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Figure 4
Analysis of CL-adjusted EBEC data collected at 2° s−1 rotation and 2 frames per second integration. Change in estimated twin fraction (a)/(e) and achievable R1 (b)/(f) from the refinement for fast EBEC data sets as a result of CL adjustment, from crystals of the salen ligand (a)–(d) and biotin (e)–(h). Points denote data acquired with an incident flux density of 0.01 e2/s (blue) and data sets acquired with an incident flux density of 0.045 e2/s (magenta). Small mol­ecule structures determined from data with and without CL-adjustment are shown for representative points, outlined in gray for salen ligand (c)/(d) and biotin (g)/(h). Anisotropic refinement of ADPs was performed where it did not result in ADP refinement to non-positive-definite (NPD) values. Asterisks [parts (a), (b), (e) and (f)] denote data sets for which refinements were unstable and did not yield a suitable refined structure.

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