research papers
Generalized X-ray and neutron crystallographic analysis: more accurate and complete structures for biological macromolecules
aLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA 94720, USA, bDepartment of Bioengineering, UC Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, and cLos Alamos National Laboratory, NM 87545, USA
*Correspondence e-mail: langan_paul@lanl.gov
X-ray and neutron crystallographic techniques provide complementary information on the structure and function of biological macromolecules. X-ray and neutron (XN) crystallographic data have been combined in a joint structure-refinement procedure that has been developed using recent advances in modern computational methodologies, including cross-validated
target functions with gradient-based optimization and simulated annealing. The XN approach for complete (including hydrogen) macromolecular structure analysis provides more accurate and complete structures, as demonstrated for diisopropyl fluorophosphatase, photoactive yellow protein and human aldose reductase. Furthermore, this method has several practical advantages, including the easier determination of the orientation of water molecules, hydroxyl groups and some amino-acid side chains.1. Introduction
Although X-ray and neutron crystallography are both long-established methods, the greater ). Neutron crystallography can also be used to identify H atoms that are exchanged with deuterium and the extent of this replacement, thus providing a tool for identifying isotopically labeled structural features, for studying solvent accessibility and macromolecular dynamics and for identifying minimal protein-folding domains (Bennett et al., 2008
). The uniqueness of this type of information and its complementarity to the information provided by X-ray diffraction has given neutrons a small but important role in biology, notably in determining the details of the catalytic mechanisms, functions, drug binding and other properties of biological macromolecules (Blakeley, Langan et al., 2008
Recently, there has been a great increase in the application of neutrons in biology, mainly owing to improvements in instrumentation and data-collection and sample-preparation methods (Blakeley, Langan et al., 2008). Although there is still a current need for large crystals, or full deuteration methods when crystals are small, the commissioning of several new and more powerful neutron sources promises routine data collection within a few years from crystals that are of similar size to those used for X-ray crystallography (Teixeira et al., 2008
). This increasing data-collection throughput, together with the increasing size and complexity of the systems now being studied, is uncovering obstacles and bottlenecks in Neutron structure is typically carried out separately from, and subsequent to, X-ray but can be complicated for a number of reasons. At the same time, the increasing availability of both X-ray and neutron crystallographic data provides an opportunity to develop a generalized method for structure analysis that exploits the complementarity of these data in order to provide a more accurate and complete structure.
In response to these problems and opportunities, we have developed joint X-ray and neutron structure et al., 1981), and combined it with recent advances in modern structure-refinement methodology to provide a new generalized method for complete (including hydrogen) structure This method, which we designate XN, involves the collection of both neutron and X-ray data sets at the same temperature from crystals grown under similar conditions. We demonstrate that when the XN method is applied to several biological macromolecules involved in a range of different biological processes the XN structures are more complete and more accurate than the structures determined using either the X-ray or neutron data independently.
2. Methods
2.1. Rationale for XN refinement
Neutron crystallography is used to determine the location of H atoms and their level of (hydrogen/deuterium) exchangeability or accessibility using the general strategy outlined in Fig. 1, once the positions of the heavier atoms have been determined using X-ray crystallography. Several limitations are associated with this process. Adding hydrogen can greatly increase the number of parameters to be refined. The number of neutron data is often smaller than the number of X-ray data because of the relatively weak of available neutron beams. These two factors reduce the data-to-parameter ratio from its value in typical X-ray studies, increasing the danger of overfitting and decreasing the accuracy of the optimized neutron model. In addition, at moderate resolutions (d > 2 Å), the negative scattering length of an H atom (−3.7 × 10−15 m) will tend to cancel out the positive scattering length of a covalently bound heavier atom (6.65 × 10−15 m for carbon; 5.8 × 10−15 m for oxygen; 9.36 × 10−15 m for nitrogen). Lysine, for example, has a strong neutron scattering density associated with its isotopically exchanged side-chain terminal amine group (the neutron scattering length of deuterium is 6.67 × 10−15 m) but little residual scattering density for the non-exchanged aliphatic methylene groups. The chain will therefore be ill-defined in a neutron refinement.
![]() | Figure 1 General strategy for neutron crystallographic refinement of biological macromolecules. The X-ray model serves as a starting point; H atoms are subsequently added and the model is optimized to obtain the best agreement with the observed neutron data. The initial positions of some H atoms can be predicted from the known geometries of certain functional groups. For others, particularly those in solvent molecules, initial positions can only be determined from inspecting the neutron scattering density map. The proportions of hydrogen and deuterium at labile sites must also be refined in cases where the crystal has been grown or soaked in D2O to enhance its neutron scattering properties. D atoms (neutron scattering length of 6.67 × 10−15 m) appear as strong positive peaks in neutron scattering density maps, thereby revealing the location of isotopically exchanged H atoms and enhancing the scattering power of water molecules, whilst H atoms themselves (neutron scattering length of −3.7 × 10−15 m) appear as negative troughs. For amino-acid side chains that can be ionized, the neutron scattering density maps must be inspected to determine whether or not a H or D atom is present and in what position. |
These two limitations can be overcome by using the approach, first applied to proteins by Wlodawer & Hendrickson (1981, 1982
), of using both X-ray and neutron data together in a joint (XN) least-squares procedure. The increase in the number of combined data improves the data-to-parameter ratio. The complementarity between X-ray and neutron scattering densities ameliorates cancellation effects; for example, although having little residual neutron scattering density, the methylene groups of lysine scatter X-rays almost as well as the terminal amine group.
However, there are also limitations associated with joint XN least-squares
H or D atoms can account for a large proportion of the scattering power of the The neutron phases calculated from the X-ray starting model are therefore likely to have large errors. There is a danger of overfitting by introducing systematic errors because a least-squares target function does not take into account phase errors in the current model. In addition, some parts of the X-ray model may not be accurately defined because of disorder. Those same parts may have relatively large neutron scattering densities and at the start of neutron can be close to local minima in the least-squares target function.These limitations can be overcome by taking advantage of recent developments in X-ray structure-refinement algorithms. ; Bricogne & Irwin, 1996
; Murshudov et al., 1997
; Adams et al., 1997
; Pannu et al., 1998
). Cross-validation, in the form of an Rfree, has been developed as an unbiased indicator of overfitting (Brünger, 1992
). Cross-validation has also been introduced in calculating the terms in the target function (Urzhumtsev et al., 1996
). An automatic protocol for estimating the relative weight of X-ray and energy terms in the minimization has been adopted (Adams et al., 1997
). The use of molecular-dynamics simulated annealing can be used to reduce the dangers of local minima by increasing the radius of convergence (Brünger et al., 1987
; Adams et al., 1997
; Brunger & Adams, 2002
We have incorporated a generalized XN CNS (Brünger et al., 1998) and PHENIX (Adams et al., 2002
), in order to address the limitations discussed above. CNS was chosen as a test platform because it has a hierarchical structure: an HTML user interface, task-oriented user-input files, module files, a scripting language specialized for X-ray structure analysis (CNS language) and low-level source code. The CNS language is sufficiently powerful and flexible that new algorithms and methodologies can be implemented and tested without large changes to the low-level source code. PHENIX was chosen for long-term development because it has greater flexibility for accommodating further developments and provides a range of model parameterizations including, for example, anisotropic displacement parameters and TLS.
A detailed description of the implementation of this approach in CNS and PHENIX will be given elsewhere. Briefly, a version of CNS was adapted for XN by making minor changes to the low-level source code and more extensive changes to the symbolic language. This adaptation is distributed free as a patch for CNS, called nCNS, from the website https://mnc.lanl.gov or by contacting the authors of this paper. A copyright (C-06,104) obtained by Los Alamos National Security, LLC allows nCNS to be distributed free under a GNU General Public License. PHENIX, a system being actively developed for automated X-ray structure was extended to include joint XN This built upon the fundamental algorithms implemented in the computational crystallography toolbox (CCTBX; Grosse-Kunstleve et al., 2002). An existing set of external reference files for the definition of molecular topology and associated restraint, the CCP4 monomer library (Vagin et al., 2004
), was used to provide compatibility with a number of other crystallographic software packages. The new tool, called phenix.refine (Afonine et al., 2005
), is made freely available to all nonprofit users and can be downloaded from https://www.phenix-online.org .
2.2. The generalized XN method
Although there are a number of differences in detail between the generalized XN method as implemented in CNS and PHENIX, the key common concept is the generalization of the target function to be minimized by the introduction of a neutron term
Here, E is a target function, Eg is a geometric or empirical energy term, Ex and En are the X-ray and neutron terms and ωx and ωn are weights. Ex and En can be least-squares, or phased functions. The generalized target function can therefore correspond to a number of possible combinations of least-squares, X-ray or neutron target functions. Different subsets of atoms can be used in calculating the X-ray and neutron terms; for example, H or D atoms can be excluded from the X-ray term while being incorporated in the neutron term. Estimates of ωx and ωn are calculated automatically using a comparison of root-mean-square gradients (Adams et al., 1997). The role of ωx and ωn is to balance the relative contribution of different terms in the generalized target function.
Crystallographic Rwork and Rfree values for the X-ray (designated xRwork and xRfree) and neutron (designated nRwork and nRfree) terms are calculated to monitor the improvement of the fit to the crystallographic data during and to detect overfitting. To calculate xRfree and nRfree, a randomly selected `test' set of reflections is set aside (typically 5–10%) and the remaining reflections in the `working' set are used in the target function and in the calculation of xRwork and nRwork. Despite being considered to be independent, neutron and X-ray structure factors for the same reflection are correlated. In order to avoid bias in calculating xRfree and nRfree, it is necessary to select a test set in such a way that those reflections used to calculate xRfree and nRfree are not used in the of En or Ex, respectively. Such a procedure has been implemented in both CNS and PHENIX.
If the automatic calculation of ωx or ωn is not optimal, the data may be overfitted, generating apparently good values for xRwork and nRwork, but the geometry of the structure may be chemically unrealistic. We therefore monitor the gaps between xRwork and xRfree and between nRwork and nRfree and also the root-mean-square deviations of bond lengths and angles from their ideal values, designated Δbond and Δangle, respectively. If necessary, one can run an automatic weight-optimization procedure in which an array of values is systematically tested to find the values that minimize xRfree and nRfree.
3. Results
3.1. Validation of the generalized XN method
Selected structures from the Protein Data Bank (Bernstein et al., 1977; Berman et al., 2002
) for which both X-ray and neutron data sets were available were used to validate the generalized XN method, as implemented first in CNS. Models with systematic deviations from the original structure were generated by introducing random errors to the coordinates, atomic displacement parameters (ADP) and the levels of isotopic exchange of labile H atoms (with Gaussian distributions and linearly increasing r.m.s. displacements from the original values). These models were then used as starting points for optimization: 50 steps of coordinate were followed by 20 steps of ADP and then by 20 steps of labile H-atom occupancy A bulk-solvent correction was applied throughout. This macrocycle was repeated ten times. The final values of Rfree for a W3Y mutant (Kurihara et al., 2004
; PDB codes 1iu5 and 1iu6 ) are shown in Table 1
. These values are consistently smaller after joint XN than after using either the neutron or X-ray data on their own. The behavior of xRfree and nRfree during the progress of these refinements from one particular starting model (r.m.s. coordinate error of 0.5 Å) is shown in Figs. 2
(a) and 2
(b). A similar trend towards lower values for joint XN compared with with either only X-ray or neutron data as the progresses was observed for all ten scrambled models. The differences between xRfree and xRwork and between nRfree and nRwork during the progress of the refinements represented in Figs. 2
(a) and 2
(b) are shown in Figs. 2
(c) and 2
(d). The differences are smaller for joint XN than for against neutron or X-ray data sets alone, indicating that joint XN is less susceptible to overfitting of the data.
![]() | Figure 2 The behavior of crystallographic R factors during of the W3Y mutant. The starting model has been distorted from the published model (r.m.s. coordinate error of 0.5 Å). The values of nRfree (a) and xRfree (b) are shown as a function of the number of cycles of where was with either the X-ray data (green) or the neutron data (blue) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red). Also shown is the difference nRfree − nRwork (c) for with either neutron data (blue) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red) and the difference xRfree − xRwork (d) for with either X-ray data (green) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red). Some upward deviations in those plots are because new values of ωx and ωn were recalculated after each macrocycle. |
Encouraged by the results of the initial tests with CNS, we then implemented the joint XN method in PHENIX. The validation process was slightly different, taking advantage of the availability of more sophisticated algorithms for automatic water building and of alternate conformations in PHENIX. Again, several structures from the PDB for which both X-ray and neutron data were available were used. All water molecules were removed, a random 1.5 Å shift was added to the coordinates and the values of the ADP were set to 15.0 Å2 for all initial models. Three batches of ten macrocycles of were carried out for each model corresponding to joint XN and against either X-ray or neutron data alone. Each macrocycle consisted of automatic water building, of individual coordinates and isotropic or anisotropic ADP and of occupancies for atoms in alternative conformations or exchangeable H/D sites. A bulk-solvent correction was applied throughout. These tests confirmed our initial results with nCNS: consistently lower or similar values were obtained with joint XN For the W3Y mutant, the nCNS validation tests of which are represented in Table 1, the final values of xRwork and xRfree for X-ray were 12.3 and 16.2, respectively, the final values of nRwork and nRfree for neutron were 18.0 and 21.5, respectively, and the final values of xRwork and xRfree and nRwork and nRfree for XN were 12.5 and 17.0, and 16.2 and 21.2, respectively.
3.2. Solving new structures with the generalized XN method
The generalized XN method has been applied to determine several new structures of biological macromolecules using CNS and PHENIX and descriptions of these structures and discussions of their scientific significance have been reported elsewhere (Blakeley, Langan et al., 2008). In this work, two representative new XN structures, photoactive yellow protein (PYP; PDB code 2qws ; Fisher et al., 2007
) and diisopropyl fluorophosphatase (DFPase; PDB code 3byc ; Blum et al., 2009
), have been chosen for further detailed validation refinements using CNS in order to systematically establish the advantages of the XN approach and to expand our set of test structures. PYP and DFPase were chosen because they have very different sizes and data resolutions. The refinements were carried out in the same manner as described above for and the results are represented in Table 2
. The values of Rfree for XN are smaller than or equal to the values for against either X-ray or neutron data alone. An exception is xRfree for PYP, which is very slightly larger for XN. In addition, the values of Δbond and Δangle for XN are also smaller than or equal to their values for against either X-ray or neutron data alone. Improvements in the agreement of the models with the data have therefore not been achieved at the expense of geometry. A third new structure, human aldose reductase (hAR; PDB code 2r24 ; Blakeley, Ruiz et al., 2008
), was used for further detailed validation with PHENIX and confirmed our initial results with nCNS as shown in Table 2
. The reason for the apparent arbitrariness in the number of reflections in the test and working sets in Table 2
is because of the forced matching of reflections in the X-ray and neutron test sets.
The benefits of XN . As shown in Fig. 3
(b) for a lysine residue and discussed above, the terminal amine group of lysine has strong neutron scattering density, whereas its aliphatic chain has strong X-ray scattering density, leading to a more accurate overall description of the side chain. For asparagine and glutamine residues, because the amino and carbonyl groups of the side chains have similar electron densities, it is difficult to definitively determine their orientation. However, as shown in Fig. 3
(a) for an asparagine residue side chain, these groups have very different neutron scattering densities, allowing orientation of the side chain. For threonine and tyrosine residues, because H atoms have little X-ray scattering density, it can be difficult to determine the orientation of the hydroxyl groups of the side chains. However, as shown in Fig. 3
(c) for a threonine residue the orientation is clearly indicated by the neutron scattering density.
![]() | Figure 3 The practical benefits of XN refinement. Selected views of superimposed 2mFo − DFc neutron scattering (blue) and electron (green) density maps calculated from the XN structure of diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFPase; resolutions: X-ray, 1.8 Å; neutron, 2.2 Å; contoured at 1.6σ). In (a) the Nδ2 group of the Asn120 side chain scatters neutrons more strongly than X-rays, making it more easily and accurately orientated. In (b) note that the terminal amine group of the Lys151 side chain has strong neutron scattering density, whereas the methylene groups of the chain have strong electron density. In (c) the orientation of the hydroxyl group of the side chain of Thr102 is clearly indicated by the neutron scattering density. In (d)–(f) D2O molecules appear as either triangles (d), ellipsoids (e) or spheres (f) in the water structure around DFPase. The superposition of the electron-density maps provides complementary information on the location of the O atoms, greatly aiding in the interpretation of these features. In (d) the water molecule is ordered and all three atoms are seen. In (e) the O—D bond is visible with the second D invisible because of rotational disorder around this bond. In (f) the water molecules are completely rotationally disordered. |
One of the clearest practical benefits of XN 2O rather than H2O is usually present and owing to the strong scattering contribution from deuterium the associated density may no longer be spherical. During water building and using only neutron data, it is often difficult to interpret these extended neutron scattering density peaks. However, we have found that using both X-ray and neutron data together can greatly help in this interpretation, as demonstrated in Figs. 3(d)–3
4. Discussion
The implementation and testing of a generalized approach to XN CNS and subsequently in PHENIX, demonstrates that it provides a more accurate approach to macromolecular structure than refinements using either X-ray or neutron data on their own. In addition to providing more accurate structures, XN has a number of practical advantages, including the easier determination of the orientation of water molecules, hydroxyl groups and some amino-acid side chains. In this approach, we have combined for the first time X-ray, neutron and energy cross-validated target functions with gradient-based optimization and simulated annealing methods.
initially inAcknowledgements
This work was supported by an NIH–NIGMS-funded consortium (1R01GM071939-01) between Los Alamos National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to develop computational tools for neutron protein crystallography. This work was partially supported by the US Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
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