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Figure 2
Illustration of information calculation for moderate and weak intensities. The top figures (a, b) illustrate the posterior probability of the true normalized intensity, Z, given the observed normalized intensity, ZO (blue), as well as its prior probability before making the measurement (orange), while the bottom figures (c, d) show the corresponding logarithm of the ratio between the posterior and the prior probability. The information content is computed by integrating the log of the ratio (bottom figure) weighted by the posterior probability in blue above. The figures on the left (a, c) correspond to an intensity conveying 1 bit of information (ZO = 1.5, [\sigma_{Z_{\rm O}}] = 0.449), while the figures on the right (b, d) correspond to an intensity conveying 0.01 bits of information (ZO = 1.5, [\sigma_{Z_{\rm O}}] = 2.47).

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