Figure 5
Cryo-EM map of the innexin-6 gap junction channel (EMD-9571 and PDB entry 5h1r; Oshima et al., 2016 ) after the application of sharpening. Contours are chosen to yield equal volumes inside contours in each map (Urzhumtsev et al., 2014 ). The final values of overall Biso and the contour levels used are as follows: (a) 0 Å2, 1.20σ; (b) 20 Å2, 1.20σ; (c) 40 Å2, 1.20σ; (d) 60 Å2, 1.22σ; (e) 80 Å2, 1.23σ; (f) 100 Å2, 1.24σ; (g) 120 Å2, 1.26σ (h) deposited map. Maps were drawn with Coot (Emsley et al., 2010 ) and RASTER3D (Merritt & Bacon, 1997 ). |