Figure 5
Overview of the EH2 ligand-binding site and the ligand-induced movement of TM4. (a) The kinking of TM4 in response to subset A ligands is shown (blue ribbon) in comparison to its `straight' topology in the subset B co-crystal structures (red ribbon). The position of QZ-Val ligands and the resulting 2mFo − DFc electron density (contoured at 1.0σ) are displayed. Residues Pro219 and Trp228 are shown as yellow spheres. (b) QZ-Val bound at the EH2 site with P-gp rendered as a molecular-surface representation. The resulting 2mFo − DFc electron density for the ligand is shown at a contour level of 1.0σ and the resulting anomalous difference peaks for the Se atoms (orange spheres) are shown at 3.5σ. The close-up inset view depicts the surrounding TM9 and TM12 as brown and purple sticks, respectively, and EH2 as black sticks. Residues in close vicinity to the ligand (Trp694, Phe990 and Tyr994) are labeled. |