Figure 1
Analysis of EBEC diffraction data as a function of incident electron flux. (a) Simulated estimates of anticipated CL as a function of electron flux incident on a given detector pixel. Inset (b) magnifies the region from 0 to 100 e−/pix/s in part (a). An asterisk (*) denotes the hypothetical line corresponding to perfect counting. The maximum internal count rate for the Apollo detector is denoted in bold: 2392 e−/pix/s. EBEC diffraction patterns from salen ligand crystals (c), biotin crystals (d), and thiostrepton crystals (e) were collected with an incident flux of 0.045 e−/Å2/s on each crystal; resolution rings are marked with dashed lines. Measured electron count distributions in EBEC MicroED data sets collected from crystals of the salen ligand (f), biotin (g), and thiostrepton (h) at the same incident flux are shown. Distributions tabulate all registered e−/pix/s greater than zero. |