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Figure 3
Structural comparison of CueP. (a) Stereo figures showing Cα superpositions of the CueP C-terminal domain (80–179) with transglutaminase (PDB entry 3e8v ; residues 289–366) and pyrogallol hydroxytransferase (PDB entry 1ti6 ; residues 194–294). CueP is displayed in green, transglutaminase in orange and pyrogallol hydroxytransferase in cyan. (b) Surface representation of CueP (left) and E. coli DsbC (right; PDB entry 1eej ; McCarthy et al., 2000BB16) in two different orientations (top and bottom). Each protomer is coloured differently (green and blue for CueP; yellow and cyan for DsbC). The cysteine-rich (putative) active sites are coloured red.

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