Figure 1
CPV17 at 101.2 mm detector distance (a), myoglobin (b) and BEV pseudo-powder patterns (c, d) generated using optimized experimental parameters without spot-vector filtering. The blue line is generated from experimental data, whereas the pink line is the expected pseudo-powder pattern given the unit-cell and space-group information. The height of the magenta line denotes the relative number of Miller indices which give rise to the particular inter-spot vector length; the absolute values are not shown for clarity. The CPV17 powder pattern was generated from 262 images. Owing to the higher mosaicity of the myoglobin crystals (464 images), the experimental peaks for each powder ring in (b) are broadened compared with the CPV17 powder pattern (a). For the BEV pseudo-powder patterns (304 images), the pattern in (c) was generated from the recorded detector distance of 105 mm. However, the pattern in (d), which shows a better fit to the pseudo-powder pattern, was obtained at a detector distance of 85 mm. The peaks are less well separated owing to the high error associated with measuring spot vectors between extremely close spots. |