Figure 2
The behavior of crystallographic R factors during refinement of the W3Y rubredoxin mutant. The starting model has been distorted from the published model (r.m.s. coordinate error of 0.5 Å). The values of nRfree (a) and xRfree (b) are shown as a function of the number of cycles of refinement, where refinement was with either the X-ray data (green) or the neutron data (blue) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red). Also shown is the difference nRfree − nRwork (c) for refinement with either neutron data (blue) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red) and the difference xRfree − xRwork (d) for refinement with either X-ray data (green) alone or using both X-ray and neutron data (red). Some upward deviations in those plots are because new values of ωx and ωn were recalculated after each macrocycle. |