Figure 5
Structure solution using the AMPLE oligomeric coiled-coil modelling method. (a) The clustered and truncated ensemble of PDB entry 2fxm dimer models that was successful in structure solution. (b) Structure solution of PDB entry 2fxm showing the Phaser solution (red) in which two dimeric models were placed and the completed structure (blue) following SHELXE chain tracing and automated building by Phenix AutoBuild; the deposited structure is shown in grey. (c) Clustered and truncated ensemble of PDB entry 1g1j half-tetramers (modelled as tetramers and reduced to two chains for molecular replacement) that was successful in structure solution. (d, e, f) Structure solution of PDB entries 1g1j and 3v86 using oligomeric coiled-coil models, with an incorrect solution using monomeric models shown for comparison. (d) Superposition of the oligomeric model solution (red), monomeric model solution (yellow) and deposited structure (grey) for PDB entries 1g1j (left) and 3v86 (right). (e, f) 2Fo − Fc maps (contoured at 1σ) for (e) monomeric model solutions in which chains were incorrectly placed backwards and (f) correct oligomeric model solutions, showing their Rfree values, for PDB entries 1g1j (left) and 3v86 (right). |