research communications
Reinvestigation of the 2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 apatite by Rietveld refinement
of CaaCEA, DEN, DE2D, Marcoule, BP17171, F-30207 Bagnols sur Ceze, France
*Correspondence e-mail: nicolas.massoni@cea.fr
Ca2Ln8(SiO4)6O2 apatites with Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd and Tb crystallize in P63/m. The of apatite-type Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 [dicalcium octacerium hexakis(silicate) dioxide], which has been synthesized by was refined from powder X-ray diffraction data using the A database survey shows that contrary to the previously published Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 structure [Skakle et al. (2000). Powder Diffr. 15, 234–238], the cell volume of the structure reported here is consistent with those of other Ln apatites.
Keywords: crystal structure; powder diffraction; cerium calcium silicate oxide apatite; redetermination.
CCDC reference: 1848048
1. Chemical context
Contaminated metallic wastes produced by the nuclear industry need to be managed. This is often achieved by melting them with an oxide slag to make the waste packages more dense and to concentrate the residual plutonium or uranium oxide contamination of the metal. Laboratory work on actinides is facilitated by the use of surrogates that mimic their properties of interest. Cerium can thus be used to simulate the presence of plutonium (Ramsey et al., 1995). The reactivity of cerium(IV) oxide added to melted stainless steel and an SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 glass slag under neutral conditions and at high temperature was studied. Powdered stainless steel from Alfa Aesar and an SiO2–CaO–Al2O3 lab-made glass frit were fused at 1723 K under argon for 6 h in a graphite crucible. Cerium(IV) oxide was introduced to simulate PuO2. The Ellingham diagram predicts that CeIV is reduced to CeIII under these conditions, which is the predominant cerium form at 1723 K. The same behavior is expected for Pu (Ellingham, 1944
). After melting, SEM observations of the sample showed that cerium was concentrated in the glass, as expected, but in two different forms. Cerium is present in the homogeneous part of the glass, at a typical content of 5 wt.% but is also found inside large crystals of hundreds of micrometers across. The X-ray diffractogram of bulk material shows an amorphous bump, attributed to the glass, and a typical pattern for an apatite structure in type P63/m. The approximate composition of this phase was determined as Ca2.4±0.3Ce7.6±0.3(SiO4)6O2 and a cell volume of roughly 560 Å3. However, the diffraction data is inconsistent with the PDF card for Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 (#00-055-0835; ICDD, 2015
) with a cell volume of 530.96 Å3 (Skakle et al., 2000
). The difference between the two volumes, 5.2%, cannot be explained by the difference in composition between the two phases. For instance, the cell volumes of the apatites Ca2Nd8(SiO4)6O2 (#00-028-0228) and Ca2.8Nd7.8(SiO4)6O2 (#04-007-5969) are 552.20 and 551.76 Å3, respectively, a difference of just 0.08%. Moreover, the difference between the cell volumes of Ca2La8(SiO4)6O2 (#00-029-0337) and Ca4La6(SiO4)6O2 (#04-007-9090) is 0.3%. In other words, the 5.2% difference between the cell volume of Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 (Skakle et al., 2000
) and Ca2.4±0.3Ce7.6±0.3(SiO4)6O2 (this work) cannot be explained by their differing calcium contents. These are the reasons why the structure of Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 was reinvestigated in the present work.
2. Structural commentary
Apatites are mineral phases whose general formula is A10(XO4)6Z2, where A = Ca, Sr, Ba, or many rare earth elements, X = B, Si, P, V, As and Z = OH, Cl, F, O, etc. (Byrappa &Yoshimura, 2001). Generally, apatites crystallize in the hexagonal in P63/m. There are two types of A cations in these structures: Type I (Wyckoff position 4f) A cations are aligned along the threefold rotation axes. Theses cations are separated on each of these axes by one-half the value of the c parameter. Type I cations are sometimes called columnar cations. They are ninefold coordinated by oxygen atoms and these columns of AO9 polyhedra are linked together by XO4 tetrahedra, with three of the oxygen atoms belonging to one column and the fourth to an adjacent column (Elliott, 1994
). This results in a skeleton of XO4 tetrahedra (point group symmetry m..) alongside the columnar A cations. This skeleton defines channels that are collinear to the c axis and which correspond to the sixfold screw axes. The Z anions and the remaining A cations, also called type II cations and located on mirror planes (6h), are located inside these channels with the Z anions positioned in ellipsoidal cavities along the c axis. Type II cations are sevenfold coordinated, and these sites are smaller than those centered on type I cations. For the present structure, type I cations are statistically occupied by Ca and Ce whereas type II cations are solely occupied by Ce.
The refined title structure is displayed in Fig. 1. In the case of the synthesized Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 apatite, the possible substitution of trivalent Ce by tetravalent Ce would require one positive charge, which should be balanced by replacing calcium by a monovalent cation. No such element was detected by energy-dispersive (EDS). Such a substitution of Ce3+ by Ce4+ in a britholite was investigated by Terra (2005
). However, the characterization of the substitution gave unclear results, revealing that the substitution was not successful. This indicates that the presence of tetravalent Ce in the synthesized apatite is also unlikely. It should be noted that there is no obvious explanation for the differences between our structure model (in particular in terms of lattice parameters) and the structure model with the same composition reported by Skakle et al. (2000
; #00-055-0835). These authors stated that the difference might result from a different synthesis route, i.e. hydrothermal for their Ce-apatite versus solid-state routes for other Ln-apatites. However, in our opinion, differences in the synthesis route can result only in slight differences between the resulting structures for a given composition. On the other hand, differences occur mainly because of slight variations in the composition, especially for wet synthesis routes for which the presence of carbonate or hydrogenphosphate in the structure can be difficult to avoid. Another known source of variations in the lattice volume is the presence of radiation defects, but this does not seem relevant here. Table 1
reports some bond lengths compared with the already published Ce-apatite #00-055-0835 (Skakle et al., 2000
) and La-apatite #00-029-0337 (Smith & McCarthy, 1977
). As already noticed by Skakle et al. (2000
), the Si1—O1 bond length of their structure model was rather short (1.42 Å), with the corresponding SiO4 tetrahedron highly distorted, as shown by the distorsion index calculated by VESTA (Momma & Izumi, 2011
). The Si—O bond lengths of the redetermined structure are in good agreement with expected values and those of other La-apatites (Table 1
). Likewise, the distorsion index of the SiO4 tetrahedron is smaller with an order of magnitude for the redetermined structure and other La-apatites.
![]() | Figure 1 Polyhedral representation of the Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 structure. SiO4 tetrahedra are in blue, the mixed Ca/Ce sites are shown as pink/yellow and the Ce sites as yellow spheres, respectively. |
3. Database survey
The focus here is on silicate oxide apatites containing calcium and lanthanides. For most lanthanides, the structures published with the highest notation index are those of Ca2Ln8(SiO4)6O2 apatites, indicating that they were refined in terms of lattice parameters and atomic positions. The cell parameters in apatite structure are highly dependent on the nature of the lanthanide. Structure data for La (#00-029-0337), Pr (#00-029-0362), Sm (#00-029-0365), Eu (#00-029-0320), Gd (#00-028-0212) apatites (Smith & McCarthy, 1977), as well as the Ce (#00-055-0835) (Skakle et al., 2000
) and the Nd (#00-028-0228) apatite (Fahey et al., 1985
) have been reported. Fig. 2
shows the ionic radius of Ln3+ in a VIII-coordinated environment (Shannon, 1976
) as a function of the volume of the Ln-apatite.
![]() | Figure 2 Plot of the volume of Ca2LnIII8(SiO4)6O2 Ln-apatites versus ionic radii of Ln3+ ions in a VIII-coordinated environment. |
The linear correlation indicates that the ionic radius of the lanthanide controls the cell volume. For the Ce-apatite (#00-055-0835), the cell volume in the published structure is 530.96 Å3, which does not follow the general trend (Skakle et al., 2000). However, the structure reported in the current article fits with the linear correlation between ionic radius and cell volume. Table 2
compiles the corresponding lattice parameters and cell volumes.
The database survey was extended to cerium-based P63/m phases and identified a number of silicate apatites (also known as britholites) as possible matches. The Ce9.33(SiO4)6O2 phase, characterized by Rocchini et al. (2000), has a chemical composition similar to the structure reported here as it contains CeIII without calcium (#00-054-0618, a = 9.598 Å, c = 7.106 Å, V = 566.91 Å3). Natural britolithe with composition Ca4(Ce,La,Nd,Ca,Th)6(SiO4)6O2 (#00-046-1294; a = 9.59 Å, c = 7.04 Å, V = 561.53 Å3) is a silicate apatite that contains a combination of rare earth elements with cerium (Orlandi et al., 1989
). The lattice parameters are very close to the values reported in this paper but this phase is too rich in calcium, i.e. 10.11 wt.% compared with 4.5 wt.% for the Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 apatite. Oxyfluorinated silicate phases should also be considered. Within this compositional frame, the closest synthetic britolithe reported is cerium calcium strontium silicate fluoride oxide (#01-077-0619; a = 9.64 Å, c = 7.08 Å, V = 569.64 Å3) the formula of which is (Ce0.4Ca0.35Sr0.25)4(Ce0.86Ca0.14)6(SiO4)6(O0.5F0.38)2 (Genkina et al., 1991
). This apatite seems to be an isotype of the current redetermined structure because its calcium content is similar (5.26 wt.% versus 4.5 wt.%). However, this material differs from the one reported here because it contains Sr (5.13 wt.%) and fluorine (0.85 wt.%).
4. Synthesis and crystallization
The usual synthesis protocol for Ca2Ln8(SiO4)6O2 apatites is a of CaO, Ln2O3 and SiO2 in appropriate amounts under air above 1673 K (Nicoleau et al., 2016). A trivalent Ln precursor is used, with the same as found in the final apatite. However, cerium oxide is usually only available as CeO2, in which cerium is tetravalent. The synthesis of Ce2O3 is known to be quite difficult and this phase is not fully stable under air (Bärnighausen & Schiller, 1985
; Strydom & van Vuuren, 1987
; Perrichon et al., 1994
; Hamm et al., 2014
). Hence, a particular synthesis protocol was adopted to successfully prepare the Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 phase. Metallic silicon was added to a mixture of CeO2, SiO2 and CaO to ensure a double reaction during the thermal treatment: (i) in situ reduction of CeO2 to Ce2O3 with oxidation of Si to SiO2 and (ii) synthesis of the apatite by of Ce2O3, SiO2 and CaO. Silicon was chosen because it reduces CeO2 to Ce2O3 and is inert to CaO, SiO2 and the alumina crucible used for the reaction (Ellingham, 1944
). Moreover, the product of the reaction relates to the final composition of the apatite without by-products. The following amounts of precursors were used: 688.5 mg of CeO2, 28.1 mg of Si, 120.2 mg of SiO2 and 56.1 mg of CaO. The mixture was manually milled three times in an agate mortar and gently pressed in an alumina crucible. The sample was then heat treated under argon at 1873 K for 1 h with a heating ramp of 10 K min−1, then cooled at a controlled rate of 30 K min−1. A radially and axially shrunk pellet was obtained with a homogeneous brownish color, which was crushed in an agate mortar before X-ray diffraction measurements. The powdered sample was analyzed in a Panalytical XPert MPD Pro diffractometer in Bragg Brentano geometry for 5 h with 2θ varying between 15 and 130°, using copper radiation. The powder was polished for SEM observation and EDS measurements. The average composition measured from six points was Ca2.1Ce7.9(SiO4)6O2, which is close to the fixed composition of Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 chosen for the refinement.
5. Refinement
Details of the data collection and structure and Fig. 3
. The occupancies of the Si and O atoms were fixed to unity in agreement with the general observation that there are no vacancies on these sites for apatites. The total occupancies of the 6h and 4f sites were constrained to unity and the Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 composition was kept fixed. The 6h site was considered as fully occupied by cerium since the refined calcium content was very low (0.9%). It is the same case as in the Pr-apatite structure (#00-029-0362) but not for the La (#00-029-0337) and Nd (#00-028-0228) apatites where calcium contents on the 6h site were determined to be 1.4% and 4%, respectively. The 4f site was modelled as half-occupied by Ca and Ce ions. Isotropic displacement parameters (Uiso) were constrained to 0.008 Å2 for the 4f site atoms, 0.006 Å2 for the 6h site atoms, 0.005 Å2 for Si and 0.003 Å2 for oxygen sites. The residual electron density is 5.75 e Å−3 at a distance of 0.97Å from site Ce_b.
![]() | Figure 3 Experimental and calculated X-ray powder data profiles of Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2, with difference plot. |
Supporting information
CCDC reference: 1848048
Data collection: Data Collector (Panalytical, 2011); cell
JANA2006 (Petříček et al., 2014); data reduction: JANA2006 (Petříček et al., 2014); program(s) used to solve structure: JANA2006 (Petříček et al., 2014); program(s) used to refine structure: JANA2006 (Petříček et al., 2014); molecular graphics: VESTA (Momma & Izumi, 2011); software used to prepare material for publication: publCIF (Westrip, 2010).Ca2Ce8(SiO4)6O2 | y |
Mr = 1785.6 | Dx = 5.239 Mg m−3 |
Hexagonal, P63/m | Cu Kα1 radiation, λ = 1.540562, 1.544390 Å |
a = 9.59912 (6) Å | T = 293 K |
c = 7.09284 (6) Å | Particle morphology: plate-like |
V = 566.00 (1) Å3 | brown |
Z = 1 | flat_sheet, 25 × 25 mm |
F(000) = 796 | Specimen preparation: Prepared at 1873 K and 100 kPa, cooled at 30 K min−1 |
Panalytical XPert MPD Pro diffractometer | Data collection mode: reflection |
Radiation source: sealed X-ray tube | Scan method: step |
Specimen mounting: packed powder pellet | 2θmin = 10.023°, 2θmax = 130.010°, 2θstep = 0.017° |
Rp = 0.045 | 28 parameters |
Rwp = 0.059 | 0 restraints |
Rexp = 0.034 | 9 constraints |
R(F) = 0.046 | Weighting scheme based on measured s.u.'s |
6881 data points | (Δ/σ)max = 0.005 |
Profile function: pseudo-Voigt | Background function: Legendre polynoms |
x | y | z | Uiso*/Ueq | Occ. (<1) | |
Ca_a | 0.333333 | 0.666667 | −0.0009 (7) | 0.008* | 0.5 |
Ce_a | 0.333333 | 0.666667 | −0.0009 (7) | 0.008* | 0.5 |
Ce_b | 0.23194 (13) | −0.01214 (18) | 0.25 | 0.006* | |
Si_c | 0.4040 (6) | 0.3713 (6) | 0.25 | 0.005* | |
O1_c | 0.3293 (13) | 0.4865 (12) | 0.25 | 0.003* | |
O2_c | 0.5980 (14) | 0.4634 (13) | 0.25 | 0.003* | |
O3_c | 0.3410 (7) | 0.2594 (8) | 0.0668 (9) | 0.003* | |
O4_d | 0 | 0 | 0.25 | 0.003* |
Ca_a—Ca_ai | 3.534 (7) | Ce_a—O1_c | 2.468 (10) |
Ca_a—Ca_aii | 3.559 (7) | Ce_a—O1_cvi | 2.468 (8) |
Ca_a—Ce_a | 0 | Ce_a—O1_cvii | 2.468 (13) |
Ca_a—Ce_ai | 3.534 (7) | Ce_a—O2_ciii | 2.437 (11) |
Ca_a—Ce_aii | 3.559 (7) | Ce_a—O2_civ | 2.437 (10) |
Ca_a—Si_ciii | 3.246 (6) | Ce_a—O2_cv | 2.437 (13) |
Ca_a—Si_civ | 3.246 (8) | Ce_b—O3_cviii | 2.396 (7) |
Ca_a—Si_cv | 3.246 (5) | Ce_b—O3_cix | 2.396 (7) |
Ca_a—O2_ciii | 2.437 (11) | Ce_b—O4_d | 2.2870 (15) |
Ca_a—O2_civ | 2.437 (10) | Si_c—O1_c | 1.590 (16) |
Ca_a—O2_cv | 2.437 (13) | Si_c—O2_c | 1.614 (13) |
Ce_a—Ce_ai | 3.534 (7) | Si_c—O3_c | 1.600 (7) |
Ce_a—Ce_aii | 3.559 (7) | Si_c—O3_cii | 1.600 (7) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Ca_aii | 180.0 (5) | Ca_ai—Ce_a—O2_cv | 43.5 (3) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Ce_a | 0 | Ca_aii—Ce_a—Ce_ai | 180.0 (5) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Ce_ai | 0.0 (5) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—Ce_aii | 0.0 (5) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Ce_aii | 180.0 (5) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O1_c | 43.9 (2) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Si_ciii | 57.01 (10) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 43.87 (19) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Si_civ | 57.01 (11) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 43.9 (3) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—Si_cv | 57.01 (9) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 136.5 (3) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 43.5 (3) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O2_civ | 136.5 (3) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—O2_civ | 43.5 (3) | Ca_aii—Ce_a—O2_cv | 136.5 (3) |
Ca_ai—Ca_a—O2_cv | 43.5 (3) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—Ce_aii | 180.0 (5) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Ce_a | 0 | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O1_c | 136.1 (2) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Ce_ai | 180.0 (5) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 136.13 (19) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Ce_aii | 0.0 (5) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 136.1 (3) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Si_ciii | 122.99 (10) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 43.5 (3) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Si_civ | 122.99 (11) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O2_civ | 43.5 (3) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—Si_cv | 122.99 (9) | Ce_ai—Ce_a—O2_cv | 43.5 (3) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 136.5 (3) | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O1_c | 43.9 (2) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—O2_civ | 136.5 (3) | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 43.87 (19) |
Ca_aii—Ca_a—O2_cv | 136.5 (3) | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 43.9 (3) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—Ce_ai | 0 | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 136.5 (3) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—Ce_aii | 0 | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O2_civ | 136.5 (3) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—Si_ciii | 0 | Ce_aii—Ce_a—O2_cv | 136.5 (3) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—Si_civ | 0 | O1_c—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 73.8 (4) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—Si_cv | 0 | O1_c—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 73.8 (4) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 0 | O1_c—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 94.4 (3) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—O2_civ | 0 | O1_c—Ce_a—O2_civ | 153.3 (4) |
Ce_a—Ca_a—O2_cv | 0 | O1_c—Ce_a—O2_cv | 126.7 (3) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—Ce_aii | 180.0 (5) | O1_cvi—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 73.8 (4) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—Si_ciii | 57.01 (10) | O1_cvi—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 126.7 (4) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—Si_civ | 57.01 (11) | O1_cvi—Ce_a—O2_civ | 94.4 (3) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—Si_cv | 57.01 (9) | O1_cvi—Ce_a—O2_cv | 153.3 (6) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 43.5 (3) | O1_cvii—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 153.3 (3) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—O2_civ | 43.5 (3) | O1_cvii—Ce_a—O2_civ | 126.7 (5) |
Ce_ai—Ca_a—O2_cv | 43.5 (3) | O1_cvii—Ce_a—O2_cv | 94.4 (4) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—Si_ciii | 122.99 (10) | O2_ciii—Ce_a—O2_civ | 73.2 (5) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—Si_civ | 122.99 (11) | O2_ciii—Ce_a—O2_cv | 73.2 (5) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—Si_cv | 122.99 (9) | O2_civ—Ce_a—O2_cv | 73.2 (3) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 136.5 (3) | O3_cviii—Ce_b—O3_cix | 139.4 (4) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—O2_civ | 136.5 (3) | O3_cviii—Ce_b—O4_d | 105.0 (2) |
Ce_aii—Ca_a—O2_cv | 136.5 (3) | O3_cix—Ce_b—O4_d | 105.0 (2) |
Si_ciii—Ca_a—Si_civ | 93.17 (18) | Ca_ax—Si_c—Ca_axi | 65.98 (17) |
Si_ciii—Ca_a—Si_cv | 93.17 (18) | Ca_ax—Si_c—O1_c | 136.4 (2) |
Si_ciii—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 28.7 (3) | Ca_ax—Si_c—O2_c | 46.6 (4) |
Si_ciii—Ca_a—O2_civ | 64.6 (4) | Ca_ax—Si_c—O3_c | 114.9 (5) |
Si_ciii—Ca_a—O2_cv | 97.0 (4) | Ca_ax—Si_c—O3_cii | 62.4 (3) |
Si_civ—Ca_a—Si_cv | 93.17 (16) | Ca_axi—Si_c—O1_c | 136.4 (2) |
Si_civ—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 97.0 (3) | Ca_axi—Si_c—O2_c | 46.6 (4) |
Si_civ—Ca_a—O2_civ | 28.7 (4) | Ca_axi—Si_c—O3_c | 62.4 (3) |
Si_civ—Ca_a—O2_cv | 64.6 (3) | Ca_axi—Si_c—O3_cii | 114.9 (5) |
Si_cv—Ca_a—O2_ciii | 64.6 (3) | O1_c—Si_c—O2_c | 114.7 (7) |
Si_cv—Ca_a—O2_civ | 97.0 (2) | O1_c—Si_c—O3_c | 108.5 (5) |
Si_cv—Ca_a—O2_cv | 28.7 (3) | O1_c—Si_c—O3_cii | 108.5 (5) |
O2_ciii—Ca_a—O2_civ | 73.2 (5) | O2_c—Si_c—O3_c | 108.2 (5) |
O2_ciii—Ca_a—O2_cv | 73.2 (5) | O2_c—Si_c—O3_cii | 108.2 (5) |
O2_civ—Ca_a—O2_cv | 73.2 (3) | O3_c—Si_c—O3_cii | 108.6 (4) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—Ca_ai | 0 | Ce_a—O1_c—Ce_aii | 92.3 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—Ca_aii | 0 | Ce_a—O1_c—Si_c | 129.2 (3) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—Ce_ai | 0 | Ce_aii—O1_c—Si_c | 129.2 (3) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—Ce_aii | 0 | Ca_ax—O2_c—Ca_axi | 93.0 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O1_c | 0 | Ca_ax—O2_c—Ce_ax | 0.0 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 0 | Ca_ax—O2_c—Ce_axi | 93.0 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 0 | Ca_ax—O2_c—Si_c | 104.7 (4) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 0 | Ca_axi—O2_c—Ce_ax | 93.0 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O2_civ | 0 | Ca_axi—O2_c—Ce_axi | 0.0 (5) |
Ca_a—Ce_a—O2_cv | 0 | Ca_axi—O2_c—Si_c | 104.7 (4) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—Ca_aii | 180.0 (5) | Ce_ax—O2_c—Ce_axi | 93.0 (5) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—Ce_ai | 0.0 (5) | Ce_ax—O2_c—Si_c | 104.7 (4) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—Ce_aii | 180.0 (5) | Ce_axi—O2_c—Si_c | 104.7 (4) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—O1_c | 136.1 (2) | Ce_bv—O3_c—Si_c | 146.2 (5) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—O1_cvi | 136.13 (19) | Ce_b—O4_d—Ce_bxii | 120.00 (5) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—O1_cvii | 136.1 (3) | Ce_b—O4_d—Ce_bxiii | 120.00 (6) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—O2_ciii | 43.5 (3) | Ce_bxii—O4_d—Ce_bxiii | 120.00 (6) |
Ca_ai—Ce_a—O2_civ | 43.5 (3) |
Symmetry codes: (i) x, y, −z−1/2; (ii) x, y, −z+1/2; (iii) −x+1, −y+1, z−1/2; (iv) y, −x+y+1, z−1/2; (v) x−y, x, z−1/2; (vi) −y+1, x−y+1, z; (vii) −x+y, −x+1, z; (viii) y, −x+y, z+1/2; (ix) y, −x+y, −z; (x) −x+1, −y+1, z+1/2; (xi) −x+1, −y+1, −z; (xii) −y, x−y, z; (xiii) −x+y, −x, z. |
Bond length and angles | Skakle et al. (2000) | This work | La-apatite (Smith & McCarthy, 1977) |
Ca/Ln—O1 | 2.51 (3) | 2.468 (10) | 2.485 |
Si1—O1 | 1.42 (5) | 1.590 (16) | 1.616 |
Si1—O2 | 1.59 (6) | 1.614 (13) | 1.625 |
Si1—O3 | 1.62 (3) | 1.608 (7) | 1.621 |
O1—Si1—O2 | 123 (2) | 114.7 (7) | 94.93 |
O1—Si1—O3 | 109.2 (21) | 108.5 (5) | 108.22 |
O2—Si1—O3 | 106.5 (20) | 108.2 (5) | 110.94 |
O3—Si1—O3 | 99.4 (17) | 108.6 (4) | 105.35 |
Distorsion index of the SiO4 tetrahedron* | 0.04458 | 0.00396 | 0.00139 |
* as calculated by VESTA (Momma & Izumi, 2011). |
Ln | Gd | Eu | Sm | Nd | Ce | Ce | La | Pr |
Ref. PDF | 28-0212 | 29-0320 | 29-0365 | 28-0228 | This work | 55-0835 | 29-0337 | 29-0362 |
a | 9.421 (2) | 9.440 (2) | 9.466 | 9.529 (5) | 9.59912 (6) | 9.4343 (3) | 9.651 | 9.565 |
c | 6.888 (2) | 6.918 (2) | 6.949 | 7.022 (1) | 7.09284 (6) | 6.8885 (4) | 7.151 | 7.060 |
V | 529.4 | 533.9 | 539.2 | 552.2 | 566.00 (1) | 530.98 (4) | 576.8 | 559.4 |
NM would like to thank Professor Philippe Deniard from the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes for ongoing support in performing Rietveld refinements.
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