Figure 5
Crystal structure of P60_2LysM bound to chitohexaose. (a) 2Fo − Fc OMIT map. The map contoured at the 1σ level was calculated with phenix.autobuild from the PHENIX package after omitting the chitohexaose molecules present in the asymmetric unit. The arrows indicate the α and β anomers, the occupancies of which were calculated to be 0.5. (b) Composition of the asymmetric unit. The asymmetric unit is composed of five LysM domains and three molecules of chitohexaose. (c) Recognition of chitohexaose. The left panel shows how chitohexaose is recognized by symmetry-related molecules. The two right panels are an enlarged view of the recognition of GlcNAc 6 to GlcNAc 3 (upper panel) and GlcNAc 3 to GlcNAc 1 (lower panel). Residues represented in marine blue or slate blue are from LysM1 and LysM2, respectively. The dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. |