Figure 3
Overview of P-gp–cyclopeptide co-crystal structures. (a) Superposition of homotrimeric cyclopeptide compounds bound to P-gp, showing their relative location and orientation in the substrate-binding pocket. (b) Two orientations of subset A ligands (QZ-Ala and QZ-Val; displayed as sticks) bound in the substrate-binding pocket of P-gp. QZ-Ala is shown in green and QZ-Val in blue. (c) Two orientations of subset B ligands (QZ-Leu and QZ-Phe) bound in the substrate-binding pocket of P-gp. QZ-Leu is shown in yellow and QZ-Phe in red. (d) Close-up view of ligands, colored as in (b) and (c), with the resulting 2mFo − DFc electron density in blue (contour level of 1.0σ) and anomalous difference density peaks in pink (contour levels of 3.0σ for QZ-Ala, QZ-Va and Q-Phe and 4.0σ for QZ-Leu) for the Se atoms (orange spheres). |