Figure 3
Nano-electrospray mass spectra of M. truncatula GSII-2a. (a) MS spectrum acquired for the intact MtGSII-2a assembly with a measured mass of 441 814 ± 75 Da, which is in good agreement with it existing as a decamer composed of ten copies of the M. truncatula GSII-2a monomer (b). (c) The spectrum recorded under harsh MS conditions is dominated by two charge-state series corresponding to the M. truncatula GSII-2a decamer (series centred at 41+) and pentamer (series centred at 27+), respectively, suggesting that the intact complex consists of two labile interacting pentamers. (d) Expansion of the m/z region below an m/z of 2500 in (c) showing M. truncatula GSII-2a monomers dissociated both from pentameric and decameric complexes in the gas phase. |