metal-organic compounds\(\def\hfill{\hskip 5em}\def\hfil{\hskip 3em}\def\eqno#1{\hfil {#1}}\)

ISSN: 2056-9890


aChemical Sciences Programme, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia, and bX-ray Crystallography Unit, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia
*Correspondence e-mail:

(Received 21 December 2010; accepted 25 December 2010; online 15 January 2011)

In the title triangulo-triruthenium compound, [Ru3(C25H22As2)(C19H17PS)(CO)9], the bis­(diphenyl­arsanyl)methane ligand bridges an Ru—Ru bond and the monodentate phosphane ligand bonds to the third Ru atom. Both arsine and phosphane ligands are equatorial with respect to the Ru3 triangle. In addition, each Ru atom carries one equatorial and two axial terminal carbonyl ligands. The three phosphane-substituted benzene rings make dihedral angles of 57.91 (19), 84.31 (15) and 59.37 (18)° with each other. The dihedral angles between the two benzene rings are 60.9 (2) and 85.40 (18)° for the two diphenyl­arsanyl groups. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into a three-dimensional framework by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­actions stabilize the crystal structure.

Related literature

For general background to triangulo-triruthenium derivatives, see: Bruce et al. (1985[Bruce, M. I., Shawkataly, O. bin. & Williams, M. L. (1985). J. Organomet. Chem. 287, 127-131.], 1988a[Bruce, M. I., Liddell, M. J., Hughes, C. A., Patrick, J. M., Skelton, B. W. & White, A. H. (1988a). J. Organomet. Chem. 347, 181-205.],b[Bruce, M. I., Liddell, M. J., Shawkataly, O. bin., Hughes, C. A., Skelton, B. W. & White, A. H. (1988b). J. Organomet. Chem. 347, 207-235.]). For related structures, see: Shawkataly et al. (1998[Shawkataly, O. bin., Ramalingam, K., Lee, S. T., Parameswary, M., Fun, H.-K. & Sivakumar, K. (1998). Polyhedron, 17, 1211-1216.], 2004[Shawkataly, O. bin, Ramalingam, K., Fun, H.-K., Abdul Rahman, A., & Razak, I. A. (2004). J. Cluster Sci. 15, 387-394.], 2010a[Shawkataly, O. bin, Khan, I. A., Yeap, C. S. & Fun, H.-K. (2010a). Acta Cryst. E66, m30-m31.],b[Shawkataly, O. bin, Khan, I. A., Yeap, C. S. & Fun, H.-K. (2010b). Acta Cryst. E66, m180-m181.]). For the synthesis of Ru3(CO)10(μ-Ph2AsCH2AsPh2), see: Bruce et al. (1983[Bruce, M. I., Matisons, J. G. & Nicholson, B. K. (1983). J. Organomet. Chem. 247, 321-343.]) and for that of 4-methyl­thio­phenyl­diphenylphosphane, see: Fuhr et al. (2002[Fuhr, O., Meredith, A. & Fenske, D. (2002). J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans. pp. 4091-4094.]). For the stability of the temperature controller used in the data collection, see: Cosier & Glazer (1986[Cosier, J. & Glazer, A. M. (1986). J. Appl. Cryst. 19, 105-107.]).

[Scheme 1]


Crystal data
  • [Ru3(C25H22As2)(C19H17PS)(CO)9]

  • Mr = 1335.92

  • Monoclinic, P 21 /c

  • a = 16.1070 (11) Å

  • b = 16.7244 (12) Å

  • c = 24.3147 (13) Å

  • β = 129.712 (3)°

  • V = 5038.6 (6) Å3

  • Z = 4

  • Mo Kα radiation

  • μ = 2.32 mm−1

  • T = 100 K

  • 0.19 × 0.07 × 0.03 mm

Data collection
  • Bruker APEXII DUO CCD area-detector diffractometer

  • Absorption correction: multi-scan (SADABS; Bruker, 2009[Bruker (2009). APEX2, SAINT and SADABS. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]) Tmin = 0.660, Tmax = 0.927

  • 41559 measured reflections

  • 14623 independent reflections

  • 11553 reflections with I > 2σ(I)

  • Rint = 0.036

  • R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.032

  • wR(F2) = 0.081

  • S = 1.02

  • 14623 reflections

  • 623 parameters

  • H-atom parameters constrained

  • Δρmax = 1.24 e Å−3

  • Δρmin = −0.97 e Å−3

Table 1
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, °)

Cg1, Cg2 and Cg3 are the centroids of the C7–C12, C38–C43 and C14–C19 benzene rings, respectively.

C4—H4A⋯O6i 0.93 2.48 3.278 (6) 144
C24—H24A⋯O7ii 0.93 2.56 3.259 (5) 132
C42—H42A⋯O1iii 0.93 2.57 3.414 (5) 151
C30—H30ACg1iii 0.93 3.00 3.890 (6) 161
C34—H34ACg2iv 0.93 2.89 3.785 (4) 163
C40—H40ACg3v 0.93 2.88 3.672 (4) 144
Symmetry codes: (i) -x, -y+2, -z+1; (ii) [x+1, -y+{\script{3\over 2}}, z+{\script{1\over 2}}]; (iii) [-x, y-{\script{1\over 2}}, -z+{\script{3\over 2}}]; (iv) [-x, y+{\script{1\over 2}}, -z+{\script{3\over 2}}]; (v) [-x+1, y-{\script{1\over 2}}, -z+{\script{3\over 2}}].

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009[Bruker (2009). APEX2, SAINT and SADABS. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2009[Bruker (2009). APEX2, SAINT and SADABS. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.]); data reduction: SAINT; program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008[Sheldrick, G. M. (2008). Acta Cryst. A64, 112-122.]); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXTL; molecular graphics: SHELXTL; software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXTL and PLATON (Spek, 2009[Spek, A. L. (2009). Acta Cryst. D65, 148-155.]).

Supporting information

Comment top

A large number of substituted derivatives of the type Ru3(CO)12-nLn (L = group 15 ligand) have been reported (Bruce et al., 1985, 1988a,b). As part of our study on the substitution of transition metal-carbonyl clusters with mixed-ligand complexes, we have published several structures of triangulo-triruthenium-carbonyl clusters containing mixed P/As and P/Sb ligands (Shawkataly et al., 1998, 2004, 2010a,b). Herein we report the synthesis and structure of the title compound.

The bis(diphenylarsanyl)methane ligand bridges the Ru1—Ru2 bond and the monodentate phosphane ligand bonds to the Ru3 atom. Both arsine and phosphane ligands are equatorial with respect to the Ru3 triangle. Additionally, each Ru atom carries one equatorial and two axial terminal carbonyl ligands (Fig 1). The three phosphane-substituted benzene rings make dihedral angles (C26–C31/C32–C37, C26–C31/C38–C43 and C32–C37/C38–C43) of 57.91 (19), 84.31 (15) and 59.37 (18)° with each other respectively. The dihedral angles between the two benzene rings (C1–C6/C7–C12 and C14–C19/C20–C25) are 60.9 (2) and 85.40 (18)° for the two diphenylarsanyl groups respectively. The torsion angle of the methylthio group (C53–S1–C41–C42) being -4.5 (3)°.

In the crystal packing, the molecules are linked into a three-dimensional framework by intermolecular C4—H4A···O6, C24—H24A···O7 and C42—H42A···O1 hydrogen bonds (Fig. 2, Table 1). Weak intermolecular C—H···π interactions (Table 1) stabilize the crystal structure.

Related literature top

For general background to triangulo-triruthenium derivatives, see: Bruce et al. (1985, 1988a,b). For related structures, see: Shawkataly et al. (1998, 2004, 2010a,b). For the synthesis of Ru3(CO)10(µ-Ph2AsCH2AsPh2), see: Bruce et al. (1983) and for that of 4-methylthiophenyldiphenylphosphane, see: Fuhr et al. (2002). For the stability of the temperature controller used in the data collection, see: Cosier & Glazer (1986).

Experimental top

All manipulations were performed under a dry oxygen-free nitrogen atmosphere using standard Schlenk techniques. All solvents were dried over sodium and distilled from sodium benzophenone ketyl under dry oxygen free nitrogen. 4-Methylthiophenyldiphenylphosphane (Fuhr et al., 2002) and Ru3(CO)10(µ-Ph2AsCH2AsPh2) (Bruce et al., 1983) was prepared by reported procedure. The title compound was obtained by refluxing equimolar quantities of Ru3(CO)10(µ-Ph2AsCH2AsPh2) and 4-methylthiophenyldiphenylphosphane in hexane under nitrogen atmosphere. Crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction were grown by slow solvent / solvent diffusion of CH3OH into CH2Cl2.

Refinement top

All hydrogen atoms were positioned geometrically and refined using a riding model with C—H = 0.93–0.97 Å and Uiso(H) = 1.2 or 1.5 Ueq(C). A rotating group model was applied for the methyl group. The maximum and minimum residual electron density peaks of 1.24 and -0.96 e Å-3 were located 0.77 Å and 0.74 Å from the Ru1 and Ru2 atoms, respectively.

Computing details top

Data collection: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009); cell refinement: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); data reduction: SAINT (Bruker, 2009); program(s) used to solve structure: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); program(s) used to refine structure: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); molecular graphics: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008); software used to prepare material for publication: SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008) and PLATON (Spek, 2009).

Figures top
[Figure 1] Fig. 1. The molecular structure of the title compound with 50% probability ellipsoids for non-H atoms.
[Figure 2] Fig. 2. The crystal packing of the title compound, viewed down the b axis, showing the molecules are linked into a three-dimensional framework. Hydrogen atoms not involved in the hydrogen-bonding (dashed lines) have been omitted for clarity.
[µ-Bis(diphenylarsanyl)methane-1:2κ2As:As']nonacarbonyl- 1κ3C,2κ3C,3κ3C-[(4- methylsulfanylphenyl)diphenylphosphane-3κP]-triangulo- triruthenium(0) top
Crystal data top
[Ru3(C25H22As2)(C19H17PS)(CO)9]F(000) = 2632
Mr = 1335.92Dx = 1.761 Mg m3
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation, λ = 0.71073 Å
Hall symbol: -P 2ybcCell parameters from 9884 reflections
a = 16.1070 (11) Åθ = 2.8–30.0°
b = 16.7244 (12) ŵ = 2.32 mm1
c = 24.3147 (13) ÅT = 100 K
β = 129.712 (3)°Needle, brown
V = 5038.6 (6) Å30.19 × 0.07 × 0.03 mm
Z = 4
Data collection top
Bruker APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
14623 independent reflections
Radiation source: fine-focus sealed tube11553 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Graphite monochromatorRint = 0.036
ϕ and ω scansθmax = 30.0°, θmin = 1.8°
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
h = 2222
Tmin = 0.660, Tmax = 0.927k = 2223
41559 measured reflectionsl = 3430
Refinement top
Refinement on F2Primary atom site location: structure-invariant direct methods
Least-squares matrix: fullSecondary atom site location: difference Fourier map
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.032Hydrogen site location: inferred from neighbouring sites
wR(F2) = 0.081H-atom parameters constrained
S = 1.02 w = 1/[σ2(Fo2) + (0.043P)2 + 0.5735P]
where P = (Fo2 + 2Fc2)/3
14623 reflections(Δ/σ)max = 0.002
623 parametersΔρmax = 1.24 e Å3
0 restraintsΔρmin = 0.97 e Å3
Crystal data top
[Ru3(C25H22As2)(C19H17PS)(CO)9]V = 5038.6 (6) Å3
Mr = 1335.92Z = 4
Monoclinic, P21/cMo Kα radiation
a = 16.1070 (11) ŵ = 2.32 mm1
b = 16.7244 (12) ÅT = 100 K
c = 24.3147 (13) Å0.19 × 0.07 × 0.03 mm
β = 129.712 (3)°
Data collection top
Bruker APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
14623 independent reflections
Absorption correction: multi-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
11553 reflections with I > 2σ(I)
Tmin = 0.660, Tmax = 0.927Rint = 0.036
41559 measured reflections
Refinement top
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)] = 0.0320 restraints
wR(F2) = 0.081H-atom parameters constrained
S = 1.02Δρmax = 1.24 e Å3
14623 reflectionsΔρmin = 0.97 e Å3
623 parameters
Special details top

Experimental. The crystal was placed in the cold stream of an Oxford Cryosystems Cobra open-flow nitrogen cryostat (Cosier & Glazer, 1986) operating at 100.0 (1) K.

Geometry. All e.s.d.'s (except the e.s.d. in the dihedral angle between two l.s. planes) are estimated using the full covariance matrix. The cell e.s.d.'s are taken into account individually in the estimation of e.s.d.'s in distances, angles and torsion angles; correlations between e.s.d.'s in cell parameters are only used when they are defined by crystal symmetry. An approximate (isotropic) treatment of cell e.s.d.'s is used for estimating e.s.d.'s involving l.s. planes.

Refinement. Refinement of F2 against ALL reflections. The weighted R-factor wR and goodness of fit S are based on F2, conventional R-factors R are based on F, with F set to zero for negative F2. The threshold expression of F2 > σ(F2) is used only for calculating R-factors(gt) etc. and is not relevant to the choice of reflections for refinement. R-factors based on F2 are statistically about twice as large as those based on F, and R- factors based on ALL data will be even larger.

Fractional atomic coordinates and isotropic or equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ru10.298134 (17)0.831631 (12)0.779202 (12)0.01628 (5)
Ru20.366549 (16)0.752105 (11)0.710419 (11)0.01393 (5)
Ru30.229637 (16)0.671585 (12)0.727742 (11)0.01448 (5)
As10.34320 (2)0.961468 (15)0.760642 (15)0.01670 (6)
As20.48023 (2)0.861583 (15)0.726315 (14)0.01358 (6)
S10.29520 (7)0.30382 (5)0.94198 (5)0.03403 (18)
P10.11515 (5)0.61875 (4)0.74696 (4)0.01794 (13)
O10.06273 (17)0.85680 (13)0.64359 (13)0.0332 (5)
O20.2509 (2)0.88001 (16)0.87696 (15)0.0481 (7)
O30.53465 (17)0.81202 (12)0.91484 (12)0.0290 (5)
O40.55898 (18)0.66694 (12)0.84723 (12)0.0305 (5)
O50.3699 (2)0.62869 (13)0.62036 (14)0.0384 (6)
O60.17484 (18)0.83165 (13)0.57129 (12)0.0314 (5)
O70.03756 (19)0.70147 (14)0.56881 (12)0.0384 (5)
O80.2900 (2)0.52208 (12)0.69080 (13)0.0350 (5)
O90.40236 (17)0.65945 (12)0.89112 (11)0.0274 (4)
C10.2316 (2)1.01511 (17)0.67165 (17)0.0258 (6)
C20.2373 (3)1.02328 (19)0.61772 (18)0.0327 (7)
C30.1528 (3)1.0589 (2)0.5532 (2)0.0501 (10)
C40.0652 (3)1.0880 (3)0.5430 (2)0.0597 (12)
C50.0581 (3)1.0804 (2)0.5963 (3)0.0587 (12)
C60.1400 (3)1.0425 (2)0.6607 (2)0.0422 (9)
C70.3912 (2)1.04386 (16)0.83213 (16)0.0214 (5)
C80.3521 (3)1.12121 (19)0.8150 (2)0.0395 (8)
C90.3895 (4)1.1766 (2)0.8691 (2)0.0472 (10)
C100.4683 (3)1.15544 (19)0.9401 (2)0.0368 (8)
C110.5094 (3)1.07953 (19)0.95709 (18)0.0331 (7)
C120.4693 (2)1.02319 (18)0.90326 (17)0.0286 (6)
C130.4691 (2)0.96050 (15)0.76505 (15)0.0188 (5)
C140.4548 (2)0.89586 (15)0.63982 (14)0.0168 (5)
C150.4669 (2)0.97424 (16)0.62777 (15)0.0212 (5)
C160.4429 (2)0.99524 (17)0.56330 (16)0.0257 (6)
C170.4117 (2)0.93731 (17)0.51296 (15)0.0259 (6)
C180.4044 (2)0.85851 (17)0.52652 (16)0.0263 (6)
C190.4231 (2)0.83779 (16)0.58862 (15)0.0214 (5)
C200.6352 (2)0.84273 (15)0.79266 (14)0.0172 (5)
C210.6878 (3)0.8239 (2)0.76698 (18)0.0362 (8)
C220.7977 (3)0.8064 (3)0.8140 (2)0.0511 (11)
C230.8542 (3)0.8079 (2)0.8867 (2)0.0410 (8)
C240.8029 (3)0.8291 (2)0.91276 (18)0.0397 (8)
C250.6924 (2)0.8461 (2)0.86547 (17)0.0328 (7)
C260.0185 (2)0.58590 (17)0.66644 (16)0.0247 (6)
C270.0235 (3)0.54188 (19)0.61625 (18)0.0324 (7)
C280.1211 (3)0.5126 (2)0.5550 (2)0.0440 (9)
C290.2153 (3)0.5280 (2)0.5434 (2)0.0475 (10)
C300.2115 (3)0.5704 (2)0.5933 (2)0.0500 (10)
C310.1137 (2)0.5997 (2)0.6553 (2)0.0367 (8)
C320.0890 (2)0.68742 (16)0.79316 (16)0.0210 (5)
C330.0218 (2)0.75348 (16)0.75643 (17)0.0260 (6)
C340.0078 (3)0.80941 (18)0.79248 (19)0.0320 (7)
C350.0627 (3)0.80081 (19)0.8652 (2)0.0336 (7)
C360.1295 (3)0.73659 (19)0.90170 (19)0.0341 (7)
C370.1433 (2)0.67957 (17)0.86618 (17)0.0268 (6)
C380.1634 (2)0.52798 (15)0.80201 (15)0.0191 (5)
C390.2553 (2)0.48814 (16)0.82327 (15)0.0209 (5)
C400.2921 (2)0.41979 (16)0.86515 (15)0.0223 (5)
C410.2383 (2)0.38980 (15)0.88827 (15)0.0206 (5)
C420.1459 (2)0.42901 (17)0.86758 (16)0.0240 (6)
C430.1082 (2)0.49637 (16)0.82400 (16)0.0236 (6)
C440.1501 (2)0.84081 (16)0.69206 (17)0.0242 (6)
C450.2641 (2)0.86080 (18)0.83811 (17)0.0274 (6)
C460.4472 (2)0.81506 (15)0.86264 (16)0.0211 (5)
C470.4857 (2)0.69993 (16)0.79802 (16)0.0215 (5)
C480.3713 (2)0.67561 (16)0.65498 (16)0.0231 (6)
C490.2428 (2)0.80292 (16)0.62486 (15)0.0211 (5)
C500.1099 (2)0.69369 (17)0.62778 (16)0.0246 (6)
C510.2650 (2)0.57719 (16)0.70502 (15)0.0216 (5)
C520.3425 (2)0.67135 (15)0.83039 (15)0.0194 (5)
C530.2174 (3)0.2842 (2)0.9688 (2)0.0429 (9)
Atomic displacement parameters (Å2) top
Ru10.01661 (10)0.01670 (10)0.01801 (11)0.00152 (7)0.01220 (9)0.00249 (8)
Ru20.01341 (9)0.01460 (9)0.01386 (10)0.00012 (7)0.00875 (8)0.00023 (7)
Ru30.01278 (9)0.01571 (10)0.01328 (10)0.00109 (7)0.00754 (8)0.00002 (7)
As10.01609 (12)0.01591 (12)0.01858 (14)0.00069 (9)0.01129 (12)0.00089 (10)
As20.01239 (12)0.01535 (12)0.01197 (12)0.00032 (9)0.00731 (10)0.00076 (9)
S10.0378 (4)0.0299 (4)0.0409 (5)0.0113 (3)0.0281 (4)0.0160 (3)
P10.0141 (3)0.0199 (3)0.0190 (3)0.0006 (2)0.0102 (3)0.0025 (3)
O10.0187 (11)0.0406 (13)0.0310 (13)0.0015 (9)0.0116 (10)0.0017 (10)
O20.0478 (16)0.0701 (18)0.0462 (16)0.0237 (13)0.0392 (15)0.0314 (14)
O30.0225 (11)0.0317 (11)0.0220 (11)0.0001 (9)0.0092 (10)0.0004 (9)
O40.0251 (11)0.0290 (11)0.0265 (12)0.0067 (9)0.0113 (10)0.0087 (9)
O50.0584 (17)0.0286 (12)0.0450 (15)0.0044 (11)0.0407 (15)0.0102 (10)
O60.0223 (11)0.0380 (12)0.0222 (11)0.0046 (9)0.0088 (10)0.0073 (9)
O70.0273 (12)0.0419 (13)0.0180 (11)0.0101 (10)0.0014 (10)0.0039 (10)
O80.0475 (15)0.0246 (11)0.0422 (15)0.0024 (10)0.0329 (13)0.0018 (10)
O90.0277 (11)0.0290 (11)0.0170 (10)0.0040 (8)0.0105 (10)0.0027 (8)
C10.0174 (13)0.0218 (13)0.0274 (16)0.0036 (10)0.0094 (13)0.0018 (12)
C20.0225 (15)0.0345 (17)0.0273 (17)0.0013 (13)0.0095 (14)0.0065 (13)
C30.035 (2)0.056 (2)0.029 (2)0.0036 (17)0.0070 (17)0.0167 (17)
C40.034 (2)0.056 (3)0.044 (3)0.0121 (18)0.004 (2)0.023 (2)
C50.0236 (18)0.053 (2)0.063 (3)0.0188 (17)0.011 (2)0.008 (2)
C60.0255 (17)0.047 (2)0.049 (2)0.0115 (15)0.0211 (18)0.0067 (17)
C70.0244 (14)0.0220 (13)0.0240 (14)0.0030 (10)0.0183 (13)0.0060 (11)
C80.062 (2)0.0271 (16)0.0338 (19)0.0045 (16)0.033 (2)0.0005 (14)
C90.086 (3)0.0215 (16)0.047 (2)0.0041 (17)0.048 (3)0.0027 (15)
C100.055 (2)0.0294 (16)0.039 (2)0.0137 (15)0.036 (2)0.0135 (14)
C110.0319 (17)0.0369 (17)0.0244 (16)0.0085 (13)0.0151 (15)0.0105 (13)
C120.0245 (15)0.0258 (15)0.0299 (17)0.0049 (12)0.0148 (14)0.0103 (12)
C130.0159 (12)0.0213 (13)0.0181 (13)0.0016 (10)0.0104 (11)0.0027 (10)
C140.0162 (12)0.0202 (12)0.0132 (12)0.0012 (9)0.0090 (11)0.0030 (10)
C150.0221 (13)0.0212 (13)0.0174 (13)0.0008 (10)0.0112 (12)0.0011 (10)
C160.0282 (15)0.0235 (14)0.0226 (15)0.0015 (11)0.0150 (13)0.0051 (11)
C170.0263 (15)0.0326 (15)0.0142 (13)0.0034 (12)0.0108 (12)0.0029 (11)
C180.0295 (16)0.0286 (15)0.0178 (14)0.0033 (12)0.0137 (13)0.0027 (12)
C190.0259 (14)0.0176 (12)0.0195 (14)0.0026 (10)0.0139 (13)0.0002 (10)
C200.0107 (11)0.0191 (12)0.0166 (13)0.0003 (9)0.0063 (11)0.0024 (10)
C210.0195 (15)0.061 (2)0.0220 (16)0.0041 (14)0.0104 (14)0.0085 (15)
C220.0197 (16)0.094 (3)0.034 (2)0.0078 (18)0.0144 (16)0.014 (2)
C230.0148 (14)0.058 (2)0.036 (2)0.0091 (14)0.0097 (15)0.0066 (17)
C240.0187 (15)0.070 (2)0.0204 (16)0.0041 (15)0.0077 (14)0.0133 (16)
C250.0183 (14)0.059 (2)0.0199 (15)0.0046 (14)0.0118 (13)0.0092 (14)
C260.0163 (13)0.0242 (14)0.0252 (15)0.0027 (10)0.0093 (12)0.0055 (11)
C270.0253 (15)0.0383 (17)0.0255 (16)0.0085 (13)0.0125 (14)0.0021 (13)
C280.041 (2)0.045 (2)0.0294 (19)0.0199 (17)0.0149 (17)0.0050 (16)
C290.0271 (18)0.045 (2)0.034 (2)0.0156 (15)0.0027 (16)0.0013 (17)
C300.0155 (15)0.046 (2)0.062 (3)0.0002 (14)0.0127 (18)0.007 (2)
C310.0185 (15)0.0367 (18)0.045 (2)0.0029 (13)0.0161 (16)0.0007 (15)
C320.0205 (13)0.0220 (13)0.0254 (15)0.0002 (10)0.0169 (13)0.0009 (11)
C330.0262 (15)0.0267 (15)0.0257 (15)0.0045 (11)0.0168 (14)0.0047 (12)
C340.0325 (17)0.0277 (15)0.0396 (19)0.0074 (13)0.0248 (16)0.0037 (14)
C350.0383 (18)0.0324 (16)0.045 (2)0.0012 (14)0.0336 (18)0.0054 (15)
C360.0415 (19)0.0359 (17)0.0312 (18)0.0007 (14)0.0262 (17)0.0003 (14)
C370.0256 (15)0.0283 (15)0.0280 (16)0.0031 (12)0.0178 (14)0.0023 (12)
C380.0154 (12)0.0199 (12)0.0179 (13)0.0025 (10)0.0088 (11)0.0005 (10)
C390.0222 (13)0.0217 (13)0.0210 (14)0.0008 (10)0.0147 (12)0.0015 (11)
C400.0212 (13)0.0234 (13)0.0213 (14)0.0022 (10)0.0131 (12)0.0000 (11)
C410.0225 (13)0.0163 (12)0.0179 (13)0.0001 (10)0.0106 (12)0.0021 (10)
C420.0233 (14)0.0252 (14)0.0251 (15)0.0031 (11)0.0162 (13)0.0030 (11)
C430.0179 (13)0.0247 (14)0.0272 (15)0.0006 (10)0.0139 (13)0.0043 (12)
C440.0229 (14)0.0240 (14)0.0284 (16)0.0032 (11)0.0177 (14)0.0060 (12)
C450.0242 (14)0.0319 (15)0.0303 (16)0.0087 (12)0.0193 (14)0.0101 (13)
C460.0264 (14)0.0171 (12)0.0229 (14)0.0017 (10)0.0172 (13)0.0007 (10)
C470.0220 (13)0.0209 (13)0.0252 (15)0.0018 (11)0.0167 (13)0.0004 (11)
C480.0296 (15)0.0198 (13)0.0257 (15)0.0010 (11)0.0204 (14)0.0005 (11)
C490.0175 (13)0.0234 (13)0.0203 (14)0.0026 (10)0.0112 (12)0.0021 (11)
C500.0210 (14)0.0227 (14)0.0229 (15)0.0045 (11)0.0107 (13)0.0013 (11)
C510.0192 (13)0.0235 (13)0.0204 (14)0.0003 (10)0.0118 (12)0.0002 (11)
C520.0205 (13)0.0190 (12)0.0202 (14)0.0041 (10)0.0138 (12)0.0015 (10)
C530.0381 (19)0.051 (2)0.044 (2)0.0112 (16)0.0284 (19)0.0252 (17)
Geometric parameters (Å, º) top
Ru1—C451.895 (3)C13—H13B0.9700
Ru1—C461.932 (3)C14—C151.384 (3)
Ru1—C441.934 (3)C14—C191.394 (4)
Ru1—As12.4217 (3)C15—C161.398 (4)
Ru1—Ru22.8522 (3)C15—H15A0.9300
Ru1—Ru32.8606 (3)C16—C171.380 (4)
Ru2—C481.895 (3)C16—H16A0.9300
Ru2—C491.930 (3)C17—C181.382 (4)
Ru2—C471.938 (3)C17—H17A0.9300
Ru2—As22.4393 (3)C18—C191.382 (4)
Ru2—Ru32.8357 (3)C18—H18A0.9300
Ru3—C511.878 (3)C19—H19A0.9300
Ru3—C521.933 (3)C20—C211.372 (4)
Ru3—C501.943 (3)C20—C251.379 (4)
Ru3—P12.3453 (7)C21—C221.393 (4)
As1—C11.936 (3)C21—H21A0.9300
As1—C71.950 (3)C22—C231.377 (5)
As1—C131.962 (2)C22—H22A0.9300
As2—C201.946 (3)C23—C241.372 (5)
As2—C141.954 (2)C23—H23A0.9300
As2—C131.967 (3)C24—C251.399 (4)
S1—C411.756 (3)C24—H24A0.9300
S1—C531.775 (3)C25—H25A0.9300
P1—C321.834 (3)C26—C271.383 (4)
P1—C381.836 (3)C26—C311.395 (4)
P1—C261.839 (3)C27—C281.392 (5)
O1—C441.150 (4)C27—H27A0.9300
O2—C451.140 (3)C28—C291.379 (6)
O3—C461.146 (4)C28—H28A0.9300
O4—C471.151 (3)C29—C301.374 (6)
O5—C481.140 (3)C29—H29A0.9300
O6—C491.142 (3)C30—C311.399 (5)
O7—C501.138 (4)C30—H30A0.9300
O8—C511.144 (3)C31—H31A0.9300
O9—C521.153 (3)C32—C371.397 (4)
C1—C21.378 (4)C32—C331.398 (4)
C1—C61.400 (4)C33—C341.395 (4)
C2—C31.394 (5)C33—H33A0.9300
C2—H2A0.9300C34—C351.389 (5)
C3—C41.358 (6)C34—H34A0.9300
C3—H3A0.9300C35—C361.371 (5)
C4—C51.377 (7)C35—H35A0.9300
C4—H4A0.9300C36—C371.397 (4)
C5—C61.399 (6)C36—H36A0.9300
C6—H6A0.9300C38—C391.388 (4)
C7—C81.381 (4)C38—C431.401 (3)
C7—C121.383 (4)C39—C401.387 (4)
C8—C91.392 (5)C39—H39A0.9300
C8—H8A0.9300C40—C411.394 (4)
C9—C101.385 (6)C40—H40A0.9300
C9—H9A0.9300C41—C421.393 (4)
C10—C111.368 (5)C42—C431.392 (4)
C11—C121.392 (4)C43—H43A0.9300
C45—Ru1—C4690.51 (13)C15—C14—C19119.4 (2)
C45—Ru1—C4493.36 (13)C15—C14—As2123.0 (2)
C46—Ru1—C44175.24 (11)C19—C14—As2117.54 (19)
C45—Ru1—As1100.13 (9)C14—C15—C16120.0 (3)
C46—Ru1—As190.28 (8)C14—C15—H15A120.0
C44—Ru1—As191.78 (8)C16—C15—H15A120.0
C45—Ru1—Ru2165.84 (10)C17—C16—C15120.1 (3)
C46—Ru1—Ru282.08 (8)C17—C16—H16A120.0
C44—Ru1—Ru293.56 (8)C15—C16—H16A120.0
As1—Ru1—Ru291.991 (10)C16—C17—C18119.8 (3)
C45—Ru1—Ru3110.76 (9)C16—C17—H17A120.1
C46—Ru1—Ru3101.44 (8)C18—C17—H17A120.1
C44—Ru1—Ru374.58 (8)C17—C18—C19120.5 (3)
As1—Ru1—Ru3146.643 (11)C17—C18—H18A119.7
Ru2—Ru1—Ru359.519 (7)C19—C18—H18A119.7
C48—Ru2—C4990.79 (12)C18—C19—C14120.1 (2)
C48—Ru2—C4790.92 (12)C18—C19—H19A120.0
C49—Ru2—C47176.61 (11)C14—C19—H19A120.0
C48—Ru2—As2104.59 (8)C21—C20—C25119.6 (3)
C49—Ru2—As289.66 (8)C21—C20—As2119.9 (2)
C47—Ru2—As292.75 (8)C25—C20—As2120.5 (2)
C48—Ru2—Ru3100.01 (8)C20—C21—C22120.3 (3)
C49—Ru2—Ru390.21 (8)C20—C21—H21A119.8
C47—Ru2—Ru386.61 (7)C22—C21—H21A119.8
As2—Ru2—Ru3155.395 (11)C23—C22—C21120.1 (3)
C48—Ru2—Ru1159.76 (8)C23—C22—H22A120.0
C49—Ru2—Ru184.66 (8)C21—C22—H22A120.0
C47—Ru2—Ru192.74 (8)C24—C23—C22119.9 (3)
As2—Ru2—Ru195.117 (10)C24—C23—H23A120.1
Ru3—Ru2—Ru160.388 (8)C22—C23—H23A120.1
C51—Ru3—C5299.57 (12)C23—C24—C25119.9 (3)
C51—Ru3—C5092.14 (12)C23—C24—H24A120.0
C52—Ru3—C50168.17 (12)C25—C24—H24A120.0
C51—Ru3—P199.62 (8)C20—C25—C24120.1 (3)
C52—Ru3—P187.27 (8)C20—C25—H25A119.9
C50—Ru3—P192.44 (8)C24—C25—H25A119.9
C51—Ru3—Ru286.81 (8)C27—C26—C31118.7 (3)
C52—Ru3—Ru290.79 (7)C27—C26—P1117.8 (2)
C50—Ru3—Ru288.19 (8)C31—C26—P1123.4 (3)
P1—Ru3—Ru2173.506 (19)C26—C27—C28121.3 (3)
C51—Ru3—Ru1144.16 (8)C26—C27—H27A119.3
C52—Ru3—Ru169.84 (8)C28—C27—H27A119.3
C50—Ru3—Ru199.57 (8)C29—C28—C27119.8 (4)
P1—Ru3—Ru1113.452 (19)C29—C28—H28A120.1
Ru2—Ru3—Ru160.093 (7)C27—C28—H28A120.1
C1—As1—C7103.01 (12)C30—C29—C28119.6 (3)
C1—As1—C13104.72 (12)C30—C29—H29A120.2
C7—As1—C1398.63 (11)C28—C29—H29A120.2
C1—As1—Ru1116.68 (9)C29—C30—C31121.1 (3)
C7—As1—Ru1117.57 (8)C29—C30—H30A119.5
C13—As1—Ru1113.89 (8)C31—C30—H30A119.5
C20—As2—C14102.46 (11)C26—C31—C30119.5 (4)
C20—As2—C13101.54 (11)C26—C31—H31A120.2
C14—As2—C13104.34 (11)C30—C31—H31A120.2
C20—As2—Ru2116.43 (7)C37—C32—C33119.1 (3)
C14—As2—Ru2115.44 (8)C37—C32—P1121.2 (2)
C13—As2—Ru2114.74 (7)C33—C32—P1119.4 (2)
C41—S1—C53105.61 (15)C34—C33—C32119.9 (3)
C32—P1—C38103.11 (12)C34—C33—H33A120.1
C32—P1—C26105.57 (13)C32—C33—H33A120.1
C38—P1—C26101.02 (12)C35—C34—C33120.2 (3)
C32—P1—Ru3113.81 (9)C35—C34—H34A119.9
C38—P1—Ru3115.89 (8)C33—C34—H34A119.9
C26—P1—Ru3115.78 (9)C36—C35—C34120.2 (3)
C2—C1—C6119.4 (3)C36—C35—H35A119.9
C2—C1—As1122.1 (2)C34—C35—H35A119.9
C6—C1—As1118.5 (3)C35—C36—C37120.2 (3)
C1—C2—C3120.2 (3)C35—C36—H36A119.9
C3—C2—H2A119.9C36—C37—C32120.3 (3)
C4—C3—C2120.8 (4)C36—C37—H37A119.9
C2—C3—H3A119.6C39—C38—C43117.6 (2)
C3—C4—C5119.8 (4)C39—C38—P1121.46 (19)
C3—C4—H4A120.1C43—C38—P1120.9 (2)
C5—C4—H4A120.1C40—C39—C38121.5 (2)
C4—C5—C6120.7 (4)C40—C39—H39A119.3
C6—C5—H5A119.7C39—C40—C41120.6 (2)
C5—C6—C1119.1 (4)C39—C40—H40A119.7
C1—C6—H6A120.5C42—C41—C40118.8 (2)
C8—C7—C12119.1 (3)C42—C41—S1125.7 (2)
C8—C7—As1123.3 (2)C40—C41—S1115.5 (2)
C12—C7—As1117.6 (2)C43—C42—C41120.1 (2)
C7—C8—C9120.0 (3)C43—C42—H42A119.9
C9—C8—H8A120.0C42—C43—C38121.4 (2)
C10—C9—C8120.4 (3)C42—C43—H43A119.3
C8—C9—H9A119.8O1—C44—Ru1170.4 (2)
C11—C10—C9119.7 (3)O2—C45—Ru1175.3 (3)
C11—C10—H10A120.2O3—C46—Ru1173.1 (2)
C9—C10—H10A120.2O4—C47—Ru2174.8 (2)
C10—C11—C12120.0 (3)O5—C48—Ru2177.1 (3)
C10—C11—H11A120.0O6—C49—Ru2172.8 (2)
C12—C11—H11A120.0O7—C50—Ru3175.4 (2)
C7—C12—C11120.7 (3)O8—C51—Ru3176.4 (2)
C7—C12—H12A119.6O9—C52—Ru3168.7 (2)
As1—C13—As2112.81 (12)S1—C53—H53B109.5
C45—Ru1—Ru2—C4864.9 (5)Ru1—As1—C1—C2108.3 (2)
C46—Ru1—Ru2—C48123.9 (3)C7—As1—C1—C662.1 (3)
C44—Ru1—Ru2—C4854.2 (3)C13—As1—C1—C6164.8 (2)
As1—Ru1—Ru2—C48146.1 (3)Ru1—As1—C1—C668.2 (3)
Ru3—Ru1—Ru2—C4815.6 (3)C6—C1—C2—C30.4 (5)
C45—Ru1—Ru2—C49142.6 (4)As1—C1—C2—C3176.9 (3)
C46—Ru1—Ru2—C49158.40 (11)C1—C2—C3—C41.8 (6)
C44—Ru1—Ru2—C4923.51 (12)C2—C3—C4—C51.8 (7)
As1—Ru1—Ru2—C4968.39 (8)C3—C4—C5—C60.4 (7)
Ru3—Ru1—Ru2—C4993.29 (8)C4—C5—C6—C12.5 (6)
C45—Ru1—Ru2—C4735.2 (4)C2—C1—C6—C52.5 (5)
C46—Ru1—Ru2—C4723.78 (11)As1—C1—C6—C5179.2 (3)
C44—Ru1—Ru2—C47154.31 (11)C1—As1—C7—C83.5 (3)
As1—Ru1—Ru2—C47113.78 (8)C13—As1—C7—C8103.9 (3)
Ru3—Ru1—Ru2—C4784.53 (8)Ru1—As1—C7—C8133.3 (2)
C45—Ru1—Ru2—As2128.2 (4)C1—As1—C7—C12177.4 (2)
C46—Ru1—Ru2—As269.22 (8)C13—As1—C7—C1275.2 (2)
C44—Ru1—Ru2—As2112.68 (8)Ru1—As1—C7—C1247.5 (2)
As1—Ru1—Ru2—As220.778 (12)C12—C7—C8—C91.5 (5)
Ru3—Ru1—Ru2—As2177.538 (11)As1—C7—C8—C9179.4 (3)
C45—Ru1—Ru2—Ru349.3 (4)C7—C8—C9—C102.0 (6)
C46—Ru1—Ru2—Ru3108.32 (8)C8—C9—C10—C110.2 (6)
C44—Ru1—Ru2—Ru369.78 (8)C9—C10—C11—C122.1 (5)
As1—Ru1—Ru2—Ru3161.683 (12)C8—C7—C12—C110.8 (4)
C48—Ru2—Ru3—C5119.80 (13)As1—C7—C12—C11178.4 (2)
C49—Ru2—Ru3—C51110.64 (12)C10—C11—C12—C72.7 (5)
C47—Ru2—Ru3—C5170.54 (12)C1—As1—C13—As293.82 (15)
As2—Ru2—Ru3—C51159.73 (9)C7—As1—C13—As2160.20 (14)
Ru1—Ru2—Ru3—C51165.63 (9)Ru1—As1—C13—As234.79 (15)
C48—Ru2—Ru3—C52119.35 (12)C20—As2—C13—As1141.11 (13)
C49—Ru2—Ru3—C52149.81 (11)C14—As2—C13—As1112.66 (14)
C47—Ru2—Ru3—C5229.01 (11)Ru2—As2—C13—As114.64 (16)
As2—Ru2—Ru3—C5260.18 (8)C20—As2—C14—C1585.2 (2)
Ru1—Ru2—Ru3—C5266.08 (8)C13—As2—C14—C1520.4 (2)
C48—Ru2—Ru3—C5072.44 (13)Ru2—As2—C14—C15147.2 (2)
C49—Ru2—Ru3—C5018.40 (12)C20—As2—C14—C1994.7 (2)
C47—Ru2—Ru3—C50162.78 (12)C13—As2—C14—C19159.7 (2)
As2—Ru2—Ru3—C50108.03 (9)Ru2—As2—C14—C1932.9 (2)
Ru1—Ru2—Ru3—C50102.13 (9)C19—C14—C15—C162.8 (4)
C48—Ru2—Ru3—Ru1174.57 (9)As2—C14—C15—C16177.3 (2)
C49—Ru2—Ru3—Ru183.73 (8)C14—C15—C16—C172.9 (4)
C47—Ru2—Ru3—Ru195.09 (8)C15—C16—C17—C180.0 (5)
As2—Ru2—Ru3—Ru15.90 (3)C16—C17—C18—C193.1 (5)
C45—Ru1—Ru3—C51143.52 (18)C17—C18—C19—C143.2 (5)
C46—Ru1—Ru3—C5148.56 (17)C15—C14—C19—C180.2 (4)
C44—Ru1—Ru3—C51128.75 (17)As2—C14—C19—C18179.7 (2)
As1—Ru1—Ru3—C5159.88 (15)C14—As2—C20—C2125.6 (3)
Ru2—Ru1—Ru3—C5125.04 (15)C13—As2—C20—C21133.3 (2)
C45—Ru1—Ru3—C5265.38 (13)Ru2—As2—C20—C21101.4 (2)
C46—Ru1—Ru3—C5229.57 (11)C14—As2—C20—C25156.1 (2)
C44—Ru1—Ru3—C52153.11 (12)C13—As2—C20—C2548.4 (3)
As1—Ru1—Ru3—C52138.01 (8)Ru2—As2—C20—C2576.9 (2)
Ru2—Ru1—Ru3—C52103.18 (8)C25—C20—C21—C221.6 (5)
C45—Ru1—Ru3—C50109.14 (14)As2—C20—C21—C22176.8 (3)
C46—Ru1—Ru3—C50155.90 (12)C20—C21—C22—C230.0 (6)
C44—Ru1—Ru3—C5021.41 (12)C21—C22—C23—C242.1 (6)
As1—Ru1—Ru3—C5047.46 (9)C22—C23—C24—C252.6 (6)
Ru2—Ru1—Ru3—C5082.30 (9)C21—C20—C25—C241.0 (5)
C45—Ru1—Ru3—P112.24 (11)As2—C20—C25—C24177.3 (3)
C46—Ru1—Ru3—P1107.19 (8)C23—C24—C25—C201.0 (5)
C44—Ru1—Ru3—P175.49 (9)C32—P1—C26—C27171.3 (2)
As1—Ru1—Ru3—P1144.37 (3)C38—P1—C26—C2781.6 (2)
Ru2—Ru1—Ru3—P1179.20 (2)Ru3—P1—C26—C2744.4 (3)
C45—Ru1—Ru3—Ru2168.56 (11)C32—P1—C26—C3111.9 (3)
C46—Ru1—Ru3—Ru273.61 (8)C38—P1—C26—C3195.2 (3)
C44—Ru1—Ru3—Ru2103.71 (8)Ru3—P1—C26—C31138.8 (2)
As1—Ru1—Ru3—Ru234.83 (2)C31—C26—C27—C280.9 (5)
C45—Ru1—As1—C198.91 (14)P1—C26—C27—C28177.9 (3)
C46—Ru1—As1—C1170.52 (12)C26—C27—C28—C290.5 (5)
C44—Ru1—As1—C15.19 (13)C27—C28—C29—C301.6 (6)
Ru2—Ru1—As1—C188.44 (10)C28—C29—C30—C311.2 (6)
Ru3—Ru1—As1—C158.93 (10)C27—C26—C31—C301.3 (5)
C45—Ru1—As1—C724.23 (14)P1—C26—C31—C30178.1 (3)
C46—Ru1—As1—C766.34 (12)C29—C30—C31—C260.3 (6)
C44—Ru1—As1—C7117.95 (12)C38—P1—C32—C3725.6 (3)
Ru2—Ru1—As1—C7148.42 (9)C26—P1—C32—C37131.2 (2)
Ru3—Ru1—As1—C7177.93 (9)Ru3—P1—C32—C37100.8 (2)
C45—Ru1—As1—C13138.84 (13)C38—P1—C32—C33160.9 (2)
C46—Ru1—As1—C1348.28 (12)C26—P1—C32—C3355.3 (2)
C44—Ru1—As1—C13127.43 (12)Ru3—P1—C32—C3372.7 (2)
Ru2—Ru1—As1—C1333.81 (9)C37—C32—C33—C341.5 (4)
Ru3—Ru1—As1—C1363.32 (9)P1—C32—C33—C34175.1 (2)
C48—Ru2—As2—C2073.55 (13)C32—C33—C34—C351.7 (5)
C49—Ru2—As2—C20164.28 (12)C33—C34—C35—C361.1 (5)
C47—Ru2—As2—C2018.12 (12)C34—C35—C36—C370.3 (5)
Ru3—Ru2—As2—C20105.97 (9)C35—C36—C37—C320.2 (5)
Ru1—Ru2—As2—C20111.12 (9)C33—C32—C37—C360.8 (4)
C48—Ru2—As2—C1446.67 (13)P1—C32—C37—C36174.3 (2)
C49—Ru2—As2—C1444.06 (11)C32—P1—C38—C39132.6 (2)
C47—Ru2—As2—C14138.34 (11)C26—P1—C38—C39118.4 (2)
Ru3—Ru2—As2—C14133.81 (8)Ru3—P1—C38—C397.6 (3)
Ru1—Ru2—As2—C14128.66 (8)C32—P1—C38—C4347.5 (3)
C48—Ru2—As2—C13168.08 (13)C26—P1—C38—C4361.5 (3)
C49—Ru2—As2—C1377.35 (12)Ru3—P1—C38—C43172.5 (2)
C47—Ru2—As2—C13100.25 (12)C43—C38—C39—C400.4 (4)
Ru3—Ru2—As2—C1312.39 (10)P1—C38—C39—C40179.7 (2)
Ru1—Ru2—As2—C137.25 (9)C38—C39—C40—C411.1 (4)
C51—Ru3—P1—C32164.97 (14)C39—C40—C41—C421.0 (4)
C52—Ru3—P1—C3265.71 (13)C39—C40—C41—S1179.1 (2)
C50—Ru3—P1—C32102.45 (14)C53—S1—C41—C424.5 (3)
Ru1—Ru3—P1—C320.92 (11)C53—S1—C41—C40175.6 (2)
C51—Ru3—P1—C3845.64 (13)C40—C41—C42—C430.7 (4)
C52—Ru3—P1—C3853.62 (13)S1—C41—C42—C43179.2 (2)
C50—Ru3—P1—C38138.22 (13)C41—C42—C43—C382.3 (5)
Ru1—Ru3—P1—C38120.25 (10)C39—C38—C43—C422.1 (4)
C51—Ru3—P1—C2672.42 (14)P1—C38—C43—C42178.0 (2)
C52—Ru3—P1—C26171.68 (13)C51—Ru3—C52—O960.8 (12)
C50—Ru3—P1—C2620.16 (13)C50—Ru3—C52—O9127.4 (11)
Ru1—Ru3—P1—C26121.69 (10)P1—Ru3—C52—O938.5 (12)
C7—As1—C1—C2121.3 (3)Ru2—Ru3—C52—O9147.7 (12)
C13—As1—C1—C218.6 (3)Ru1—Ru3—C52—O9154.8 (12)
Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
Cg1, Cg2 and Cg3 are the centroids of the C7–C12, C38–C43 and C14–C19 benzene rings, respectively.
C4—H4A···O6i0.932.483.278 (6)144
C24—H24A···O7ii0.932.563.259 (5)132
C42—H42A···O1iii0.932.573.414 (5)151
C30—H30A···Cg1iii0.933.003.890 (6)161
C34—H34A···Cg2iv0.932.893.785 (4)163
C40—H40A···Cg3v0.932.883.672 (4)144
Symmetry codes: (i) x, y+2, z+1; (ii) x+1, y+3/2, z+1/2; (iii) x, y1/2, z+3/2; (iv) x, y+1/2, z+3/2; (v) x+1, y1/2, z+3/2.

Experimental details

Crystal data
Chemical formula[Ru3(C25H22As2)(C19H17PS)(CO)9]
Crystal system, space groupMonoclinic, P21/c
Temperature (K)100
a, b, c (Å)16.1070 (11), 16.7244 (12), 24.3147 (13)
β (°) 129.712 (3)
V3)5038.6 (6)
Radiation typeMo Kα
µ (mm1)2.32
Crystal size (mm)0.19 × 0.07 × 0.03
Data collection
DiffractometerBruker APEXII DUO CCD area-detector
Absorption correctionMulti-scan
(SADABS; Bruker, 2009)
Tmin, Tmax0.660, 0.927
No. of measured, independent and
observed [I > 2σ(I)] reflections
41559, 14623, 11553
(sin θ/λ)max1)0.703
R[F2 > 2σ(F2)], wR(F2), S 0.032, 0.081, 1.02
No. of reflections14623
No. of parameters623
H-atom treatmentH-atom parameters constrained
Δρmax, Δρmin (e Å3)1.24, 0.97

Computer programs: APEX2 (Bruker, 2009), SAINT (Bruker, 2009), SHELXTL (Sheldrick, 2008) and PLATON (Spek, 2009).

Hydrogen-bond geometry (Å, º) top
Cg1, Cg2 and Cg3 are the centroids of the C7–C12, C38–C43 and C14–C19 benzene rings, respectively.
C4—H4A···O6i0.932.483.278 (6)144
C24—H24A···O7ii0.932.563.259 (5)132
C42—H42A···O1iii0.932.573.414 (5)151
C30—H30A···Cg1iii0.933.003.890 (6)161
C34—H34A···Cg2iv0.932.893.785 (4)163
C40—H40A···Cg3v0.932.883.672 (4)144
Symmetry codes: (i) x, y+2, z+1; (ii) x+1, y+3/2, z+1/2; (iii) x, y1/2, z+3/2; (iv) x, y+1/2, z+3/2; (v) x+1, y1/2, z+3/2.


Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: B-6034-2009. On secondment to: Multimedia University, Melaka Campus, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 74750 Melaka, Malaysia.

§Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: E-2833-2010 Current address: Department of Chemistry, Gokhale Centenary College, Ankola 581 314, NK, Karnataka, India.

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: A-5523-2009.

‡‡Thomson Reuters ResearcherID: A-3561-2009. Additional correspondence author, e-mail:


The authors would like to thank the Malaysian Government and Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) for the Research grant 1001/PJJAUH/811115. IAK is grateful to Universiti Sains Malaysia for a Visiting Researcher position. HKF and CSY thank USM for the Research University Grant No. 1001/PFIZIK/811160.


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