Figure 3
Sequence alignments of conserved motifs involved in the thioester pocket and conformational activation. Highlighted in yellow are tyrosines important for maintaining the hydrophobic pocket protecting the thioester bond (CLEQ motif, also shown in yellow). The tyrosine within the C-terminal macroglobulin (CTMG) domain, involved in protecting the thioester, which coordinates to the glutamate within the CLEQ motif in the native SaA2M structure is highlighted in blue (PDB entry 4u48 ). The conserved proline found near the thioester is highlighted in green along with the arginine that it coordinates in unactivated SaA2M. The residues highlighted in pink, orange and red in the CTMG domain coordinate to residues Asn963, Gly958 and Arg956, respectively, in the cleaved bait region of elastase-cleaved ECAM. |