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Figure 4
(a) Alignment of the N-terminal extensions of LpfE and LpfA. The P2, P3, P4 and P5 residues are indicated in magenta and the P* residue in orange. (b) Cartoon model of the structure of LpfD; the adhesin domain is shown in dark blue and the pilin domain is in red, with the complementing first β-strand of LpfE in green and magenta (P5–P2 residues). (c) Hydrophobic interactions between the N-terminal extension of LpfE and the core of the pilin domain of LpfD. Residues filling the P2–P5 pockets are shown in magenta and Leu5 filling the P* pocket is shown in cyan. (d) Topology diagrams of the adhesin domain (top) and the pilin domain (bottom) of LpfD. The complementing N-terminal extension of LpfE is shown in green.

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