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Figure 4
(a) The ball-and-stick and polyhedral composite representation showing parts of the Mn—As—O framework. The polyhedral units represent AsO4 tetra­hedra. One of the [Mn4O18]28− units is located in the area outlined by a dotted ellipsoid. The only unshared oxygen atom, O6 of the As1O4 tetra­hedra, forms a bond with a Ba cation. (b) A tetra­meric unit formed by two edge-sharing Mn1O6 octa­hedra and two corner-sharing Mn2O6 octa­hedra. (c) Three [Mn4O18]28− units showing the inter­tetra­mer inter­action through long Mn1—O5 and Mn2—O5 bonds (dotted lines).

ISSN: 2056-9890
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