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Figure 2
Structure of R11. (a) Amino-acid sequence of R11. The sequence starts N-terminally with the linker/His-tag sequence (italic) followed by repeat 11 of the human Man6P/IGFII receptor. The residue numbers of the complete Man6P/IGFII receptor are given in parentheses. (b) Topology of R11. β-strands are represented by black arrows and α-helices by cylinders. Disulfide bonds are enclosed by shaded dashed boxes. The numbering of residues is based on the sequence of R11. The β-strands are numbered from the N-terminus to the C-terminus; the α-helices are labelled A and B. The first and last residues are indicated in each secondary-structure element. (c) Ribbon diagram of the R11 structure, showing secondary-structural elements and disulfide bridges. (d) Stereo drawing of a Cα trace of R11, colour-ramped from the N-terminus (blue) to the C-terminus (red). Every 20th residue in the chain is marked.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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