Figure 1
Distributions of scaled B factors in the group of high-resolution protein–DNA complexes (165 structures; bin R1). (a)–(c) show distributions for atoms of the protein and DNA backbone (BB) and (e)–(g) show those for the amino-acid side chains and nucleotide nitrogenous bases (SC). (d) compares surface waters with waters bridging amino acids and DNA phosphates and (h) compares surface waters with waters bridging amino acids and DNA bases. Smoothed histograms are plotted in grey, black boxes show the second and third quartiles and the white spot indicates the median. (a, e) buried aa versus exposed aa, (b, f) protein–protein aa versus protein–DNA aa, (c, g) DNA–protein nt versus exposed nt, (d, h) bridge w versus surface w. The residue classes for which the histograms were plotted are also indicated between the two panels. Analogous distributions for all the three resolution bins R1, R2 and R3 are shown in Supplementary Figs. S1(a)–S1(f). |