Figure 7
Summary of crystal lattice characteristics observed for coiled-coil structures. (a, b) Crystal lattices of PDB entries 3v4q and 3q8t demonstrating clearly demarcated individual coiled-coil molecules arranged (a) in an angulated lattice with high solvent content and (b) in a densely packed parallel array with low solvent content. (c) The Patterson map (contoured at 8σ) of PDB entry 3mqc showing linear arrangements of peaks separated by 5.1 Å that arise from the 5.1 Å coiled-coil repeat owing to its packing in a parallel array, such as shown in (b), and indicate the direction of the principal coiled-coil axis. (d) The crystal lattice of PDB entry 3v86 in which trimeric coiled-coils are arranged in fibre-like structures that overall resemble individual continuous trimeric coiled-coils of unlimited length. |