Figure 4
Electron-density maps of β2AR obtained with (a, c) `standard' (green) and (b, d) DEN (red) refinement. The deposited structure (PDB entry 3p0g ) is shown in gray. (a, b) Close-up view of helix TM6 superimposed on a 2mFo − DFc electron-density map at a contour level of 1.4σ (blue). DEN refinement (red) (b) leads to better resolved density: at least two more turns of the TM6 helix are visible compared with `standard' refinement (green) (a). (c, d) A mFo − DFc difference density map (green) of the agonist (at contour level 2σ) is better defined for the DEN-refined model (d) than for the `standard' refinement (c). |