Figure 1
(a) Density ρ (g ml−1) versus CPA concentration [%(w/w)] near room temperature. Data for methanol, ethanol and 2-propanol (Herráez & Belda, 2006 ), glycerol (Bosart & Snoddy, 1928 ; Cristancho et al., 2011 ), ethylene glycol and PEG 200 (Rahbari-Sisakht et al., 2003 ; Muller & Rasmussen, 1991 ), and PPG 425 (Zafarani-Moattar & Salabat, 1998 ) were obtained from the cited literature. Data were measured at T = 298 K except for those for PEG 200, which were measured at 313 K. The solid lines are fourth-order polynomial fits with the coefficients given in Table 1 . (b) Electron density (e− Å−3) calculated from the densities in (a), equation (1) and Table 3 . (c) Normalized forward scattering from protein versus CPA concentration, calculated using (2) . The corresponding results for nucleic acids are shown in Supplementary Fig. S2(a). (d) Excess specific volume vE versus CPA concentration, calculated using (3) and (4) from the densities in (a). |