Figure 5
Crystal packing of the presented LLT1 structures. (a) LLT1_mono. Colours are according to the orientation of the protein molecule in the crystal. Residues that would form the dimer interface in the case of a dimer (Gly81, Phe82, Phe121, Arg124 and Tyr125) are shown as black sticks. (b) LLT1_D2 with the same colour coding. The dimer interface is shown as black sticks. LLT1_D1 has similar packing as LLT1_D2. (c) LLT1_glyco. One hexamer, containing three dimers of LLT1, is represented by a molecular surface colour-coded by individual protein chains and viewed along the crystallographic threefold axis. Surrounding symmetry-related chains are represented as sticks. |