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Figure 6
The crystal contact site near Phe34. Two symmetry-related protein molecules (shown with green and purple C atoms) interact through hydrogen bonds (dashed orange lines). (a)–(d) depict the results from the current work with different additives: (a) (R)-MPD; (b) (S)-MPD; (c) (RS)-MPD; (d) no MPD added. The red sphere in (d) is the O atom of a water molecule. For comparison, the results of (e) Weiss et al. (2000BB84) and (f) Michaux et al. (2008BB62), both of which used (RS)-MPD, are also presented. The 2FoFc density is shown as a gray mesh contoured at 1.5σ.

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ISSN: 1399-0047
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