Figure 5
Comparison of the crystal structure of KlNmd4 with the various models. (a) Graph depicting the r.m.s.d. values between the Cα atoms of the KlNmd4 crystal structure and of the different models, either truncated (identified as `structural core of the PIN domain') or intact (`entire model'). (b) Superposition of the full-length KlNmd4 AlphaFold model onto the KlNmd4 crystal structure (beige). The full-length KlNmd4 AlphaFold model is colored according to the pLDDT values. The region 81–114 of the KlNmd4 crystal structure is highlighted in pink. (c) Superposition of the KlNmd4 crystal structure (beige) and the truncated KlNmd4 RoseTTAFold-e model (dark green). |