Figure 3
The architecture of bacterial flagellar motors reveals considerable structural diversity. Top left: schematic of the flagellar motor. Top right, middle and bottom row: micrographs show central slices (100 × 100 nm) of subtomogram averages of C. crescentus, H. gracilis (Chen et al., 2011 ); V. fischeri (Beeby et al., 2016); S. putrefaciens; S. enterica, C. jejuni (Beeby et al., 2016 ); W. succinogenes (Chaban et al., 2018 ); H. hepaticus (Chen et al., 2011 ); H. pylori (Qin et al., 2016 ); B. bacteriovorus, A. butzleri (Chaban et al., 2018 ); Leptospira interrogans (Zhao et al., 2014 ); B. burgdorferi (Zhao et al., 2013 ); T. primitia (Murphy et al., 2006 ). Components are labelled as follows: B, basal disk; C, C-ring; H, H-ring; HF, hook/filament; IM, inner membrane; LP, L/P-ring; M, medial disk; MS, MS-ring; OM, outer membrane; P, proximal disk; P-c, P-collar; PG, peptidoglycan layer; R, rod; S, stators; T, T-ring; T3SS, type 3 secretion system. |