Figure 9
Figure with the original caption from the 1956 paper; n.s. refers to normal scattering and a.s. to anomalous scattering. We also need to quote from their main text: "let us assume that the positions of the anomalous scatterers have been established by usual methods (e.g., from interpretation of Patterson maps, including if necessary joint Patterson maps obtained by altering the incident X-ray wavelength so that in one case no anomalous scattering occurs). Then Aha.s., Bha.s, A-ha.s, and B-ha.s are known; and of course |Fh|2 and |F-h|2 are known from the original intensity measurements….The phase problem for a non centric crystal, containing anomalous scatterers in known positions and normal scatterers in unknown positions, has now been reduced to the choice between [phase] solutions I and II.' See also Helliwell (1984 ) Section 8.3 discussion and Figs. 51, 52 and 53 therein. Reprinted figure with permission from Okaya, Y. & Pepinsky, R. (1956 ). Phys. Rev. 103, 1645–1647. Copyright (1956) by the American Physical Society. |