Figure 1
Crystal structure of Aca2 from O. smirnovii (osAca2). (a) Size-exclusion chromatography profile of osAca2. The SDS–PAGE gel shows the protein eluting at the peak position. (b) Cartoon representation of the structure of dimeric osAca2 presented as the crystallographic asymmetric unit. (c) Cartoon representation of the monomeric osAca2 structure. The color of the chain gradually moves through the spectrum from blue to red from the N-terminus to the C-terminus. (d) Topological representation of the osAca2 structure. (e) Surface electrostatic potential of osAca2. The scale bar ranges from −7.2 kT/e (red) to 7.2 kT/e (blue). (f) Superimposition of the structures of the molecules present in one asymmetric unit. (g) B-factor distribution in the structure of osAca2. The structure is presented in a putty representation, and rainbow colors from red to violet demonstrate the order of the B-factor values. The region with the highest B factor, corresponding to the α4–β1 connecting loop, is indicated. |