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Figure 2
Structural comparison between ginseng major latex-like protein 151 and other Bet v 1 superfamily members. (a) Superposition of ginseng major latex-like protein 151 (GLP; green) and the lowest energy major latex protein 28 (MLP28) conformer (yellow). (b) Superposition of GLP (green), Act d 11 (blue) and Bet v 1 (magenta). (c) Structure-based sequence alignment of GLP with other Bet v 1 superfamily members. Conserved residues are shown as white letters in red boxes. Conservative substitutions are placed in yellow boxes. Starred residues represent the hydrophobic pocket sequence. Residues marked with a red triangle represent the mutated residues in this study. η indicates a 310-helix. TT indicates β-­turns. The long flexible loop in MLP28 is indicated with a blue box.

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