Figure 1
PDBsum header details for the CAP–DNA complex, 1ber. The three thumbnail pictures at the top left show schematic diagrams of the molecules in the complex as seen from three orthogonal viewpoints. Here the two protein chains (A in purple and B in red) have their helices represented by cylinders and their strands by arrows, while the four DNA chains (C to F) are shown as stick models with the backbone of each chain traced in a different colour. Interactive versions of these schematic diagrams can be viewed and manipulated using either RasMol or a VRML browser, via the icons on the line below. The `Title', `Structure' and other information are taken from the header records of the PDB file, while below this are a number of links to further analyses such as PROCHECK (Laskowski et al., 1993) and PROMOTIF as well as to external WWW-based databases including PDB's own 3DB, the Nucleic Acids Database at Rutgers, Entrez's Molecular Modeling Database (Hogue et al., 1996), the structural classifications of proteins in SCOP (Murzin et al., 1995; Hubbard et al., 1997) and CATH, the FSSP database of structurally aligned protein fold families (Holm & Sander, 1994), the PDBREPORT database (Hooft et al., 1996), and SWISS-PROT. |