Figure 2
Comparison of structures sharing low sequence homology. ProSMART structural comparison of a sialic acid-binding protein (PDB entry 2cex chain A) and a sodium α-keto acid-binding protein (PDB entry 2hzk chain A), which share only 14% sequence identity despite exhibiting the same overall global fold. In (b) and (c) the models are coloured by the Flexible score using a colour gradient (yellow implies similarity and red relative dissimilarity; white, not applicable). This representation allows quick and easy visual identification of exactly which regions are structurally similar and which exhibit differences; note that this level of insight could not be achieved by simple superposition (a). (a) 2cex chain A and 2hzk chain A superposed. (b) 2cex chain A coloured by the Flexible score. (c) 2hzk chain A coloured by the Flexible score. |