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Figure 1
Analysis of EBEC dif­frac­tion data as a function of incident electron flux. (a) Simulated estimates of anti­cipated CL as a function of electron flux incident on a given detector pixel. Inset (b) magnifies the region from 0 to 100 e/pix/s in part (a). An asterisk (*) denotes the hypothetical line corresponding to perfect counting. The maximum inter­nal count rate for the Apollo detector is denoted in bold: 2392 e/pix/s. EBEC dif­frac­tion patterns from salen ligand crystals (c), biotin crystals (d), and thio­strepton crystals (e) were collected with an incident flux of 0.045 e2/s on each crystal; resolution rings are marked with dashed lines. Measured electron count distributions in EBEC MicroED data sets collected from crystals of the salen ligand (f), biotin (g), and thio­strepton (h) at the same incident flux are shown. Distributions tabulate all registered e/pix/s greater than zero.

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ISSN: 2053-2296
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