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Figure 2
(a) Quaternary structure of the VSC tetramer with monomers A (grey), B (magenta), C (blue) and D (green). PQ and R are the molecular axes of the tetramer as described by Fita et al. (1986BB13), where the P axis is between monomers AC and BD, the R axis is between monomers AB and CD and the Q axis is perpendicular to P and R. Arrows indicate the major and minor channels. (b) Tertiary structure of the VSC monomer generated by Swiss-PdbViewer (Guex & Peitsch, 1997BB19), with the N-terminal domain (residues 2–55) in red, the β-barrel domain (residues 56–301) in orange, the wrapping domain (residues 302–416) in yellow and the α-helical domain (417–484) in green. The observed protohaem IX (heme) and the modelled NADPH are coloured light grey.

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