Figure 2
Dimeric structure of osAca2 and analysis of its interface. (a) Multi-angle light-scattering (MALS) profile corresponding to the main peak of SEC. The red line indicates the experimental molecular mass analyzed by MALS. (b) Crystallographic packing symmetry analysis. Thw two molecules found in the asymmetric unit are indicated by the green and cyan ribbon structures, while the other symmetric molecules are indicated by gray ribbon structures. The symmetrical molecule that might form a dimer with molecule A is indicated in yellow. (c) Table summarizing the interaction details of the two types of interfaces analyzed by the PISA server. (d) The tentative dimeric structure of osAca2 generated and analyzed by symmetry analysis and the PISA server. The regions of PPI magnified and presented in (e), (f) and (g) are indicated by a black dashed square for region 1, a blue dashed square for region 2 and a red dashed square for region 3. Close-up views of three different PPIs, region 1 (e), region 2 (f) and region 3 (g), in the dimeric structure of osAca2. The red dashed lines indicate hydrogen bonds. (h) Verification of the PPI via mutagenesis. SEC profiles comparing the position of eluted peaks for wild-type and mutant proteins. (i) MALS profile of the A8K mutant of osAca2. The red line indicates the experimental molecular mass analyzed by MALS. |