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Figure 3
Examples of lysozyme crystal growth from PGA-LM. (a) 1%(w/v) PGA-LM, 0.2 M NaCl pH 4.5. (b) As (a) but with 5%(w/v) PGA-LM. (c) As (a) but with 10%(w/v) PGA-LM; crystals grow here as easily as in (a) but frequently intergrow into each other and cluster. (d) As (a) but with 1%(w/v) pectin. (e) As (a) but with 10%(w/v) pectin; a significant slowing of crystal growth can be observed with `step/spiral-like' individual crystal faces. (f) As (a) but with 10%(w/v) gum arabic; some three-dimensional in-gel-like distribution of the crystal can be observed here despite the relatively low viscosity of the solution.

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