorm range of −0.5 to 1.5 Å are represented, together with close-contact mol­ecules of the central mol­ecules inside the Hirshfeld surface [Fig. 6[link](a) and Fig. S5 in the supporting information]. Therein, the red surface areas denote strong inter­actions with distances shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii and negative dnorm, white surface areas represent contacts with distances equal to the sum of the van der Waals radii and blue surfaces refer to weak contacts. Surfaces of the two conformers of 1 plotted over curvedness are shown in Figs. 6[link](b) and S7 (see supporting information). For shape-index plots, see Fig. S6 in the supporting information.

[Figure 6]
Figure 6
The Hirshfeld surfaces of α-dA (1) (upper part) and β-dA (2) (lower part) with close-contact mol­ecules, (a)/(c) mapped over dnorm (−0.5 to 1.5 Å) and (b)/(d) mapped over the curvedness (−4.0 to 4.0 Å). Green areas represent flat regions and blue lines indicate edges.

Inspection of the Hirshfeld surface of conformers α-1a and α-1b reveals a large unperturbed area [Fig. 6[link](a)], with the major red spots located on the top view area. These spots correspond to the short-range hydro­gen bonds connecting the sugar moiety of one conformer to the nucleobase and sugar residue of the other conformer, as described in the previous section. Additional and less intense spots indicate the presence of weaker contacts formed by the amino groups. As a result, the Hirshfeld analyses are consistent with the hydro­gen-bonding data (Table 3[link]). Moreover, the curvedness plot of 1 [Fig. 6[link](b)] shows large flat areas due to the presence of the aromatic nucleobase and confirms the contribution of stacking inter­actions to the overall crystal packing.

Two-dimensional (2D) fingerprint plots (Fig. 7[link] and Fig. S11 in the supporting information) provide a visual summary of the contribution of each contact type and their relative pro­portion to the Hirshfeld surface. The plots are resolved into N⋯H/H⋯N, O⋯H/H⋯O, C⋯H/H⋯C and H⋯H contacts [Figs. 7[link](b)–(e)]. The N⋯H/H⋯N (25.2%) and O⋯H/H⋯O (13.3%) contacts provide a significant contribution to the surface and form the two characteristic spikes. They represent the strong hydro­gen bonds inter­connecting conformers α-1a and α-1b. The wings of the plot are occupied by C⋯H/H⋯C inter­actions (13.6%), which include numer­ous weak hydrogen bonds. The nonspecific van der Waals H⋯H contacts (41.8%) occupy the major portion of the surface.

[Figure 7]
Figure 7
2D fingerprint plots showing the percentage contributions of the various inter­actions to the total Hirshfeld surface area of α-dA (1), showing (a) all inter­actions and resolved contacts of (b) N⋯H/H⋯N, (c) O⋯H/H⋯O, (d) C⋯H/H⋯C and (e) H⋯H.

Due to the early publication date of the crystal structure of β-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (2) (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]), to the best of our knowledge, a Hirshfeld surface analysis has not yet been performed for β-dA (2). Therefore, we also carried out a Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2 [Fig. 6[link](c) and Fig. S8 in the supporting information] using the crystal structure data (CCDC deposition number 1124124; Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]). For shape index and curvedness plots of 2, see Fig. 6[link](d) and Figs. S9 and S10 in the supporting information. The Hirshfeld surface analysis of β-dA mapped over dnorm and curvedness supports the hydro­gen-bonding (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]) and stacking inter­actions of 2. The calculated 2D fingerprint plots for 2 are shown in Fig. S11 in the supporting information and confirm the significant contribution of the N⋯H/H⋯N (22.2%) and O⋯H/H⋯O (18.7%) contacts to the overall crystal packing forces.

4. Conclusion

The present work is the first report on a single-crystal X-ray analysis of an α-D-2′-de­oxy­ribonucleoside carrying a canonical purine nucleobase. In the crystalline state, α-dA forms two conformers (α-1a and α-1b) in the asymmetric unit which are connected via hydro­gen bonds. In contrast to the anti conformation commonly preferred by α-nucleosides, the nucleobase moiety of α-1a and α-1b adopts a syn conformation. For both conformers, the sugar conformation is C2′-endo and the 5′-hydroxyl group is in a +sc orientation.

Comparison of the solid-state structure of α-dA to canonical β-2′-de­oxy­adenosine (2) (Sato, 1984[Sato, T. (1984). Acta Cryst. C40, 880-882.]) revealed significant differences in the conformational parameters and in the packing of their supra­molecular networks (see space-filling models in Fig. 8[link]). In the supra­molecular network of α-dA (1), the sugar moieties of each conformer act as clamps by forming hydro­gen bonds to the nucleobases and sugar residues of the other conformer. The nucleobases form hydro­gen-bonded chains which are linked to equivalent chains by hydro­gen bonds involving the sugar moieties to form sheets. The nucleobases and the sugar moieties of alternating α-1a and α-1b conformers are organized face-to-face with respect to each other. A staircase-like arrangement is formed by the nucleobases of each conformer. In addition, piles of stacked mol­ecules are formed by always one type of conformer. The hydro­gen-bonding pattern is supported by a Hirshfeld surface analysis, and curvedness surfaces confirm the contribution of stacking inter­actions to the overall crystal packing.

[Figure 8]
Figure 8
Space-filling models of (a) α-dA (1) and (b) β-dA (2).

α-D-2′-De­oxy­adenosine (1) is not found in native DNA, but it is formed as a major lesion product upon γ-irradiation of DNA under anoxic conditions. Furthermore, it is a com­ponent of anomeric DNA formed by one strand in an α-D and the other in a β-D configuration. The latter is as stable as canonical DNA and shows similar base recognition. One of the recent developments in the realm of anomeric DNA is the construction of entirely new nucleic acid structures and the design of new recognition systems to expand the genetic code.

Supporting information

Computing details top

α-D-2'-Deoxyadenosine top
Crystal data top
C10H13N5O3Z = 2
Mr = 251.25F(000) = 264
Triclinic, P1Dx = 1.523 Mg m3
a = 5.2027 (2) ÅCu Kα radiation, λ = 1.54178 Å
b = 8.9738 (3) ÅCell parameters from 9907 reflections
c = 12.3715 (4) Åθ = 3.7–68.5°
α = 78.249 (1)°µ = 0.98 mm1
β = 83.171 (1)°T = 100 K
γ = 76.338 (1)°Plate, colourless
V = 547.97 (3) Å30.19 × 0.08 × 0.05 mm
Data collection top
Single crystal
3858 independent reflections
Radiation source: CuKα, micro focus tube3752 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
MX mirror monochromatorRint = 0.041
Detector resolution: 7.3910 pixels mm-1θmax = 68.3°, θmin = 3.7°
phi/ω scansh = 66
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Krause et al., 2015)
k = 1010
Tmin = 0.84, Tmax = 0.95l = 1414
17188 measured reflections
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Hydrogen site location: mixed
Least-squares matrix: fullH atoms treated by a mixture of independent and constrained refinement
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.027 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.0256P)2 + 0.1416P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
wR(F2) = 0.065(Δ/σ)max < 0.001
S = 1.08Δρmax = 0.18 e Å3
3858 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.17 e Å3
357 parametersAbsolute structure: Flack x determined using 1744 quotients [(I+)-(I-)]/[(I+)+(I-)] (Parsons et al., 2013)
3 restraintsAbsolute structure parameter: 0.01 (8)
Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Special details top

Geometry. All esds (except the esd in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell esds are taken into account individually in the estimation of esds in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between esds in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell esds is used for estimating esds involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Reflections were merged by SHELXL according to the crystal class for the calculation of statistics and refinement.

_reflns_Friedel_fraction is defined as the number of unique Friedel pairs measured divided by the number that would be possible theoretically, ignoring centric projections and systematic absences.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
N1B0.2612 (4)0.0771 (2)0.91430 (16)0.0156 (4)
N3B0.1000 (4)0.0209 (2)0.78214 (16)0.0153 (4)
N9B0.1791 (4)0.2381 (2)0.77689 (17)0.0148 (4)
N7B0.1333 (4)0.3158 (2)0.90854 (16)0.0159 (4)
N6B0.5149 (4)0.1031 (3)1.01668 (18)0.0173 (5)
H01B0.565 (7)0.201 (5)1.028 (3)0.033 (9)*
H02B0.614 (8)0.036 (5)1.038 (3)0.040 (10)*
O4'B0.2679 (4)0.2614 (2)0.58235 (14)0.0180 (4)
O5'B0.6105 (3)0.3959 (2)0.39970 (15)0.0194 (4)
H5'B0.666 (8)0.455 (5)0.337 (4)0.049 (11)*
O3'B0.1877 (3)0.6054 (2)0.65699 (15)0.0206 (4)
H3'B0.229 (6)0.700 (4)0.640 (3)0.026 (8)*
C2B0.0621 (5)0.1102 (3)0.8379 (2)0.0168 (5)
C4B0.0495 (5)0.1181 (3)0.81508 (19)0.0134 (5)
C5B0.1428 (5)0.1674 (3)0.89507 (19)0.0142 (5)
C6B0.3109 (5)0.0658 (3)0.94379 (19)0.0145 (5)
C8B0.0599 (5)0.3528 (3)0.8369 (2)0.0154 (5)
C2'B0.5353 (5)0.3676 (3)0.6706 (2)0.0164 (5)
C3'B0.3725 (5)0.5039 (3)0.5950 (2)0.0166 (5)
C4'B0.2276 (5)0.4250 (3)0.5301 (2)0.0170 (5)
C1'B0.3843 (5)0.2381 (3)0.6838 (2)0.0158 (5)
C5'B0.3270 (5)0.4360 (3)0.4093 (2)0.0187 (5)
N1A1.2440 (4)0.4435 (2)0.08135 (17)0.0173 (5)
N3A0.8746 (4)0.5300 (2)0.20877 (17)0.0162 (4)
N9A0.8311 (4)0.8015 (2)0.22604 (16)0.0139 (4)
N7A1.1731 (4)0.8578 (2)0.10746 (17)0.0160 (4)
N6A1.5141 (4)0.6061 (3)0.01629 (18)0.0189 (5)
H01A1.564 (6)0.700 (4)0.031 (3)0.023 (8)*
H02A1.621 (7)0.517 (5)0.041 (3)0.035 (9)*
O4'A0.6986 (4)0.74763 (19)0.41755 (14)0.0190 (4)
O5'A0.3529 (3)0.8734 (2)0.59441 (15)0.0179 (4)
H5'A0.301 (9)0.921 (6)0.658 (4)0.064 (13)*
O3'A0.8166 (3)1.1095 (2)0.35321 (15)0.0207 (4)
H3'A0.777 (7)1.204 (5)0.375 (3)0.039 (10)*
C2A1.0339 (5)0.4264 (3)0.1534 (2)0.0179 (5)
C4A0.9469 (5)0.6684 (3)0.1840 (2)0.0146 (5)
C5A1.1565 (5)0.7041 (3)0.11119 (19)0.0145 (5)
C6A1.3098 (5)0.5850 (3)0.05724 (19)0.0150 (5)
C8A0.9771 (5)0.9092 (3)0.1765 (2)0.0159 (5)
C2'A0.4711 (5)0.9828 (3)0.3188 (2)0.0170 (5)
C3'A0.6181 (5)1.0253 (3)0.4036 (2)0.0169 (5)
C4'A0.7470 (5)0.8669 (3)0.4707 (2)0.0170 (5)
C1'A0.6087 (5)0.8148 (3)0.3116 (2)0.0164 (5)
C5'A0.6359 (5)0.8410 (3)0.5899 (2)0.0187 (5)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
N1B0.0186 (10)0.0141 (11)0.0144 (10)0.0046 (8)0.0007 (8)0.0029 (8)
N3B0.0164 (10)0.0145 (10)0.0151 (10)0.0045 (8)0.0017 (8)0.0035 (8)
N9B0.0160 (10)0.0138 (10)0.0140 (10)0.0049 (8)0.0023 (8)0.0013 (8)
N7B0.0178 (10)0.0158 (11)0.0136 (10)0.0043 (9)0.0019 (8)0.0027 (8)
N6B0.0180 (11)0.0157 (12)0.0179 (11)0.0058 (10)0.0050 (8)0.0036 (9)
O4'B0.0261 (9)0.0161 (9)0.0125 (8)0.0084 (7)0.0025 (7)0.0019 (6)
O5'B0.0200 (9)0.0176 (9)0.0187 (9)0.0054 (7)0.0063 (7)0.0018 (7)
O3'B0.0241 (10)0.0131 (9)0.0223 (10)0.0025 (7)0.0072 (7)0.0049 (7)
C2B0.0208 (13)0.0165 (13)0.0142 (12)0.0056 (10)0.0003 (10)0.0039 (9)
C4B0.0143 (12)0.0152 (12)0.0111 (11)0.0051 (10)0.0005 (9)0.0011 (9)
C5B0.0143 (11)0.0150 (12)0.0129 (12)0.0024 (10)0.0019 (9)0.0019 (9)
C6B0.0161 (12)0.0156 (12)0.0111 (11)0.0026 (10)0.0026 (9)0.0007 (9)
C8B0.0179 (12)0.0136 (12)0.0149 (12)0.0039 (10)0.0007 (9)0.0041 (9)
C2'B0.0146 (12)0.0151 (12)0.0190 (13)0.0034 (10)0.0019 (10)0.0035 (9)
C3'B0.0171 (12)0.0139 (12)0.0176 (12)0.0036 (9)0.0039 (9)0.0028 (9)
C4'B0.0166 (12)0.0143 (12)0.0186 (13)0.0036 (10)0.0008 (10)0.0007 (9)
C1'B0.0149 (12)0.0162 (12)0.0148 (12)0.0029 (10)0.0040 (9)0.0026 (9)
C5'B0.0198 (12)0.0189 (13)0.0166 (12)0.0050 (10)0.0012 (10)0.0003 (10)
N1A0.0182 (11)0.0169 (11)0.0168 (11)0.0056 (9)0.0024 (8)0.0033 (8)
N3A0.0174 (10)0.0152 (11)0.0161 (10)0.0050 (8)0.0014 (8)0.0029 (8)
N9A0.0132 (10)0.0142 (10)0.0141 (10)0.0030 (8)0.0029 (8)0.0046 (8)
N7A0.0173 (10)0.0156 (10)0.0156 (10)0.0054 (8)0.0013 (8)0.0032 (8)
N6A0.0192 (11)0.0176 (12)0.0196 (12)0.0052 (9)0.0065 (9)0.0057 (9)
O4'A0.0285 (10)0.0137 (9)0.0138 (9)0.0057 (7)0.0045 (7)0.0028 (6)
O5'A0.0179 (9)0.0190 (9)0.0173 (9)0.0057 (7)0.0043 (7)0.0057 (7)
O3'A0.0209 (10)0.0169 (10)0.0261 (10)0.0092 (8)0.0088 (7)0.0080 (8)
C2A0.0213 (13)0.0151 (13)0.0173 (13)0.0055 (10)0.0010 (10)0.0024 (10)
C4A0.0153 (12)0.0160 (12)0.0128 (12)0.0032 (10)0.0022 (9)0.0027 (9)
C5A0.0149 (12)0.0163 (12)0.0127 (12)0.0043 (10)0.0002 (9)0.0028 (10)
C6A0.0147 (12)0.0168 (12)0.0130 (12)0.0029 (10)0.0018 (10)0.0018 (9)
C8A0.0160 (12)0.0147 (13)0.0166 (12)0.0044 (10)0.0008 (10)0.0018 (9)
C2'A0.0146 (12)0.0165 (12)0.0187 (12)0.0034 (10)0.0039 (9)0.0034 (9)
C3'A0.0160 (12)0.0155 (13)0.0197 (13)0.0060 (10)0.0048 (9)0.0051 (10)
C4'A0.0159 (12)0.0163 (12)0.0197 (13)0.0041 (10)0.0012 (10)0.0063 (10)
C1'A0.0166 (12)0.0193 (13)0.0139 (12)0.0066 (10)0.0029 (9)0.0037 (10)
C5'A0.0173 (12)0.0189 (13)0.0195 (13)0.0025 (10)0.0003 (10)0.0049 (10)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
N1B—C2B1.338 (3)N1A—C2A1.343 (3)
N1B—C6B1.362 (3)N1A—C6A1.358 (3)
N3B—C2B1.336 (3)N3A—C2A1.334 (3)
N3B—C4B1.349 (3)N3A—C4A1.348 (3)
N9B—C8B1.377 (3)N9A—C8A1.372 (3)
N9B—C4B1.377 (3)N9A—C4A1.377 (3)
N9B—C1'B1.474 (3)N9A—C1'A1.473 (3)
N7B—C8B1.316 (3)N7A—C8A1.309 (3)
N7B—C5B1.389 (3)N7A—C5A1.393 (3)
N6B—C6B1.334 (3)N6A—C6A1.337 (3)
N6B—H01B0.89 (4)N6A—H01A0.92 (3)
N6B—H02B0.86 (4)N6A—H02A0.94 (4)
O4'B—C1'B1.414 (3)O4'A—C1'A1.411 (3)
O4'B—C4'B1.455 (3)O4'A—C4'A1.447 (3)
O5'B—C5'B1.430 (3)O5'A—C5'A1.428 (3)
O5'B—H5'B0.90 (4)O5'A—H5'A0.95 (5)
O3'B—C3'B1.428 (3)O3'A—C3'A1.431 (3)
O3'B—H3'B0.90 (4)O3'A—H3'A0.92 (4)
C4B—C5B1.382 (3)C4A—C5A1.385 (3)
C5B—C6B1.410 (3)C5A—C6A1.409 (3)
C2'B—C1'B1.523 (3)C2'A—C1'A1.524 (4)
C2'B—C3'B1.524 (3)C2'A—C3'A1.525 (4)
C3'B—C4'B1.530 (4)C3'A—C4'A1.537 (3)
C4'B—C5'B1.513 (4)C4'A—C5'A1.511 (4)
C2B—N1B—C6B118.0 (2)C2A—N1A—C6A118.1 (2)
C2B—N3B—C4B111.1 (2)C2A—N3A—C4A111.2 (2)
C8B—N9B—C4B105.42 (19)C8A—N9A—C4A105.31 (19)
C8B—N9B—C1'B130.5 (2)C8A—N9A—C1'A129.4 (2)
C4B—N9B—C1'B123.8 (2)C4A—N9A—C1'A125.2 (2)
C8B—N7B—C5B104.2 (2)C8A—N7A—C5A103.84 (19)
C6B—N6B—H01B119 (2)C6A—N6A—H01A120 (2)
C6B—N6B—H02B117 (3)C6A—N6A—H02A117 (2)
H01B—N6B—H02B122 (3)H01A—N6A—H02A122 (3)
C1'B—O4'B—C4'B109.90 (19)C1'A—O4'A—C4'A109.97 (18)
C5'B—O5'B—H5'B108 (3)C5'A—O5'A—H5'A103 (3)
C3'B—O3'B—H3'B108 (2)C3'A—O3'A—H3'A108 (2)
N3B—C2B—N1B129.3 (2)N3A—C2A—N1A129.3 (2)
N3B—C4B—N9B127.2 (2)N3A—C4A—N9A127.5 (2)
N3B—C4B—C5B126.3 (2)N3A—C4A—C5A126.3 (2)
N9B—C4B—C5B106.5 (2)N9A—C4A—C5A106.3 (2)
C4B—C5B—N7B110.2 (2)C4A—C5A—N7A110.3 (2)
C4B—C5B—C6B117.1 (2)C4A—C5A—C6A117.3 (2)
N7B—C5B—C6B132.6 (2)N7A—C5A—C6A132.4 (2)
N6B—C6B—N1B118.9 (2)N6A—C6A—N1A119.3 (2)
N6B—C6B—C5B123.2 (2)N6A—C6A—C5A122.8 (2)
N1B—C6B—C5B117.9 (2)N1A—C6A—C5A117.9 (2)
N7B—C8B—N9B113.6 (2)N7A—C8A—N9A114.3 (2)
C1'B—C2'B—C3'B104.2 (2)C1'A—C2'A—C3'A104.4 (2)
O3'B—C3'B—C2'B111.5 (2)O3'A—C3'A—C2'A112.6 (2)
O3'B—C3'B—C4'B110.7 (2)O3'A—C3'A—C4'A110.4 (2)
C2'B—C3'B—C4'B103.6 (2)C2'A—C3'A—C4'A103.9 (2)
O4'B—C4'B—C5'B108.9 (2)O4'A—C4'A—C5'A108.83 (19)
O4'B—C4'B—C3'B107.2 (2)O4'A—C4'A—C3'A107.12 (19)
C5'B—C4'B—C3'B113.4 (2)C5'A—C4'A—C3'A113.3 (2)
O4'B—C1'B—N9B110.40 (19)O4'A—C1'A—N9A110.6 (2)
O4'B—C1'B—C2'B105.17 (19)O4'A—C1'A—C2'A105.50 (19)
N9B—C1'B—C2'B114.2 (2)N9A—C1'A—C2'A113.5 (2)
O5'B—C5'B—C4'B109.8 (2)O5'A—C5'A—C4'A109.8 (2)
C4B—N3B—C2B—N1B2.7 (4)C4A—N3A—C2A—N1A0.4 (4)
C6B—N1B—C2B—N3B1.4 (4)C6A—N1A—C2A—N3A1.1 (4)
C2B—N3B—C4B—N9B179.1 (2)C2A—N3A—C4A—N9A179.2 (2)
C2B—N3B—C4B—C5B0.3 (3)C2A—N3A—C4A—C5A0.2 (3)
C8B—N9B—C4B—N3B178.9 (2)C8A—N9A—C4A—N3A179.4 (2)
C1'B—N9B—C4B—N3B5.9 (4)C1'A—N9A—C4A—N3A3.0 (4)
C8B—N9B—C4B—C5B0.7 (2)C8A—N9A—C4A—C5A0.1 (3)
C1'B—N9B—C4B—C5B174.6 (2)C1'A—N9A—C4A—C5A176.5 (2)
N3B—C4B—C5B—N7B178.8 (2)N3A—C4A—C5A—N7A179.3 (2)
N9B—C4B—C5B—N7B0.8 (3)N9A—C4A—C5A—N7A0.1 (3)
N3B—C4B—C5B—C6B3.0 (4)N3A—C4A—C5A—C6A0.1 (3)
N9B—C4B—C5B—C6B177.4 (2)N9A—C4A—C5A—C6A179.6 (2)
C8B—N7B—C5B—C4B0.5 (3)C8A—N7A—C5A—C4A0.1 (3)
C8B—N7B—C5B—C6B177.3 (3)C8A—N7A—C5A—C6A179.4 (3)
C2B—N1B—C6B—N6B177.5 (2)C2A—N1A—C6A—N6A178.4 (2)
C2B—N1B—C6B—C5B2.4 (3)C2A—N1A—C6A—C5A1.3 (3)
C4B—C5B—C6B—N6B175.6 (2)C4A—C5A—C6A—N6A178.8 (2)
N7B—C5B—C6B—N6B2.1 (4)N7A—C5A—C6A—N6A1.9 (4)
C4B—C5B—C6B—N1B4.3 (3)C4A—C5A—C6A—N1A0.8 (3)
N7B—C5B—C6B—N1B178.0 (2)N7A—C5A—C6A—N1A178.4 (2)
C5B—N7B—C8B—N9B0.0 (3)C5A—N7A—C8A—N9A0.1 (3)
C4B—N9B—C8B—N7B0.4 (3)C4A—N9A—C8A—N7A0.0 (3)
C1'B—N9B—C8B—N7B174.4 (2)C1'A—N9A—C8A—N7A176.2 (2)
C1'B—C2'B—C3'B—O3'B93.7 (2)C1'A—C2'A—C3'A—O3'A97.7 (2)
C1'B—C2'B—C3'B—C4'B25.4 (2)C1'A—C2'A—C3'A—C4'A21.8 (2)
C1'B—O4'B—C4'B—C5'B133.1 (2)C1'A—O4'A—C4'A—C5'A136.4 (2)
C1'B—O4'B—C4'B—C3'B10.0 (3)C1'A—O4'A—C4'A—C3'A13.5 (2)
O3'B—C3'B—C4'B—O4'B109.2 (2)O3'A—C3'A—C4'A—O4'A114.8 (2)
C2'B—C3'B—C4'B—O4'B10.4 (2)C2'A—C3'A—C4'A—O4'A6.2 (2)
O3'B—C3'B—C4'B—C5'B130.5 (2)O3'A—C3'A—C4'A—C5'A125.2 (2)
C2'B—C3'B—C4'B—C5'B109.8 (2)C2'A—C3'A—C4'A—C5'A113.9 (2)
C4'B—O4'B—C1'B—N9B97.2 (2)C4'A—O4'A—C1'A—N9A95.5 (2)
C4'B—O4'B—C1'B—C2'B26.4 (2)C4'A—O4'A—C1'A—C2'A27.7 (2)
C8B—N9B—C1'B—O4'B101.2 (3)C8A—N9A—C1'A—O4'A97.5 (3)
C4B—N9B—C1'B—O4'B72.7 (3)C4A—N9A—C1'A—O4'A78.0 (3)
C8B—N9B—C1'B—C2'B17.0 (4)C8A—N9A—C1'A—C2'A20.9 (3)
C4B—N9B—C1'B—C2'B169.0 (2)C4A—N9A—C1'A—C2'A163.6 (2)
C3'B—C2'B—C1'B—O4'B32.2 (2)C3'A—C2'A—C1'A—O4'A30.6 (2)
C3'B—C2'B—C1'B—N9B89.0 (2)C3'A—C2'A—C1'A—N9A90.8 (2)
O4'B—C4'B—C5'B—O5'B72.4 (2)O4'A—C4'A—C5'A—O5'A68.8 (3)
C3'B—C4'B—C5'B—O5'B46.8 (3)C3'A—C4'A—C5'A—O5'A50.2 (3)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
N6B—H01B···N1Ai0.89 (4)2.36 (4)3.239 (3)170 (1)
N6B—H02B···N7Aii0.86 (4)2.14 (4)2.998 (3)173 (1)
O5B—H5B···N3A0.90 (4)1.91 (4)2.787 (3)163 (1)
O3B—H3B···O5A0.90 (4)1.78 (4)2.680 (3)171 (1)
N6A—H01A···N1Biii0.92 (3)2.33 (3)3.243 (3)172 (1)
N6A—H02A···N7Biv0.94 (4)2.12 (4)3.056 (3)178 (1)
O5A—H5A···N3Bv0.95 (5)1.85 (5)2.758 (3)159 (1)
O3A—H3A···O5Bv0.92 (4)1.80 (4)2.691 (2)163 (1)
Symmetry codes: (i) x2, y, z+1; (ii) x2, y1, z+1; (iii) x+2, y+1, z1; (iv) x+2, y, z1; (v) x, y+1, z.
Selected geometric parameters of the anomeric 2'-deoxyadenosines α-1a, α-1b and β-dA (2) top
Conformer α-1aConformer α-1bβ-dA (2) (Sato, 1984)
Glycosylic bond length (N9—C1') (Å)1.473 (3)1.474 (3)1.474 (2)
Torsion angle χ (O4'—C1'—N9—C4) (°)78.0 (3)72.7 (3)-165.0 (7)
Relative sugar/base orientationsynsynanti
Pseudorotational phase angle P (°)135.67143.3513.28
Maximum amplitude τm (°)30.5131.6836.34
Sugar puckerS-type, C2'-endo, 1T2S-type, C2'-endo, 1T2N-type, C3'-endo, 3T2
Torsion angle γ (O5'—C5'—C4'—C3') (°)50.2 (3)46.8 (3)175.5 (1)
Relative orientation of exocyclic 5'-OH+synclinal (gauche)+synclinal (gauche)+antiperiplanar (trans)


Funding by ChemBiotech, Münster, Germany, is gratefully acknowledged. Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.


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