Figure 3
Calcium and chlorine identification in the thermolysin and lysozyme structures. (a) The thermolysin structure is depicted in cartoon representation and coloured grey. The three calcium ions are shown as cyan spheres. Aspartate and glutamate residues interacting with calcium ions are shown as sticks, with oxygen coloured red. The anomalous difference Fourier map corresponding to the data set collected above the calcium edge is displayed as gold mesh and contoured at 4σ. The numbers at the top right of each panel correspond to the anomalous peak heights (σ). (b) The lysozyme structure is depicted in cartoon representation and coloured light pink. Chlorine ions are shown as spheres and coloured magenta. Cysteine and methionine residues are shown as sticks, with S atoms coloured green. Anomalous difference Fourier maps are shown as gold mesh and contoured at 4σ. Left: at λ = 5.1660 Å, no anomalous peaks are observed around chlorine ions or S atoms from the data set collected below the Cl and S K edges. Middle: at λ = 4.5920 Å, the data set collected above the S K edge and below the Cl K edge shows only S atoms in anomalous difference Fourier maps. Right: at λ = 4.1328 Å, the data set collected above the S and Cl K edges shows both S atoms and chlorine ions. |