Figure 4
(a) Overall structure of HgtCel7A with a cellulose chain (green) from the HjeCel7A structure (PDB entry 4c4c
; Knott et al., 2014 ) superimposed. Loops of interest are coloured blue and labelled as in Fig. 3 . Numbers indicate glucosyl-binding subsites. Catalytic residues are shown in magenta, sugar-binding tryptophan platforms in blue-violet and other residues of interest in cyan. In all panels the A chain of the HgtCel7A structure is shown. (b) Electron-density map around the tips of loops B2 and A3 contoured at 0.45 e− Å−3. (c) Superposition of loop A1 at the tunnel entrance of HgtCel7A (blue) and HjeCel7A (yellow). The HgtCel7A loop A1 contains a histidine residue (His101) at the tip, and the loop is one residue longer than the corresponding loop in HjeCel7A. (d) Superposition of loops A3 and B2 over subsite −4. HgtCel7A contains His375 and Ala376 instead of Tyr370 and Tyr371, respectively, at the tip of loop A3. (e) Loop B3 of HgtCel7A adopts a new conformation where Tyr248 at the tip is pointing into subsite +2. In HjeCel7A the corresponding Tyr247 instead points towards the −1 subsite. |