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Figure 5
Comparison of lysozyme structures bound to BPB. (a) In the orthorhombic structure (HEWL-O) BPB is present in two different sites (sites I and II; blue lines), while in the tetragonal structure (HEWL-T1) BPB is only present in site II (cyan sticks). (b) Soaking tetragonal crystals in saturated BPB in the presence of 0.1 M imidazole pH 6.5 (HEWL-T2) resulted in a change in the unit cell and in the presence of up to eight molecules of BPB in site II (green lines). The overall fold of lysozyme is conserved: four α-helices (α1, 4–14; α2, 24–33; α3, 88–100; α4, 109–115), three 310-helices (G1, 80–85; G2, 103–108; G3, 119–125) and three β-strands (β1, 42–46; β2, 50–54; β3, 58–60).

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