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Figure 6
Multiple regulatory steps govern the cellular concentration of M. tuberculosis σK. A mechanistic model placing the redox-sensitive activation of σK in the context of the partially characterized regulated proteolytic cascade that governs the intracellular levels of σK. Transmembrane signalling in RskA is governed by the proteolysis of the ectodomain by a site-1 protease (I) that serves as a trigger for a site-2 protease (Rip1 in the case of RskA) activity (II) (Makinoshima & Glickman, 2005BB23; Urban, 2009BB38; Sklar et al., 2010BB33). Exposed sequence and/or structural motifs potentially lead to the selective degradation of the cytosolic RskA (Li et al., 2009BB22; Lal & Caplan, 2011BB18) (III). Reducing conditions substantially weaken σK–RskAcyto interactions owing to the reduction of the disulfide in σK4 (IV) (this study). Free, transcriptionally active σK enhances the expression of genes involved in the regulation of redox homeostasis and serodominant antigens (Sklar et al., 2010BB33).

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