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Figure 3
PAPG binding to heat-labile enterotoxin. Stereo pair showing the binding mode of PAPG to the LT B pentamer. The protein (green), ball and stick PAPG molecule and 2.5σ electron-density contours are shown for a single binding site (chain D) of the LTB–PAPG complex. Water molecules (cyan) and the PAPG molecule (red) from the four other copies of the binding site in the present structure are shown superimposed onto this single site to indicate the degree of reproducibility of water placement and the range of conformations seen for the aminophenyl moiety of PAPG. The binding mode of MNPG as seen in the LTB–MNPG complex (Merritt et al., 1997BB9) is shown superimposed in gold. Electron density is from an (mFoFc) map at 1.6 Å resolution in which all ligand molecules and all water molecules within 8 Å of the binding site were omitted from the calculation of Fc.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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