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Figure 4
The dependence of the extremal deviations from planarity, Δextrem (Å), within the pyrrole core atoms of the isoindolinone system on the N—C bond length in N—C8(=O) (Å) (OriginLab, 2000BB10). Black squares indicate the structures retrieved from the CSD, the red circle is 2-isopropyl-2,3-di­hydro-1H-isoindol-1-one (Donkeng Dazie, Liška, Ludvík, Fábry & Dušek, 2016BB6), green triangles refer to (VI) (Donkeng Dazie et al., 2017BB7) and blue triangles refer to the title mol­ecule, (V).

ISSN: 2056-9890
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