Figure 3
Superimposition of LukE and LukS-PV. LukE is colored by sequence conservation with LukS-PV (red, conserved; blue, nonconserved) and is superimposed onto LukS-PV (PDB entry 1t5r; solid line in yellow; Guillet et al., 2004 ). (a) Top, close-up of residues Gln210–Ala219 of LukE (green) superimposed onto the main chain of LukS-PV shown in stick repesentation (yellow; the only side chain shown is that of Tyr184). Bottom, the two solvent-exposed surfaces of LukE (left, green) and LukS-PV (right, yellow). In (b) the amino acids of the divergent regions Gln210–Ala219 and Leu265–Arg295 (DR5) are represented as sticks in LukE. The sequence alignment of LukE and LukS-PV for Gln210–Ala219 and Leu265–Arg295 is reported at the bottom left. (c) The divergent region DR5 shown as green sticks in LukE, with the positions of Arg73, Tyr184, Thr244, His245 and Tyr250 of LukS-PV, which are involved in binding to hPMNs cells, neutrophil activation and pore formation, shown as yellow sticks. In LukE, these residues correspond to Ile103, Pro215, Arg275, Thr276 and Tyr279. Loops L3 and L4 are indicated in the rim domain. |